1. 破损的窗户将会被修好。
________________will be repaired. (break)
2. 昨天买的书的质量很高。
________________ are of high quality. (buy)
3. 这就是在战场上受伤的战士。
This is ________________. (wound)
4. 我对周杰伦的流行歌曲很感兴趣。
I ________________ listening to pop songs sung by Jay Chou. (interest)
5. 他不喜欢在会上讨论这样的问题。
He won’t like such questions ________________. (discuss)
6. 经历过多次失败之后,他变得泄气了。
After so much failure he ________________. (discourage)
7. 形势令人振奋,每个人都感到自豪。
________________, and everyone feels proud. (encourage)
8. 他没注意到他的钱包被偷了。
He didn’t notice ________________. (steal)
9. 睡觉的时候我听到有人喊我的名字。
I was sleeping when I ________________. (call)
10. 使人受尊重的是他的行为。
________________ is his actions. (what)
11. 她通常锁着门在书房工作。
She usually works in her study ________________. (with)
12. 白雪覆盖着万物, 外面的风景看起来很美。
The outside sight looks beautiful ________________. (cover)
13. 和发达国家相比较,我们还有很长的路要走。
________________,we still have a long way to go. (compare)
14. 发言者提高声音也无法让别人听见他。
The speaker raised his voice but couldn’t ________________.(make)
15. 你经常看到她在操场上打排球吗?
Do you often ________________ on the playground?(see)
16. 在1960年建造的教学楼需要修理。
The teaching buildings ________________ need repairing. (build)
17. 他的右手在那场大火中烧伤了。
His right hand ________________ in that big fire. (burn)
18. 第二天早上,人们发现外面的世界完全改变了。
The next morning people found ________________. (change)
19. 我想申请昨天在报纸上刊登的职位。
I would like to apply for ________________. (advertise)
20. 亚历山大努力让他的工作在医学界得到认可。
Alexander tried ________________ in the medical circle. (get)
1. The broken window 2. The books bought yesterday
3. the soldier wounded in the battle
4. am interested in
5. discussed at the meeting
6. became discouraged
7. The situation proves/is encouraging
8. his wallet stolen
9. heard my name called
10. What makes one respected
11. with the door locked
12. with everything covered with snow
13. Compared with developed countries
14. make himself heard
15. see her playing volleyball
16. built in 1960
17. got/was burnt
18. the world outside completely changed
19. the position advertised in yesterday’s newspaper
20. to get his work recognized