The unimaginable earthquake in Haiti has shocked the world. Thanks to modern communication technology, the world has seen the scale of destruction by the 7.0- magnitude quake. Images on TV and the Internet show the Haiti capital has been reduced to rubble and helpless survivors waiting for relief.
So far, at least 50,000 people are feared dead, and tens of thousands left injured or homeless in one of the poorest countries in the West. The number of dead is rising with each passing hour for a few days. Considering Haiti’s total population is only about 8.5 million, the extent of damage will reach every field of the country’s social structures.
Rescuers from countries such as China, the United States, France and Dominican Republic have already reached Haiti, carrying necessary things like food and medicines, life-detecting devices and other rescue equipment. Politicians,workers and Hollywood actors have opened their wallets and called for donations to help disaster relief. The whole world is ready to help them. The world is a village today where no one can remain indifferent when a neighbor falls in disaster.
The suffering of people anywhere in the world strikes the hearts of Chinese people. The death of eight Chinese peacekeepers in Haiti has little to do with it. Chinese people feel a special sympathy for Haitians because just less than 20 months ago they were struggling to rise from the earthquake.
Though Beijing and Port-au-Prince have no diplomatic relations, China was among the first nations to send a rescue team and to announce a donation. In the face of natural disasters, respect for human lives overtakes diplomacy and national boundaries. We share the pain of the Haitian people, and we believe China’s experience in rescue and operations and reconstructions will help reduce that pain.
The most pressing task after a quake is the golden-hour rescue operation. Many Haitians are buried under rubble, and relentless efforts must be made to save as many of them as possible. Yet there remains a question on how effectively the flows of aid from around the world be managed. It is here that the UN can play the leading role, for it should be responsible for common humanitarian efforts from across the globe to reach the benefits to the maximum number of people.
After the 2004 tsunami killed more than 200,000 people in Asia, some experts said the UN needed to build a well-equipped and trained force disaster rescue specialists and keep it on standby to help people after natural disasters such as the Haiti quake. It is time the UN gave the idea a serious thought, for a life-saving force could play as important as its peacekeeping soldiers.
60.According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A.The number of Haiti’s total population is about 8.5 billion
B.Rescuers from many countries have reached Haiti, carrying necessary things like food, water and medicines.
C.Chinese people feel a special sympathy for Haitians because we have the same experiences.
D.The flows of aid from the world has been managed well.
61.The word “indifferent” underlined in the third paragraph most probably means ______.
A.cruel         B.friendly        C.cold         D.warm
62. We can infer that people around the world actively help the Haitians because ______.
A.people among countries have close relations
B.earthquake is a natural disaster, people respect human lives, and show common feelings to people in trouble
C.people should be responsible
D.people have ever been rescued by Haitians
63.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A.The UN plays an important role
B.We are with you, Haiti
C.People share the pain with the Haitian people
D.Modern communication technology is used widely

Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

As the United Nations climate change conference in Copenhagen enters the homestretch(最后阶段), government leaders, heads of international organizations, and academics gathered at a side event to debate China’s political and economic shift towards a low carbon model of growth. The event drew upon the previous results of China’s oncoming 2009/10 National Human Development Report (NHDR), entitled, China’s Pathway Towards a Low Carbon Economy and Society.

The China NHDR 2009/10 is developed by UNDP China and Renmin University. One of the many interesting findings of this report suggest that some of the more economically advanced provinces in China are the least carbon intensive (密集的) while those which have a lower income and lower human development indicators have higher carbon emissions (排放) patterns. This indicates that human development does not necessarily need to be accompanied by increases in greenhouse gas emissions. A more sustainable and low carbon development path, and one which is consistent with advancing human development goals, is indeed possible. While past economic and social progress in China and elsewhere has come at a certain cost, including to the environment, future developments can follow a different path.

Khalid Malik, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in China, stressed UNDP’s obligation to helping further China’s progress towards a low carbon model. “UNDP is cooperating with China in dealing with the challenges of climate change and working towards a green economy, a low-carbon economy, and a circular (循环的) economy. We are doing this by, for instance, promoting energy efficiency in industry and buildings, and supporting the fulfillment of the National Climate Change Policy at the local level,” said Malik.

“As it plays an ever more important part in global affairs, China can also play an increasingly important role in advancing sustainable development around the world. China also has the experience and technology available to address challenges in other developing countries, including those related to adapting to and reducing climate change,” commented Clark.

Following the discussions, panelists (与会者) participated in a bicycle ride to highlight the importance of using environmentally friendly transportation and advocate for simple solutions to low carbon development.


1. Why did the leaders and the academics gather on the homestretch in Copenhagen? (no more than 14 words)


2. Which places have higher carbon emissions? (no more than 7 words)

                                                                                          3. How is the role of China in Global affairs according to the text? (no more than 3 words)

                                                                                          4. What did the panelists do to advocate for simple solutions to low carbon development? (no more than 7 words)



The unimaginable earthquake in Haiti has shocked the world. Thanks to modern communication technology, the world has seen the scale of destruction by the 7.0- magnitude quake. Images on TV and the Internet show the Haiti capital has been reduced to rubble and helpless survivors waiting for relief.

So far, at least 50,000 people are feared dead, and tens of thousands left injured or homeless in one of the poorest countries in the West. The number of dead is rising with each passing hour for a few days. Considering Haiti’s total population is only about 8.5 million, the extent of damage will reach every field of the country’s social structures.

