
Beijing had its biggest snowfall since 1951.Britain is suffering through its longest cold snap(寒潮)since 1981.And freezing weather is hitting the Deep South,including Florida’s orange groves and beaches.

Whatever happened to global warming?

Such weather doesn’t seem to fit with warnings from scientists that the Earth is warming because of greenhouse gases.But experts say the cold snap doesn't contradict global warming at all--it's just a temporary phenomenon in the long-term heating trend."It's part of natural variability," said Gerald Meehl, a senior scientist.With global warming, he said, "we'll still have record cold temperatures.We'll just have fewer of them."

Scientists say man-made climate change does have the potential to cause more frequent and more severe weather extremes.But experts did not connect the current cold snap to climate change.

So what is going on?

"We basically have seen just a big outbreak of Arctic air over populated areas of the Northern Hemisphere", Arndt said.

In the atmosphere, large rivers of air travel roughly west to east around the globe between the Arctic and the tropics.This air flow acts like a fence to keep Arctic air restricted.But recently, this air flow has become bent into a zigzag (之字形) pattern, wandering north and south.If yon live in a place where it brings air up from the south, you get warm weather.In fact, record highs were reported this week in Washington state and Alaska.

But in the eastern United States, like some other unlucky parts of the globe, Arctic air is coming from the north.And that's how you get a temperature of 3 degrees in Beijing, a reading of minus-42 in mainland Norway, and 18 inches of snow in parts of Britain.The zigzag pattern arises naturally from time to time, but it is not clear why it's so strong right now.

1.What is the best title of the text?

A.Freezing weather is hitting the Deep South.

B.We'll still have record cold temperatures.

C.The air flow has become a zigzag pattern.

D.Cold snap doesn't contradict global warming.

2.With global warming, we will______.

A.also meet with severe cold snap

B.have more hot temperatures forever

C.never experience cold temperatures

D.have more cold temperatures

3.According to experts, the current cold snap______.

A.suggests that the climate has changed greatly

B.is not related to the climate change

C.shows that the climate will turn cold

D.is affected by global warming

4.Beijing had its biggest snowfall since 1951 because of______.

A.a fence from the Arctic                      B.a cooling trend in climate

C.a big outbreak of Arctic air                   D.its large population

5.We can conclude that

A.not all the parts of the Northern Hemisphere are cold in face of the cold snap

B.the zigzag pattern arises naturally accidentally

C.Beijing will get cold weather next year

D.Washington state and Alaska will not face cold weather next year


A couple of years ago,before a trip to China,Nicole Davis and her US women’s volleyball teammates were warned about the prominence (显著、突出) of coach “Jenny” Lang Ping in her native country.

“I was pushed over by Chinese journalists while I was just trying to put my luggage on the bus,”said Davis.

Known as the “Iron Hammer” for her punishing spikes(扣球),Lang made it possible for China to dominate in the sport in the early 1980s.She was a key player on China’s 1984 Olympic gold medal winning team.

When the US team arrived for the Olympics,Lang,48,who is from Beijing,had to take a different route to avoid a crowd of reporters and fans.

Then came the greatest moment to Lang:While the US team was playing in a packed gym,at least 8,000 Chinese fans unfurled an American flag.

“That really says it all,” Davis said.“They look at her as an icon(偶像).I’m sure it’s hard for them to see her coaching another country,but they love her so dearly that her success is their success.”

The loyalty of the Chinese fans was tested on Friday,when China lost a match to the US.

“It’s a pity that China lost the match,but I’m still glad that Lang Ping’s team won,since she is the pride of China’s volleyball,” said Liu Chengli,a spectator.“We also cheered for

Lang’s victory.”

Lang said she just tried to stay professional when the two teams meet.“It doesn’t matter if we play China or any other team.It’s the same.” Lang said.

Davis said she and her teammates could not have imagined the passion for volleyball among Chinese because the sport was lack of popularity in the US. The reception from Chinese fans has touched the US players,said US volleyball player Lindsey Berg.

“It’s such an honor to be here and play for our coach here in China,”she said.“The amount of support that the Chinese give to her and us has been tremendous.The whole event has been unbelievable.”

What’s the passage mainly about?

A.Staying professional.                           B.Cheering for the Iron Hammer.

C.A match between China and the US.      D.Lang Ping’s career as a coach.

Lang Ping avoided meeting the reporters and fans probably because she ________.

A.was afraid to be questioned about her strategy

B.didn’t want to be paid much attention to

C.disliked to be with her fans

D.didn’t want to disturb public order

What does the underlined word “unfurled” exactly mean?

