
_____ taking my advice ,he went and did just what I warned him against.

  1. A.
    Due to
  2. B.
    Apart from
  3. C.
    Far from
  4. D.
    Because of
这题考查词组辨析:Due to因为,Apart from除了,Far from 远非,Because of因为,句意是:没有接受我的建议,他去做了我不让他做得事。选C。

Friendship is unconditional and uncritical, based only on mutual respect and the ability to enjoy each other's company. These authority figures never saw the way one of us could do something outrageous, and the rest of us would joke about it for days. We could have fun doing absolutely nothing at all—because the (1)_______ we provided each other with was enough. Rather than discussing operas, Lewinsky, or the weather, we enjoyed just (2)_______ each other without any one of us trying to outsmart the others. Still, I realize that these adults had a(3)_______ to be concerned about the direction my friends were(4)_______; I also was concerned for them, but I wasn't about to (5)_______ them.

Many times I would advise my friends that some activity may be (6)_______ or to think things through before doing something, but I would never claim to hold the moral high ground and to condescend to them. When Marvin would begin rolling joints, when Alisa would tell me she skipped school because of a hangover, or when Merriam would tell me that her new boyfriend was in a street gang, I expressed my discomfort with their (7)_______. However, I never (8)_______ them with the threat of taking my friendship away. Contrary to the commercials on television, you can have (9)______ who use drugs. In fact, probably everyone does without (10)______ it.

1. A. gift        B. present          C. company        D. friendship

2. A. hanging around                            B. learning from  

  C. communicating with           D. joining in

3. A. prejudice B. point              C. suggestion                D. situation

4. A. giving            B. coming        C. heading        D. facing

5. A. ignore          B. upset             C. blame                D. leave

6. A. crazy     B. dangerous             C. boring             D. important

7. A. action            B. lessons                C. words             D. thoughts

8. A. force          B. threaten               C. persuade         D. cheat

9. A. friends         B. girlfriends    C. classmates              D. brothers

10. A. hearing         B. recognizing     C. realizing          D. knowing

Once when I was nine, I came down with a horrible case of tonsillitis (扁桃腺炎). I remember going to the doctor, feeling miserable and scared, but also knowing that this man would somehow fix me. As he declared his conclusion regarding my illness, he asked my mother “Is your daughter allergic (过敏的) to any medicine? ” My mom hesitated for a moment, while I was looking at her questioningly. Was I allergic to anything? What if I was? What would happen to me?  My mother said no.
That evening after taking my pill, I began to shake uncontrollably. I complained of a terrible headache and continued shaking as my mother held me. She didn’t seem very concerned, yet I believed I was allergic to the pill. Before I fell asleep that night, I told my mom the medicine had made me sick and I wouldn’t take it anymore. The next morning, my mother had me drink a tall glass of iced tea that tasted funny. Later that afternoon, my mom asked me how I felt. I told her I was doing much better, and that was when she dropped the bomb on me. She told me she had mixed my ice tea that morning with my medicine. Guess what, no allergic reaction. I was never allergic to the pills, but my powerful subconscious (潜意识的) mind, accepted a mere suggestion by the doctor that I might be, and my body acted accordingly.
Most of us have no idea how powerful our minds are, and how incoming information continually affects our experience. When I took that pill, it had a negative effect on my mind. Researchers are finding more and more evidence that what we believe, or expect to happen medically, has a deep effect on what actually does happen. 
In some medical trials, the patients never took any medicine, only sugar pills, but were told they had been given expensive medicine, and their conditions improved anyway. They simply believed they would get better. On the other side of the coin, people who believe they are going to die in an operation have a higher death rate than people who don’t.
What we expect often tends to get realized. The power of your mind to heal your body is absolutely fantastic.  Take care in what information you choose to believe about your health and well-being. Think positively about your outcome in medical situations and allow your power of belief to help you heal.
49. The girl shook uncontrollably that evening because she _______.
A. had a horrible case of tonsillitis at the time
B. was allergic to the medicine she had taken
C. imagined the medicine was doing its harm
D. wanted to cheat her mother for more concern
50. The underlined “ she dropped the bomb on me ” can be understood as “ _______ ”.
A. she told me the truth that awakened me
B. she beat me like a plane dropping a bomb
C. she scolded me with heart-breaking words
D. she hurt my pride by telling me the truth
51. We can infer from the passage that _______.
A. most people believe our minds can function powerfully
B. it’s harmful to our health to take in negative information
C. the powerful subconscious mind can cure all diseases
D. sugar pills with proper mind are as good as costly medicine
52. The passage is mainly about _______.
A. a nine-year-old girl’s experience    B. people being allergic to medicine
C. a fantastic way to treat diseases     D. the effect of the mind on the result


A beautiful, expensively dressed lady complained to her psychiatrist (精神病医师) that she felt that her whole life was empty; it had no meaning.

