
【题目】My mother loves flowers. As soon as warm weather comes around, you will find her planting, watering and weeding over everything .For many years we lived next door to each other, and she spent as much time in my garden as she did her own. After the flowers became plentiful each summer, she would cut colorful bouquets(花束)to enjoy inside the house—both hers and mine . I would often come home from work and find a beautiful arrangement(布置)of fresh flowers on my coffee table.

Shortly before Christmas one year, a local flower shop offered a bouquet-a-month special. It seemed to be a great way to thank her for all of the flowers she had given me through the years.

After the holidays, in early January, I drove her to the flower shop to pick up her first month’s bouquet. the small fresh colorful bouquet would hardly fill a small vase(花瓶).

I was so embarrassed(尴尬的).However, after we returned home, she began to arrange the flowers she had received.“Mom, I’m sorry, ”I told her.“I can’t believe how skimpy that bouquet is.”She looked at me and smiled.“It’s okay,”she said“It allows me to better enjoy the beauty of each one.”

Mom’s words helped me to realize something bigger and more important—when we have too many good things, we often fail to enjoy the beauty of each one.

Thanks, Mom ,for helping me understand that less is sometimes more.

【1According to paragraph 1 ,which of the following is TRUE?

A. The author’s mother put fresh flowers on the author’s coffee table.

B. The author used to buy some fresh flowers on her way home.

C. The author’s mother usually bought flowers for her daughter.

D. The author and her mother shared a beautiful garden.

【2The author bought her mother flowers to_______.

A. celebrate the coming Christmas

B. express thanks for all her mother’s done

C. bring more flowers to her mother’s garden

D. arrange her mother’s new house

【3The underlined word“skimpy”in Paragraph 4 means_______.

A. beautiful B. colorful C. cheap D. small

【4What did the author learn from her mother?

A. How to grow flowers.

B. How to arrange flowers

C. Enjoying life if possible

D. Considering things in other ways.








【1】细节理解题。第一段最后一句 I would often come home from work and find a beautiful arrangement of fresh flowers on my coffee table.我每次放学回家,总会发现咖啡桌上布置了漂亮的花束。可见是她妈妈在她的桌子上放下这些花的。故选A

【2】细节理解题。第二段第一句话It seemed to be a great way to thank her for all of the flowers she had given me through the years.这似乎是个感谢妈妈这些年为她所做的好机会。故选B

【3】细节分析题。第三段最后一句the small fresh colorful bouquet would hardly fill a small vase.小花束很难填满这个小花瓶。她感到很窘迫,因为她感觉到自己松的花束太小了,这里根本没有提及价格。Skimpy,就是瘦小的。故选D



【题目】改编】A few years ago, I was on a plane with my friend, waiting for it to take off. The pilot’s voice was heard throughout the plane: “Sorry for the delay, ladies and gentlemen. Our engines don’t work. We are going to jump-start them. Once we get them going, we’ll get up in the air and see what happens.”

That was all he said. “See what happens?” Shouldn’t we have had a better plan than that? At that point. I could only laugh nervously. One woman started crying, “Oh no! We are going to crash!’’ There were sighs of hopelessness and anxiety, and we hadn’t even taken off yet.

The pilot even seemed unhappy. He told us our one engine was working double time, and his plan was to get up in the air and see what happens! Then we did. We got up in the air, and what happened? Nothing. We arrived in Norfolk, and no sooner had the wheels touched down than applause burst out as everyone on the airplane breathed a sigh of relief.

While I do prefer planning better than “see what happens” when it comes to flying, it really isn’t such a bad idea for life.All too often, people stop trying to achieve their goals just because they don’t have a guaranteed result. But success will never be guaranteed. The best thing that you can do is just get up in the air, and see what happens. If your effort is to build a business then get up in the air and see what happens! Don’t give yourself all the reasons why you can’t. Do not wait until you have everything you need. You never will!

If your goal is to start a friendship, say “Hello”, get up in the air and see what happens! The results could be very rewarding.

If your goal is to learn a new skill, get up in the air and see what happens! It might not be as difficult as your think. It could be fun!

When traveling, i hope that my pilot has a more detailed plan than “we will see what happens” . But in life, it is not a bad strategy at all.

【1】What was the pilot’s attitude toward the situation?

A.Disappointed and panicked

B.Surprised and honest

C.Comforting and encouraging

D.Hesitant and weak.

【2】What was the passengers’ reaction when they arrived in Norfolk ?

A.They were thankful and relieved.

B.They cheered for the pilot’s correct operation.

C.They complained that the plane was not safe enough

D.They just walked off the plane as if nothing had happened.

【3】What can we know from the passage?

A.The plane was delayed because of its wheels.

B.The plane arrived at the airport safely.

C.It was a terrible journey for the author.

D.Most of the passengers remained calm on hearing the bad news

【4】What is the main idea of this article ?

A.“we will see what happens” is not a good plan for pilots

B.Try to have everything prepared before you do something

C.When you want to do something, you have to actually do it .

D.Never stop chasing your goals even if they are certain to fail

【题目】Researchers are finding new ways to save snakebite victims.Experts discussed the latest findings during a recent conference.

Scientists in Australia have shown that a chemical called nitric oxide could increase the chances of surviving a poisonous snakebite.The scientists injected rats with a deadly amount of snake venom.Then they rubbed an ointment(软膏)containing nitric oxide on the skin around the injection site.The study found that the rats lived about one-third longer than if nitric oxide had not been used.But the treatment had to be started very quickly.

Dirk van Helden led the research.He says the nitric oxide ointment also showed promise in humans.The study appeared earlier this year in the journal Nature Medicine.Scientists say the findings could help save many lives.A recent study found that poisonous snakes cause as many as ninety-four thousand deaths worldwide each year.But Ulrich Kuch of the Biodiversity and Climate Research Center in Frankfurt,Germany,says that number appears to be low.

Mr Kuch says many deaths could be prohibited if snakebite victims are treated correctly,but they often go to traditional healers or do not seek any help at all.He said,“Sometimes it’s because there is no treatment available—no antivenom(抗蛇毒血清),which is the specific(特殊的)drug to treat snakebites—or health care staff do not know how to treat snakebites,and sometimes its because transportation to get to a health facility is not available or too expensive.

Here is no single antivenom that can be used to treat all snakebites.The antivenom must be specific to the kind of snake that bit the person.In some countries the treatment is costly,while in others there is no such treatment.

1What is this passage mainly about?( )

A.Snakebite deaths around the world.

B.Progress in fighting snakebite deaths.

C.Snakebite treatment around the world.

D.The chances of surviving a poisonous snakebite.

2After being rubbed an ointment containing nitric oxide,the rats .

A.suffered no pain B.died immediately

C.lived a little longer D.started feeling uncomfortable

3What does Paragraph 3 suggest?( )

A.The number of deaths caused by snakebites is becoming lower each year.

B.The nitric oxide ointment has saved thousands of people’s lives.

C.It is very important to find an effective way to treat snakebites.

D.The number of deaths caused by snakebites worldwide is low.

4What does the underlined word “prohibited” in Paragraph 4 mean?( )

A. caused. B.considered.

C.examined. D.prevented.

5What is implied in the last paragraph?( )

A.Antivenom can be made very easily.

B.It’s very important to use the correct antivenom to treat snakebite victims.

C.Antivenom is extremely expensive all over the world.

D.A person bitten by a snake will survive as long as there is antivenom.

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