A.destroyed completely                           B.tore into pieces

C.spread out to the wind                          D.rolled up

What does Lang Ping mean by saying “It doesn’t matter if we play China or any other team.”?

A.American Volleyball Team will beat any team.

B.Chinese Volleyball Team is the same as other teams.

C.She just tried to stay professional.

D.The results of each match will be the same.

What impressed the US team players most?

A.The tolerance of Chinese people.

B.The popularity of volleyball in China.

C.Lang Ping’s coaching skills.

D.The loyalty for volleyball of the Chinese.

A couple of years ago, before a trip to China, Nicole Davis and her US women’s volleyball teammates were warned about the prominence (显著、突出) of coach “Jenny” Lang Ping in her native country.

“I was pushed over by Chinese journalists while I was just trying to put my luggage on the bus,” said Davis.

Known as the “Iron Hammer” for her punishing spikes(扣球),Lang made it possible for China to dominate in the sport in the early 1980s. She was a key player on China’s 1984 Olympic gold medal winning team.

When the US team arrived for the Olympics, Lang, 48, who is from Beijing, had to take a different route to avoid a crowd of reporters and fans.

Then came the greatest moment to Lang:While the US team was playing in a packed gym, at least 8,000 Chinese fans unfurled an American flag.

“That really says it all,” Davis said. “They look at her as an icon(偶像).I’m sure it’s hard for them to see her coaching another country, but they love her so dearly that her success is their success.”

The loyalty of the Chinese fans was tested on Friday, when China lost a match to the US.

“It’s a pity that China lost the match, but I’m still glad that Lang Ping’s team won, since she is the pride of China’s volleyball,” said Liu Chengli, a spectator. “We also cheered for

Lang’s victory.”

Lang said she just tried to stay professional when the two teams meet. “It doesn’t matter if we play China or any other team. It’s the same.” Lang said.

Davis said she and her teammates could not have imagined the passion for volleyball among Chinese because the sport was lack of popularity in the US. The reception from Chinese fans has touched the US players, said US volleyball player Lindsey Berg.

“It’s such an honor to be here and play for our coach here in China,” she said. “The amount of support that the Chinese give to her and us has been tremendous. The whole event has been unbelievable.”

What’s the passage mainly about?

A.Staying professional.                           B.Cheering for the Iron Hammer.

C.A match between China and the US.      D.Lang Ping’s career as a coach.

Lang Ping avoided meeting the reporters and fans probably because she ________.

A.was afraid to be questioned about her strategy  B.didn’t want to be paid much attention to

C.disliked to be with her fans                 D.didn’t want to disturb public order

What does the underlined word “unfurled” exactly mean?

A.destroyed completely                           B.tore into pieces

C.spread out to the wind                          D.rolled up

What does Lang Ping mean by saying “It doesn’t matter if we play China or any other team.”?

A.American Volleyball Team will beat any team.

B.Chinese Volleyball Team is the same as other teams.

C.She just tried to stay professional.   

D.The results of each match will be the same.

What impressed the US team players most?

A.The tolerance of Chinese people.    B.The popularity of volleyball in China.

C.Lang Ping’s coaching skills.        D.The loyalty for volleyball of the Chinese.

Beijing, Oct. 2, 2008 --- Tourist destinations around the country had at least 4.05 million visitors, up 33.4 percent year-on-year, during the first four days of the week-long national holiday.
The tourism revenue(财政收入) jumped 37.5 percent year-on-year.
This year’s “golden week” National Day holiday runs from Sept. 29 to Oct.5. In previous years, the seven-day holiday kicked off on Oct. 1.
Beijing had a visitor increase of more than 60 percent, with many tourists drawn to see the Olympic venues(场所).
About 920,000 people, up 62 percent year-on-year, visited 21 major tourist sites in Beijing, according to figures released by the office.
The must-see Forbidden City welcomed 120,000 visitors, up 140 percent.
Shanghai saw a 52.2-percent rise in the number of tourists at more than 70 sites.
In Sichuan province, about 107,400 people, an increase of 360 percent from last year, visited the ancient town of Huanglongxi near Chengdu.
Chinese trains carried more than 5.4 million passengers on Wednesday alone, an increase of almost 13 percent. About 557, 300 people traveled by air and 53.2 million people hit the roads on the same day.
[评分标准]  概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。

六. 完形填空(20分)

Chen Guanming has been carrying his home with him for the past seven years. He has done everything a man would to make it cozy.

