£¨1 2009Äê12ÔÂ7Èո籾¹þ¸ù£¨Copenhagen»áÒéÔÚµ¤ÂóÊ׶¼ÕÙ¿ªÁË£»
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×¢Ò⣺²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºthe Danish capitalµ¤ÂóÊ׶¼£¬summit·å»á£¬funds×ʽð
The Copenhagen conference was held on December 7, 2009, in the Danish capital£®At the UN climate summit in Copenhagen, the representatives from different countries discussed the problems on Climate Change£®It was suggested that me developed countries should have the duty to provide funds and technology to help the developing countries£®
Premier Wen said that although about 40 million people still live in absolute poverty in China, China will make efforts to fight global warming£®
In my opinion, we hope the world leaders can make a plan and take measures to save our planet£®Please value energy resources £®We all hope for the blue sky£®

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Our class made a survey on our local government's decision to speed up its tourism. Most people think _________________________________________________________________________________________ |