
16.Hello,everyone.First let me introduce myself.My name is Jenny Barker,and I work at St.James Hospital.As most of you know,I'm here today to talk about blood transfusion.The idea of blood transfusion is very simple,but that idea has saved many thousands of lives over the past century.Often,if a person is in an accident,or has an operation,he will lose a lot of blood.And these are times when blood transfusion is needed.This simply means taking blood from another person and putting it into the body of the patient.Doctors have been carrying out blood transfusions for hundreds of years.At first,they used blood from sheep.But that wasn't very successful.It wasn't until the last century that doctors realized there are several types of blood,and that the correct type must always be used.Once they knew that,blood transfusion had become almost a hundred percent successful.So,you might be thinking:what does this have to do with me?Well,it has something to do with all of us.Hospitals need to keep banks of blood ready for transfusion.The only way they can get that blood is from ordinary people like you.All the human body has five liters of blood,and we take 0.5 liters from each person.This is completely safe.In fact,your body will make enough blood to replace it after around a day.Giving blood only takes a short while,and it doesn't hurt.It costs you nothing,and it could save a life.So please give blood.
66.What might the speaker most probably be?A
A.A doctor or a nurse
B.An engineer
C.A teacher
D.A scientist.
67.What is a blood transfusion?D
A.Losing a lot of blood in a serious accident or a difficult operation.
B.Finding out the amount of blood a patient needs for an operation.
C.Identifying the right type of blood a person has for the patient.
D.Taking blood from someone else and putting it into a patient's body.
68.What finally made almost every blood transfusion successful?B
A.The founding of a blood bank
B.The discovery of blood types.
C.The experiment with sheep blood
D.The developed skill of taking out blood.
69.If you give 10% of your blood,how long does it take your body to replace it?D
A.One week
B.Five days
C.Two days
D.One day.
70.What is the main purpose of the speech?A
A.To call on people to give blood
B.To explain what a blood transfusion is.
C.To review the history of research on blood
D.To explain the theory of blood replacement.

分析 本文是一篇演讲稿,是关于输血何献血话题的演讲,其中讲了什么是输血及输血的发展过程,最后呼吁人们献血以挽救病人的生命.

66.A  推理判断题  本文是一篇演讲稿,是关于输血何献血话题的演讲,由此可以推知演讲人可能是一名医生或护士,故答案为A
67.D 细节理解题 根据This simply means taking blood from another person and putting it into the body of the patient.可以得知这是对输血进行定义,故答案为D
68.B  细节理解题 根据It wasn't until the last century that doctors realized there are several types of blood,and that the correct type must always be used.Once they knew that,blood transfusion had become almost a hundred percent successful.可知,了解了血型之后,输血才变得成功,故答案为B
69.D  数字计算题 根据All the human body has five liters of blood,and we take 0.5 liters from each person.This is completely safe.In fact,your body will make enough blood to replace it after around a day.可知,10%就是0.5升,大约一天就可以更新,故答案为D
70.A  推理判断题 根据最后两句Giving blood only takes a short while,and it doesn't hurt.It costs you nothing,and it could save a life.So please give blood.

点评 做阅读时经常犯错的主要原因是,仅凭读过文章后残留在脑海中的一丝印象来勾选答案,这样便很容易掉入出题人故意设布下的题目陷阱.所谓阅读理解,对于题目的理解一定要忠实于原文,因此,每一道题都应该与原文作全面的对比与核查,再得出答案.也就是说,阅读理解的每一道题目,在原文都应该有明确的出处,我们把这一出处叫做原文相关句,(1)排除与原文相关句主题不一致的选项(2)排除与原文相关句态度相反的选项  (3)排除用于过于极端或负面的选项(4)注意结合文章主旨和主题去排除.

