
“It’s our tradition to help each other”, added Tenpa, a medical official in neighbouring Madoi County, who said Yushu has always been quick to help other areas in times of trouble. “We have suffered many dangers and each time people in Yushu have sent food and clothes. We are always thankful to them and hopefully we proved it by being the first rescue team to arrive in Yushu after the earthquake.”
The Madoi medical team arrived just hours after the violent 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit Yushu. In two weeks, they have treated at least 1,800 people, while the county has donated 400,000 yuan.
The biggest fear in the earthquake area is the outbreak of diseases. Tenpa said, “Keeping things clean in the shelter is very hard. Even hand washing is almost impossible because of lack of water. Our team is spraying disinfectant (喷洒消毒剂) and we hope that will work.”
After driving for 13 hours with his medical team, Tian Jiancan said he immediately found a 40-year-old who was seriously injured after being trapped in a toppled house. Tian had to operate on the man in his emergency medical van. “If we had been one hour later, he would probably be dead. It’s good to see him out of danger now.” Tian’s medical team has treated over 3,200 people, including a 15-day-old baby and a 105-year-old man. They also helped to put up tents against winds, where patients are protected well.
One local man said although most doctors cannot speak Tibetan, they have shown their care and love through their actions.
60. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. This is the first time that Tibetans have faced great dangers.
B. People in Yushu have always been ready to help each other.
C. Madoi was also hit by the 7.1-magnitude earthquake.
D. Tian’s team is the second rescue team to arrive Yushu.
61. What is the closest meaning to the underlined words in paragraph 7?
A. a house on the top floor                     B. a house which had no roofs
C. a house which fell down                         D. a house which was poorly built
62. How many people have been rescued by the medical teams according to the passage?
A. About 1,800.               B. 3,200.               C. At least 5,000.         D. 4000,000.
63. What is the passage mainly about?
A. People in Yushu are encouraged by the medical team workers.
B. The doctors went along quite well in spite of the language trouble.
C. The Madoi medical team was the first to arrive at the earthquake-hit area.
D. The medical workers made great efforts to help the people suffering from the earthquake.


第二节语法填空(共10题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
Money really can’t buy happiness. According to a new survey, lawyers and __31_____ well-paid white-collar workers are more likely to suffer depression. A national survey of more than 7500 professionals has found that almost one __32_____ ten reported moderate (中度) to severe depressive symptoms. The legal profession had the worst result, _33_______ almost 16 percent reporting symptoms of clinical depression (临床抑郁症). Next __34_____(be) accountants and insurance underwriters, both on 10 percent. People in IT services, architecture and engineering also had depression rates above the average.
The survey __35_____ (conduct) by Beyondblue, an organization devoted to fighting depression, also showed that __36_____ under 30 who had the __37_____ (high) rates of depression were the most likely to “self-medicate” with drugs and alcohol. Beyondblue deputy chief executive and _38_________ (psychology), Dr. Nicole Highet, said the survey was first to reveal the extent of the problem. “We often associate depression with the most socially disadvantaged and people under financial pressure, __39_____ here’s a whole different group.” Dr. Highet said, She said while it was difficult to know exactly __40________ made some groups more prone to depression, it was likely to be driven by work pressures.
We all have ideas about what kinds of foods are good to eat. We also have ideas about what kinds of foods are bad to eat. As a result, people from one culture often think the foods that people from another culture eat are nauseating(令人作呕的).When the famous boxer Muhammad Ali visited Africa, for example, one member of his group became quite sick when he saw someone pick up a butterfly and eat it. Many people would find it disgusting to eat rats, but there are forty-two different cultures whose people regard rats as appropriate food.
 Food likes and dislikes do not always seem related to nutrition. For example, broccoli is first on a list of the most nutritious common vegetables, but it is twenty-first on a list of vegetables that Americans like most to eat. Tomatoes are sixteenth on the list of most nutritious vegetables, but they are first on the list of vegetables that Americans like most to eat.
But dislike is not the only reason why some cultures will not eat a certain food. In some cultures, certain foods are taboo. Some foods are taboo in certain religions, but there are also other food taboos that are not connected to a religion. We do not usually think about why certain things are taboo in our culture. We may not even know why they are taboo. Anthropologists(人类学家) try to discover the hidden reasons for taboos.