The 53-year-old farmer has spent the hottest summers and severest winters cooking, eating and   1    in his mobile home: a shaky tricycle. Chen began his journey on the three-wheel rickshaw from his    2   Jiangsu province in 2001 after hearing the news that Beijing had won the bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games. Of course, he did not forget to take his ID card, important    3   and some clothes before setting off on his mission (使命). Mission? What mission? “To promote awareness on health and the environment, just like what the Games has been doing,” he says. It may    4   funny, but make no mistake that Chen is dead    5   about it. “I'm a poor farmer I can't do much. But I have a healthy body. I want to use it to show the    ___6   of the Chinese people and the spirit of the Olympics.” He would have _ 7   all of China except Taiwan when he reaches Beijing tonight. He speaks lively about his experiences in all the places on the mainland, ___8  _   about an incident in Chongqing in August 2003. “I was riding up a slope and my brakes failed my rickshaw and began sliding down and overturned,” he says. He had his legs broken but did not go to a hospital. Instead, he used herbs to stop the bleeding. And he   9   quietly for some days for his legs to rejoin. Looking at the man, you wouldn't want to believe he has crossed so many mountains and    10   in his tricycle. But you look at the piles of evidence and become a silent admirer of this determined soul.

1. A. working        B. playing           C. sleeping          D. living

2. A. native          B. familiar          C. famous           D. noble

3. A. equipment      B. supplies          C. furniture          D. documents

4. A. seem           B. sound           C. look             D. listen

5. A. serious         B. careful           C. practical          D. optimistic

6. A. power          B. energy           C. strength         D. authority

7. A. covered         B. drove           C. run             D. walked

8. A. extremely       B. especially        C. actually         D. exactly

9. A. slept           B. sat              C. rested           D. lay

10. A. lakes          B. rivers            C. valleys         D. road



A couple of years ago,before a trip to China,Nicole Davis and her US women’s volleyball teammates were warned about the prominence (显著、突出) of coach “Jenny” Lang Ping in her native country.

“I was pushed over by Chinese journalists while I was just trying to put my luggage on the bus,”said Davis.

Known as the “Iron Hammer” for her punishing spikes(扣球),Lang made it possible for China to dominate in the sport in the early 1980s.She was a key player on China’s 1984 Olympic gold medal winning team.

When the US team arrived for the Olympics,Lang,48,who is from Beijing,had to take a different route to avoid a crowd of reporters and fans.

Then came the greatest moment to Lang:While the US team was playing in a packed gym,at least 8,000 Chinese fans unfurled an American flag.

“That really says it all,” Davis said.“They look at her as an icon(偶像).I’m sure it’s hard for them to see her coaching another country,but they love her so dearly that her success is their success.”

The loyalty of the Chinese fans was tested on Friday,when China lost a match to the US.

“It’s a pity that China lost the match,but I’m still glad that Lang Ping’s team won,since she is the pride of China’s volleyball,” said Liu Chengli,a spectator.“We also cheered for

Lang’s victory.”

Lang said she just tried to stay professional when the two teams meet.“It doesn’t matter if we play China or any other team.It’s the same.” Lang said.

Davis said she and her teammates could not have imagined the passion for volleyball among Chinese because the sport was lack of popularity in the US. The reception from Chinese fans has touched the US players,said US volleyball player Lindsey Berg.

“It’s such an honor to be here and play for our coach here in China,”she said.“The amount of support that the Chinese give to her and us has been tremendous.The whole event has been unbelievable.”

1.What’s the passage mainly about?

A.Staying professional.                            B.Cheering for the Iron Hammer.

C.A match between China and the US.      D.Lang Ping’s career as a coach.

2.Lang Ping avoided meeting the reporters and fans probably because she ________.

A.was afraid to be questioned about her strategy

B.didn’t want to be paid much attention to

C.disliked to be with her fans

D.didn’t want to disturb public order

3.What does the underlined word “unfurled” exactly mean?

A.destroyed completely                           B.tore into pieces

C.spread out to the wind                          D.rolled up

4.What does Lang Ping mean by saying “It doesn’t matter if we play China or any other team.”?

A.American Volleyball Team will beat any team.

B.Chinese Volleyball Team is the same as other teams.

C.She just tried to stay professional.

D.The results of each match will be the same.

5.What impressed the US team players most?

A.The tolerance of Chinese people.

B.The popularity of volleyball in China.

C.Lang Ping’s coaching skills.

D.The loyalty for volleyball of the Chinese.


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