7.Wouldn't it be great if you could just look up at the sky and read the weather forecast right away?
Well,you CAN.The forecast is written in clouds.If you can read that writing,you can tell something about the atmosphere.With some practice,you can become a pretty good weather forecaster.Who knows,you might even do as well as meteorologists (气象学家).
Meteorologists use much more information than just the appearance of the clouds to make their forecast.They collect data from all over the world.Then they put it into powerful,high-speed computers.
This does give meteorologists an advantage,because they can track weather patterns as they move from west to east across the country.
But you have an advantage,too.You have your brains.You can look at the sky and get your data directly.A meteorologist uses a computer forecast that's several hours old to make a local forecast.
What are you seeing when you look at a cloud?"A picture of what moisture (水气) is doing in the atmosphere,"says meteorologist Peter Leavit.There's moisture throughout the atmosphere.Most of the time you don't see it,because it's in the form of an invisible gas called water vapor.
    Sometimes,the temperature of the air gets cold enough to cause the water vapor to change to liquid water.That's called condensation,and we see it happen all the time,for example,when humid air from the shower hits the cold glass of a mirror.When enough water vapor condenses,droplets form in the air.These droplets scatter light.A cloud is seen.
Watching clouds over a day or two tells you a lot more than a single cloud about the weather to come.Changes in clouds show changes in the atmosphere.
You should begin to notice patterns.Certain clouds,fol1owing each other in order,can signal an approaching storm.But don't take our word for it; see for yourself.
53.According to the passage,ordinary people can tell the weather becauseD.
A.they can look up at the sky                         
B.they can read weather writings
C.information is stored in computers              
D.clouds signal the weather to come
54.Your advantage in weather forecast is thatC.
A.you can keep weather patterns in mind.
B.you have more powerful computers at home
C.your brain works as well as a high-speed computer
D.meteorologists give their data to you as soon as they get them
55.A cloud is formed whenA.
A.there are droplets in the air                        
B.light is scattered
C.moisture exists in the form of invisible gas  
D.water vapor changes to liquid water
56.This passage mainly tells us about howD.
A.to become a weather forecaster                   
B.to collect data directly
C.to be an assistant to a meteorologist             
D.to keep an eye on the weather.
1.Cyril was a small town.The houses there were all made of wood; almost everything in the houses were made of wood,too.And all the houses faced south.The town was never peaceful.Fire broke out once a week on summer afternoons.People were puzzled who was the real firebug (纵火犯).
One day a big fire broke out.It was said that a Negro(黑人) had jumped out of the house on fire,so the police arrested all the Negroes in the street.However,there were fires breaking out when the Negroes were in prison.
Mauson,a physics teacher,didn't believe that the Negroes were the firebugs,and decided to find out who the real firebug was.One day,he was invited to drink in a pub and happened to notice that many bottles and plastic plates were baked by the hot sunrays.Suddenly he realized what the actual fact was.He dashed out of the pub to his friend's house nearby,which also faced south.He made an experiment there to prove his idea.
The next Saturday afternoon,Mauson asked some policemen to come to the house.They were told that the real firebug would be shown there.At that time,the sun was shining full into the house and it became hotter and hotter inside the room."Now,"said Mauson,"this house will soon catch fire."People looked at each other in surprise.Mauson asked them to look at the bottles and focus on the table cloth.After a while the cloth gave off a burning smell and began to catch fire!
The mystery of fire was discovered,but the police wouldn't believe him and insisted that Negroes had been the firebugs.Instead they arrested Mauson and put him into prison.But Mauson said he would never turn against science.
56.The town was never peaceful,for fire broke outB.
A.on Sundays       
B.on summer afternoons   
C.at any time     
D.on winter mornings
57.Why did the police arrest all the Negroes?B
A.Because one of them had been seen to set on a fire.
B.Because they were considered to be the firebugs.
C.Because the police hated the Negroes.
D.Because the Negroes knew something about the fires.
58.Drinking in a pub,Mauson realizedD.
A.he needed to leave the pub               
B.he needed to back the bottles
C.it was too hot in the pub                 
D.who was the real firebug
59.By making an experiment,it was proved that the real firebug wasC.
A.the Negroes    B.bottles       C.sunrays      D.plastic plates
60.What happened at the end of the story?C
A.The Negroes were set free
B.The police arrested the real firebugs
C.Mauson was arrested too
D.Mauson made friends with the Negroes.