So the psychiatrist called over the old lady who cleaned the office floors, and then said to the rich lady, “I’m going to ask Mary to tell you how she found happiness. All I want you to do is to listen.”

So the old lady put down her broom, sat on a chair and told her story, “Well, my husband died of malaria and three months later my only son was killed by a car. I had nobody … I had nothing left. I couldn’t sleep; I couldn’t eat; I never smiled at anyone; I even thought of taking my own life. Then one evening, a little kitten followed me home from work. Somehow I felt sorry for that kitten. It was cold outside, so I decided to let the kitten in. I got it some milk, and it licked the plate clean. Then it purred comfortably and rubbed against my legs, and for the first time in months, I smiled. Then I stopped to think; if helping a little kitten could make me smile, maybe doing something for people could __________. So the next day, I baked some biscuits and took them to a neighbor who was sick in bed. Every day I tried to do something nice for someone. It made me so happy to see them happy. Today, I don’t know of anybody who sleeps and eats better than I do. I’ve found happiness, by giving it to others.”

When she heard that, the rich lady cried. She had everything that money could buy, but she had lost the things which money couldn’t buy.        

1.What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 5 words.)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

I’m sure that nobody eats or sleeps as well as I do.



3.Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.)


4.Do you agree with the old lady, why? (Please answer within 30 words.)



5.Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.



The morning for our snowmobiling (雪上汽车) adventure finally arrived, and we set off on the hour-and-a-half drive to the resort. A fresh powder had fallen the night before, and everything was frosted white. We couldn’t have asked for more perfect conditions. The sun sparkled (闪光) on the snow, and the trails (路线) were completely empty – not another person or snowmobile in sight. We were thrilled at being the only people for miles around … until we got going.

   As we drove through the deserted wilderness (荒野), my excitement became stone-cold fear. I had no idea what I was afraid of, or why I was afraid, but suddenly every turn, every hill, every steep (陡峭的) side of the mountain scared me to death. I kept picturing us crashing headlong into a tree or falling off the side of a drop. 

   But after lunch things changed. We were the only humans who had been there since the snowfall. The peaceful place, the incredible beauty of the landscape, and the almost sacred experience of sharing a mountain with the wildlife touched my very core (核心).  My mind cleared and quieted and my muscles relaxed.

   As we drove the last leg of the run, I began to resent being afraid to drive. Deep down, I wanted to be in charge of the thing that scared me. It made me angry that fear was keeping me from something I really wanted to do. The day was coming to an end, and the resort was only a few miles away. I knew that if I didn’t take my chance now, I would regret it.

   I signaled for my husband to pull over. I wanted to drive, although my heart pounded (重击). I stared off slowly and felt the wind in my face. I smiled and sped up a little. I let out a “Yee-haw!” and went full out, taking my husband on the best ride of the day.

   We ended the day on that breathless, carefree, and I felt proud of myself – proud of overcoming my fear.

1.What is the story mainly about?

   A. What the author loves about snowmobiling.

   B. What difficulties the couple faced during their adventure.

   C. What interested the author during her time snowmobiling.

   D. How the author overcame her fear during her adventure.

2. What can be concluded from the article?

   A. The author was confident as she was driving in the deserted wilderness.

   B. The author didn’t get worried until they started to drive through the deserted wild.

   C. Aware that she and her husband were the only people around, the author became anxious.

   D. The author was so nervous that she almost crashed into a big tree.

3.According to the article, after lunch the author _____.

   A. gradually calmed down

   B. stopped to enjoy the beautiful scenery

   C. saw some wildlife on the mountain

   D. was afraid to continue her journey

4.The underlined word “resent” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _______.

   A. consider    B. appreciate     C. hate       D. recognize

5.What message does the story convey?

   A. A person’ s biggest enemy is his or her inner self.

   B. It’s no use crying over the spilt milk.

   C. Take time to enjoy the beauty of nature.

   D. Respect and take pride in yourself.


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