Anthropologists believe that most food likes and dislikes are a result of the ways of life of different people. Some people live in areas where there are both large animals and many insects. It is difficult for these people to kill large animals, and it requires a lot of energy. It is easier for them to use insects for food because it is not difficult to catch insects and it does not require a lot of energy. Nomadic(游牧的) people who move around will not want to keep pigs for food. People will not eat pets such as dogs. Americans eat a lot of beef because there is plenty of land for raising cattle and the meat can be shipped cheaply for long distances by railroads.
小题1:     What’s the main topic of this passage?
A.Food and religion.B.Food and culture.
C.Nutrition of different foods.D.Different ways of life.
小题2:Which of the following statements is TRUE about food likes and dislikes?
A.They are seldom related to nutrition.
B.They are mostly associated with people’s taste.
C.They are mostly connected with people’s life styles.
D.They are usually related to cultures or religions.
小题3:The underlined word “taboo” (Line 3, Para. 3) refers to _____.
A.something undiscoveredB.certain religions
C.something forbiddenD.certain foods
小题4:What can we infer from the passage?
A.It is believed that brcoccoli is more nutritious than tomatoes.
B.Americans prefer tomatoes to beef.
C.People in Inner Mongolia would probably like to keep pigs for food.
D.The famous boxer Muhamm Ali would like to eat rat rather than butterfly.
小题5:Why do Americans prefer to eat beef?
A.Because beef provides a lot of energy people require.
B.Because beef is on the list of the most nutritious foods.
C.Because they have the ideal condition to keep and ship cattle.
D.Because cattle are large animals.

In the early days of sea travel, seamen on long voyages lived exclusively on salted meat and biscuits. Many of them died of scurvy (坏血病), a disease of the blood which causes swollen gums, livid white spots on the flesh and general exhaustion. On one occasion, in 1535, an English ship arrived in Newfoundland with its crew desperately ill. The men´s lives were saved by Iroquois Indians who gave them vegetable leaves to eat. Gradually it came to be realized that scurvy was caused by some lack in the sailors´ diet and Captain Cook, on his long voyages of discovery to Australia and New Zealand, established the fact that scurvy could be warded off by the provision of fresh fruit for the sailors.
Nowadays it is understood that a diet which contains nothing harmful may yet result in serious disease if certain important elements are missing. These elements are called “vitamins”. Quite a number of such substances are known and they are given letters to identify them, A, B, C, D, and so on. Different diseases are associated with deficiencies of particular vitamins. Even a slight lack of Vitamin C, for example, the vitamin most plentiful in fresh fruit and vegetables, is thought to increase significantly our susceptibility (敏感度) to colds and influenza.
The vitamins necessary for a healthy body are normally supplied by a good mixed diet, including a variety of fruit and green vegetables. It is only when people try to live on a very restricted diet, say during extended periods of religious fasting (斋戒), or when trying to lose weight, that it is necessary to make special provision to supply the missing vitamins.
51. Scurvy is a disease that is provoked by ____
A. salted meat and biscuits              B. exhaustion
C. want of some essential substances      D. lack of fresh vegetables and fruits
52. In the last sentence of Paragraph 1, “warded off” could probably be replaced by____.
A. got rid of     B. killed     C. avoided     D. cleared away
53. To avoid such disease as scurvy, it´s better for us ____.
A. not to eat much salted meat
B. to supplement our diet with various vitamin pills
C. to have more fresh fruit and vegetables
D. to develop a good dietary habit
54. Based on the passage we can safely conclude that if our diet is not comprehensive enough ____.
A. vitamin pills are of no avail
B. nutritious food might be unhealthy
C. vegetable leaves can be a good remedy
D. religious fasting may help out a lot
55. Which of the following sentences best expresses the central ideal of the passage?
A. Deficiencies of Vitamin C may cause serious diseases.
B. Fresh fruit and green vegetables contain enough nutrition that is necessary for a healthy body.
C. Vitamins play a vitally important role in people´s health.
D. A good mixed diet normally supplies sufficient vitamins for us.

III. 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
Alzheimer's disease affects millions of people around the world. American researchers say the disease will affect more than one hundred million people worldwide by the year twenty fifty. That would be four times the current number. Researchers and doctors have been studying Alzheimer's patients for a century. Yet the cause and cure for the mental sickness are still unknown. However, some researchers have made important steps towards understanding it.
Several early signs of the disease involve memory and thought processes. At first, patients have trouble remembering little things. Later, they have trouble remembering more important things, such as the names of their children.
There are also some physical tests that might show who is at risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. The tests look for proteins in brain and spinal cord fluid. The proteins appear to be found only in people with the disease. The protein tests correctly identify the presence of the disease in about ninety percent of patients.
