
When I received my grade on my first writing assignment, I was very disappointed.I met with Dr.Caldwell to discuss my    41 and my work.She gave me lots of _42 and allowed me to rewrite my paper.My grade improved but I was   43 not completely satisfied.Dr.Caldwell decided to help me and  44  me into a good writer, Before each paper was due, I turned in a   45 draft and she corrected it for me, Her dedication to my success was very encouraging because she 46 _ the time to personally help me time and time again.

Dr.Caldwell was behind my dedication to the learning process.Not only did she help me, but also Dr.Caldwell  47 me to become a teacher and dedicate my life to helping children who struggle through school. My most memorable   48  as a teacher was when I tutored a fourth-grade boy, Darnell, in math.He was unable to add, minus, multiply, or divide.He was far 49  his classmates and needed personal  50  to help him work at the same level.

51  we first began our sessions, Darnell was very quiet and  52 _ in learning.I was becoming annoyed and impatient because after two weeks, it seemed as if we had not   53  a thing.To my surprise, Darnell finally _54  __ up to me and began to work hard at his lessons.His progress began to show through and his teacher told me his grades in class had 55  greatly, I was very happy with the progress that we had made and. became even more dedicated to Darnell's success, We had a lot of   56   learning math; we created  many games and played them to make learning more  57  for Darnell. All that Darnell needed was the one-on-one attention that I was able to give him and once he 58   it, his improvement was evident almost  59 . I was able to work with Darnell and encourage him to learn the 60 Dr. Caldwell worked with me to become a better writer.

1.                A.grade          B.study           C.future    D.essay


2.                A.solutions        B.approaches      C.assessments   D.suggestions


3.                A.still            B.also            C.again D.even


4.                A.talk            B.put            C.turn D.build


5.                A.tough          B.similar          C.rough    D.general


6.                A.spent          B.took           C.cost D.paid


7.                A.encouraged     B.forced          C.expected D.begged


8.                A.experiment     B.experience      C.example  D.moment


9.                A.behind         B.below          C.out of    D.ahead of


10.               A.influence       B.sympathy       C.comfort   D.attention


11.               A.When          B.Before         C.While D.Once


12.               A.absorbed       B.delighted       C.concerned D.uninterested


13.               A.conveyed       B.submitted       C.learned   D.accomplished


14.               A.looked         B.opened        C.walked    D.came


15.               A.obtained       B.raised          C.improved  D.decreased


16.               A.trouble         B.patience        C.fun   D.difficulty


17.               A.difficult        B.important       C.reasonable D.enjoyable


18.               A.learned        B.received        C.afforded   D.failed


19.               A.instantly        B.punctually      C.slowly D.gradually


20.               A.skill           B.means         C.knowledge D.way


























1.前面提到“我对自己的写作成绩很失望”,因此这里是表示“我”和Dr Caldwell讨论“我的写作成绩”。 选A

2.从下文“allowed me to rewrite my paper”以及“My grade improved”可以看出,这里指给“我”提了许多建议(suggestions)。solution“解答”;approach“方法”;means“手段”;均不符合句意。选D


4.考查词组: talk...into“说服某人做某事”;put...into“将……注入;投入”;turn...into“使……成为”;throw...into“把……扔进”。由语境可知,答案选C。


6.it takes sb.some time to do  sth.意为“某人花时间做某事”。其他选项均无此结构。选B



9.考查副词:从上句“He was unable to add, minus, multiply, or divide”可知“达尼尔远远落后于他的同学”。选项中只有behind符合句意。选A 

10.考查名词:既然“He was far behind his classmates”,因此“他需要个别关注(attention)”。 选D

11.考查连词:依据句意,这里表示“当我开始上课时”, while引导的从句中,谓语动词应是持续性动词或状态动词。答案选A。

12.考查形容词辨析。由“Darnell was very quiet”以及“I was becoming frustrated”可知,“他对学习不感兴趣(uninterested)”。involved“有关联的”;concerned“关切的”;interested“感兴趣的”,均不符合句意。选D。

13.考查动词:A. conveyed传达B. submitted递交C. learned 学习D. accomplished完成, accomplish a goal意为“达到目标”。 选 D

14.考查动词: open up to sb.“对……畅所欲言”;look up to sb.“尊敬某人”;walk up to sb.“走近某人”;come up to“达到”。由语境可知,答案选B。

15.考查动词: “...became absorbed in his work. His progress began to show through”,那么他的成绩一定大大“提高”(improve)了。选C

16.考查名词:A. trouble 困难B. patience耐心C. fun乐趣D. difficulty困难,依据上下文,此处表示“我们学数学乐趣无穷”。 选C。

17.考查形容词:由“created many games and played them”可知,这样的教学方式一定会使达尼尔觉得更“有趣(enjoyable)”。 选D







      Solar electric systems pay off most quickly for consumers who use a lot of energy because extra
charges are given for heavy use, but the solar system still makes sense for low-energy users such as
     So much of Americans' carbon footprint results from buildings-about 43%, according to the U.S.
Department of Energy. I'm in a household of 1.5 (mom and 7-year-old), and we use only about 4
kilowatt hours of electricity per day, something we've managed through behavioral changes, such as
turning off the lights in rooms after we've exited, and through in-home efficiencies (效率), such as
swapping out all my light bulbs for energy-saving ones and using power boards that can turn off DVD
players, coffee makers and other electrical equipment.
     Using less electricity means I can get by with a smaller, less expensive solar system that not only
covers my use but also produces a credit on my power bill. Going solar also meant my house was
upgraded with a time-of-use meter. This type of meter allows me to receive credit for the electricity I
produce during peak hours when electricity costs the most, but pay the least for the electricity during
off-peak hours, when I recharge my cell phone and laptop and perform other tasks requiring power.
     The downsides are that I am tied in to the grid (电网) and still affected by power failure, and I now
have solar panels (太阳能电池板) that need to be cleaned. It's a subject of debate, but REC Solar said
dirty panels decrease energy production by 6% to 8%.Many panel producers recommend cleaning
panels at least once during the summer. I wash mine whenever they look dirty or dotted with bird
droppings, which is about every other week.
     I think $6,000 is a small price to pay, not only for panels that should produce my next 20 years of
electricity, but also for the greenhouse gases I'm not creating.
1.What is mainly talked about in this article?
A. The ways of cutting power bills.      
B. The tips on reducing electricity use.
C. The benefits of using solar systems.    
D. The importance of protecting the environment.
2.Why does the writer recharge her mobile phones during off-peak hours?
A. To save credit.    
B. To save time.  
C. To save energy.
D. To save money.
3.The underlined word "downside" in Paragraph 4 is close in meaning to ______.
A. discount          
B. disadvantage    
C. disapproval      
D. disagreement
4.The author cleaned her power panels ______.
A. to make them work properly          
B. to protect the environment
C. to make them look better              
D. to avoid power failure

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