8.It was 3:30 in the morning and 8-year-old Walt Disney was doing what he did at that time every morning-rolling hundreds of newspapers he would soon deliver in his neighborhood.
   It was hard work for a little kid who had to go to school,then deliver another round in the evening.But delivering papers beat(比更好) picking apples for a living.That's what he'd been doing before,on his family's failing farms in Missouri.
   Walt Disney,born in December,1901,never had time for a childhood.As a result,he spent all of his adult life attempting to invent one for himself.In the process 一 almost by accident一 he created wonderful childhood memories for generation after generation of children worldwide.
   When the Disneys moved to Chicago,Walt signed up for cartooning classes,working three part-time jobs to pay for them.At 24,he created a character called Oswald the Lucky Rabbit,which was a great success.He then shifted(转移) his attention to mice,or one particular mouse called Mickey.And Mickey Mouse became an overnight success.
Success followed success,but Walt Disney pushed himself even harder.He produced Snow White and Seven Dwarfs,for which he won a special Oscar.After the Second World War,Walt   came up with the idea of Disneyland.Everyone said it was too costly a dream,but he wouldn't   listen.His great world of fantasy opened on July 17,1955.In the next seven weeks,more than one million people walked into Disneyland.The man who had spent a painful childhood now watched other people enjoy the perfect childhood world that he had created.
56.Which was Disney's first successful cartoon character?A
A.Oswald the Lucky Rabbit                          
B.Snow White
C.Mickey Mouse                                  
D.Donald Duck
57.What can be said about Disney's childhood?B
A.Good and unforgettable                       
B.Boring and unhappy  
C.Tiring but joyful                             
D.Hard but enjoyable
58.According to passage,DisneyB?
A.was given two Oscars for his cartoons.
B.created Disneyland,a perfect childhood world.
C.stopped making cartoons after World War II
D.was successful but not happy.
5.People living more than three thousand meters above sea level find it difficult to raise vegetables all year long.People living in the highlands of Peru and Bolivia,for example,cannot grow vegetables outdoors during the months of May through September.It is very cold in the highlands at that time of year.If traditional farming methods are used,vegetables will not survive.
However,there is another way to grow vegetables throughout the year in cold areas.It is a method of gardening developed by a private agency called World Neighbors.The method uses"hot houses"built below ground.A hot house is a building covered with plastic or glass in which vegetables or flowers are grown.The traditional hot house is built above ground.
The air temperature is cold in the highlands of Peru and Bolivia during the winter.But,the winter sun is hot.So,World Neighbors advises farmers there to build hot houses below ground.The design is simple.The material does not cost much.Here is how World Neighbors says to build it:Dig a hole two and one-half meters wide and six meters long.Make it about two meters deep.Build wall with a door in one end of the hole.Dig steps from the ground down to the door.
Now,build a wall along the top edge of the hole.Make it about one-half meters tall.Earth bricks work fine.Build two shorter walls on the ends.These will be uneven; one side will be as high as the existing wall.The other side will be at ground level.Leave a small opening in each of these sloping walls.This prevents the hot house from becoming too hot.Now,make the roof.Build a wood frame.Cover it with clear plastic.Connect it to the brick walls.
The underground hot house we have described is large enough for two raised vegetable beds.Each is one meter wide and six meters long.Each is seeded and watered just as if it were in a garden above ground.
The dirt walls protect the growing plants from the cold.The clear plastic roof permits the sun's heat to enter.At night,the roof should be covered with straw.This helps prevent cold air from entering.An under ground hot house this size will provide enough vegetables for one family.Groups needing more vegetables can make it bigger.

66.If you lived in Peru,youC.
A.should raise the special kinds of vegetables that can endure cold
B.could not plant at all
C.had to work out some new unusual plans
D.would not have many vegetables to eat
67.To our surprise,the"hot houses"invented by World Neighbors areB.
A.covered with a transparent plastic ceiling
B.built under ground
C.quite small
D.hotter than traditional ones
68.The hot house can be kept warm by usingD.
A.a big oven
B.an electricity heater
C.the heat of the earth's interior
D.the sun shine
69.The measure to prevent the hot house from becoming too hot is toB.
A.make the roof sloped
B.dig holes on the walls
C.make the wall not vertical
D.make the walls shorter than the ground level
70.According to the passage,the method suggested by World Neighbors isD.
A.new and difficult     B.uneasy to explain
C.at trial step         D.simple and practical.

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