Rescuers from countries such as China, the United States, France and Dominican Republic have already reached Haiti, carrying necessary things like food and medicines, life-detecting devices and other rescue equipment. Politicians,workers and Hollywood actors have opened their wallets and called for donations to help disaster relief. The whole world is ready to help them. The world is a village today where no one can remain indifferent when a neighbor falls in disaster.

The suffering of people anywhere in the world strikes the hearts of Chinese people. The death of eight Chinese peacekeepers in Haiti has little to do with it. Chinese people feel a special sympathy for Haitians because just less than 20 months ago they were struggling to rise from the earthquake.

Though Beijing and Port-au-Prince have no diplomatic relations, China was among the first nations to send a rescue team and to announce a donation. In the face of natural disasters, respect for human lives overtakes diplomacy and national boundaries. We share the pain of the Haitian people, and we believe China’s experience in rescue and operations and reconstructions will help reduce that pain.

The most pressing task after a quake is the golden-hour rescue operation. Many Haitians are buried under rubble, and relentless efforts must be made to save as many of them as possible. Yet there remains a question on how effectively the flows of aid from around the world be managed. It is here that the UN can play the leading role, for it should be responsible for common humanitarian efforts from across the globe to reach the benefits to the maximum number of people.

After the 2004 tsunami killed more than 200,000 people in Asia, some experts said the UN needed to build a well-equipped and trained force disaster rescue specialists and keep it on standby to help people after natural disasters such as the Haiti quake. It is time the UN gave the idea a serious thought, for a life-saving force could play as important as its peacekeeping soldiers.

60.According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A.The number of Haiti’s total population is about 8.5 billion

B.Rescuers from many countries have reached Haiti, carrying necessary things like food, water and medicines.

C.Chinese people feel a special sympathy for Haitians because we have the same experiences.

D.The flows of aid from the world has been managed well.

61.The word “indifferent” underlined in the third paragraph most probably means ______.

A.cruel         B.friendly        C.cold         D.warm

62. We can infer that people around the world actively help the Haitians because ______.

A.people among countries have close relations

B.earthquake is a natural disaster, people respect human lives, and show common feelings to people in trouble

C.people should be responsible

D.people have ever been rescued by Haitians

63.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A.The UN plays an important role

B.We are with you, Haiti

C.People share the pain with the Haitian people

D.Modern communication technology is used widely


The unimaginable earthquake in Haiti has shocked the world. Thanks to modern communication technology, the world has seen the scale of destruction by the 7.0- magnitude quake. Images on TV and the Internet show the Haiti capital has been reduced to rubble and helpless survivors waiting for relief.

       So far, at least 50,000 people are feared dead, and tens of thousands left injured or homeless in one of the poorest countries in the West. The number of dead is rising with each passing hour for a few days. Considering Haiti’s total population is only about 8.5 million, the extent of damage will reach every field of the country’s social structures.

       Rescuers from countries such as China, the United States, France and Dominican Republic have already reached Haiti, carrying necessary things like food and medicines, life-detecting devices and other rescue equipment. Politicians,workers and Hollywood actors have opened their wallets and called for donations to help disaster relief. The whole world is ready to help them. The world is a village today where no one can remain indifferent when a neighbor falls in disaster.

       The suffering of people anywhere in the world strikes the hearts of Chinese people. The death of eight Chinese peacekeepers in Haiti has little to do with it. Chinese people feel a special sympathy for Haitians because just less than 20 months ago they were struggling to rise from the earthquake.

       Though Beijing and Port-au-Prince have no diplomatic relations, China was among the first nations to send a rescue team and to announce a donation. In the face of natural disasters, respect for human lives overtakes diplomacy and national boundaries. We share the pain of the Haitian people, and we believe China’s experience in rescue and operations and reconstructions will help reduce that pain.

       The most pressing task after a quake is the golden-hour rescue operation. Many Haitians are buried under rubble, and relentless efforts must be made to save as many of them as possible. Yet there remains a question on how effectively the flows of aid from around the world be managed. It is here that the UN can play the leading role, for it should be responsible for common humanitarian efforts from across the globe to reach the benefits to the maximum number of people.

       After the 2004 tsunami killed more than 200,000 people in Asia, some experts said the UN needed to build a well-equipped and trained force disaster rescue specialists and keep it on standby to help people after natural disasters such as the Haiti quake. It is time the UN gave the idea a serious thought, for a life-saving force could play as important as its peacekeeping soldiers.

60.According to the passage, which of the following is true?

   A.The number of Haiti’s total population is about 8.5 billion

   B.Rescuers from many countries have reached Haiti, carrying necessary things like food, water and medicines.

   C.Chinese people feel a special sympathy for Haitians because we have the same experiences.

   D.The flows of aid from the world has been managed well.

61.The word “indifferent” underlined in the third paragraph most probably means ______.

   A.cruel         B.friendly        C.cold         D.warm

62. We can infer that people around the world actively help the Haitians because ______.

   A.people among countries have close relations

   B.earthquake is a natural disaster, people respect human lives, and show common feelings to people in trouble

   C.people should be responsible

   D.people have ever been rescued by Haitians

63.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

   A.The UN plays an important role

   B.We are with you, Haiti

   C.People share the pain with the Haitian people

   D.Modern communication technology is used widely

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