
The            of Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and People’s Olympics will allow Beijing to become the focal point for tourists from across the globe.











Taking a math test can be pretty stressful. Even if you know the material, you can still get the problem wrong. Knowing how to go through your math test and check your work can save you from handing in a test full of mistakes that can be avoided.   1. 

Write it out

You can also check a math problem by writing everything out on paper.   2.  Writing out math problems reduces your chances of missing anything to the lowest possible level, which is a common cause of incorrect answers.


Make sure your answers work by doing the opposite procedure of what your problem calls for, including the answer you got the first time around. In other words, you would use the opposite of this addition problem—subtraction (减法)—to determine whether or not your answer is the correct one.

Plugging in

You may find that a variable isn’t good enough or have a problem where you have to solve for a variable (变量).   4.  This is the only real way to assure yourself that the answer you’ve found is correct.

Check for a reasonable answer

  5.  For example, if you get an answer in the millions and you know it should be in the thousands, you’ve likely misplaced a point. Go back through the work on your paper to make sure all of your formulas (公式) and calculations are correct. If everything looks okay, do the problem again and compare the result of the second try to what you’ve got on the first try.

A.Do the opposite

B.Correct the answers

C.Therefore you’ll improve your grades, as well as your math skills.

D.Plug the variable in the equation (方程) to check it out.

E. If the result of a problem seems to make no sense, it indicates that the answer is incorrect.

F. It also helps you to figure out everything after you have already finished the test.

G. This helps you to know what information you have and what information you need to solve.



You are one of the most familiar faces in class, not because you are funny or have great note-taking abilities but because you ask the most number of questions.   76    It is important to ask the right questions, though. Here are a few tips for improving your questioning skills:

Be clear and precise about what you want to know.

Be clear about what you want to know and frame your question accordingly.   77     If you beat around the bush, your teachers won’t be entirely sure what it is that you haven’t understood, or need an explanation for.


If you are uncertain about a particular subject, clarify it when it is being discussed. Because questions often open up new avenues within a subject. Doing this would benefit the whole class.

Do not hesitate to talk to your teacher after class.

79     Therefore, if you feel uncomfortable about asking a question in front of your classmates, wait till the class is over. This will probably put you more at ease.

Write down your questions.

80     They may appear when you’re studying, reading or taking notes. Note them down on a piece of paper so that you won’t forget to ask them later. This can also make sure that you don’t have any unanswered questions when the exam approaches.

A.Do not ask more questions.

B.Questions may crop up(出现)at any time.

C.Being curious is not a bad quality.

D.You may think this is good.

E. Ask questions relevant to context.

F. A question needs to be easy to be understood and to-the-point.

G. One-to-one interations(互动) are always much better than one-to-many.




An American bestseller has been popular among the students in our      

school ______(最近). It is so inspiring that I would like to recommend         1. _________      

it to you. This book, Chicken Soup for the Soul, w______ by Jack               2. _________      

Canfield, first appeared _______1993 and soon became a bestseller.             3. _________      

It will surely inspire readers of all ______(年龄). It has been put into               4. _________      

many languages, spreading love to all over the world. B_________, an English    5. _________      

version is of g_________help to us English learners as it will help improve    6. _________      

our English. It costs 64 yuan,_________you can get it for 54.4 yuan through    7. _________      

online shopping, which will _________ (节省) you 9.6yuan. You can order    88. _________      

it at www.dangdang.com, and g_________the book within one week after           89. _________       

your payment. For more_________please visit the website.                       10. ________




A man came home from work late, tired and found his 5-year-old son waiting for him at the door.

“Daddy, may I ask you a question?” “Yeah, sure, what is it?” replied the man.  1.  “If you must know, I make $20 an hour.” “Oh,” the little boy replied, with his head down. Then he looked up and said, “Daddy, may I borrow $10?” The father was angry, “If the only reason you asked for that is to borrow some money to buy a silly toy, then you should go to bed.”  2.  

After about an hour or so, the man calmed down, and started to think. Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $10 and he really didn’t ask for money very often.  3. “Are you asleep, son?” He opened the door and asked. “No, Daddy,” replied the boy. “I’ve been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you just now.” said the man, “Here’s the $10 you asked for.”  4. “Oh, thank you, Daddy!” he yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some small change.  5. “Why do you want more money if you have already had some?” the father asked angrily.

“Because I didn’t have enough, but now I do.” The little boy replied, “Daddy, I have $20 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home earlier tomorrow, I would like to have dinner with you.”


A. Silently the little boy returned the money to his father with tears.

B. The man, seeing that the boy already had money, started to get angry again.

C. “Daddy, how much do you make an hour?”

D. “Daddy, how much do you spend a day?”

E. The man went to the door of the little boy’s room.

F. The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.

G. The little boy sat straight up, smiling.


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