Now, a much simpler physical test to predict Alzheimer's risk has been developed. Researchers found that trouble with the sense of smell can be one of the first signs of Alzheimer's. Using this information, they developed a test in which people were asked to identify twelve familiar smells. These smells included cinnamon, black pepper, chocolate, paint thinner, and smoke.
The study continued for five years. During this period, the same people were asked to take several tests measuring their memory and thought abilities. Fifty percent of those who could not identify at least four of the smells in the first test had trouble with their memory and thinking in the next five years.
Another study has shown a possible way to reduce a person's chances of developing Alzheimer's disease in old age. Researchers in Chicago found that people who use their brains more often are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. Those who read a newspaper, or play chess or word games are about three times less likely to develop the condition.
Researchers say they still do not know what causes Alzheimer's disease. But they say these findings might help prevent the disease in the future.
41. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A. Some early signs of the Alzheimer's disease.
B. Some physical tests about Alzheimer's disease.
C. The research about Alzheimer's disease.
D. The patients of Alzheimer's disease.
42. What’s the current number of Alzheimer’s patients?
A. 100 million               B. 25 million         C. 400 million              D. 2050 million
43. What is not the early signs of the Alzheimer's disease according to the passage?
A. Poor memory                           B. Proteins exist in the brain.
C. Trouble with the sense of smell.             D. Less use of the brain.
44. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 1 refer to?
A. Alzheimer's disease.                               B. Alzheimer's patients. 
C. The cause and cure.                                    D. The research.
45. According to the passage, we can learn that _______.
A. there are no proteins in the brains of the people with no Alzheimer's disease
B. the people who often use their brains will not get Alzheimer's disease
C. researchers and doctors have found ways to cure Alzheimer's disease
D. the people who have the trouble with the sense of smell will certainly suffer from Alzheimer's disease
Think about what you had for lunch: Was it a hamburger? A chicken sandwich? Barbecue? What about vegetables? Would it surprise you to learn that what you eat can affect the whole planet?
It can—in a big way. New studies show how food and its production affect the globe and its warming climate. You’ve probably heard of global warming : The temperature is on the rise because humankind has been releasing (排放) amounts of gases into the atmosphere. One of these greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide(二氧化碳).
What does this have to do with food ? A big part of the carbon dioxide that we put in the atmosphere every year comes from the process of making and eating food. The production of meat contributes a lot of that carbon diode. And much of meat’s contribution comes from beef , which is responsible for releasing even more warming gases into the atmosphere.
The process of making a hamburger ,for example, requires a lot of energy. A cow has to be fed and raised on farmland, and cow waste is a major source of methane (沼气) — an especially powerful greenhouse gas. The cow has to be killed. The meat has to be processed (加工) and shipped to a shop, which takes fuel . Most of the cow won’t even be used for meat that people eat. By the time a hamburger finally lands on a dinner plate, it has made a heavy effect on the environment.
We can reduce the production of global-warming gases by eating less beef .Other kinds of meat like pork and chicken do less harm to the environment—at least in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases released. 
All kinds of meat are harder on the planet than vegetables. To grow and eat a pound of potatoes, for example, sends less than one-quarter pound of carbon dioxide into the air. So changing our diet to less meat and more vegetables, as it turns out, may do the world some good.
小题1:The questions asked in the first paragraph are used to _____.
A.show the author’s concern about food safety
B.express the author’s puzzlement at what to eat
C.remind readers of something delicious to eat
D.introduce the topic to be discussed in the passage
小题2:What is the bad news for meat-eaters?
A.Meat producing can cause global warming
B.Most cows are raised not for people to eat
C.There is a lot of carbon dioxide in meat
D.Animals begin to die off because of global warming
小题3:Which is the most environment-friendly food according to the passage?
小题4:The author wrote the passage in order to _____.
A.explain the importance of eating meatB.advise people to keep a balanced diet
C.encourage people to choose a greener dietD.introduce some healthy foods to people

Chocolate might lower your chances of having a heart problem. According to a new study, a new study, a small amount of chocolate every day could decrease the risk of having a heart attack, by nearly 40 percent, German researchers followed nearly 20,000 people over eight years, sending them several questionnaires about their diet and exercise habits. They found people who had an an average of six grams of chocolate a day—or about one square of a chocolate bar—had a 39 percent lower risk of a heart attack.
Previous studies have suggested dark chocolate in small amounts could be good for you, but this is the first study to track its effects over such a long period. Experts think the flavonols(黄酮醇)contained in chocolate are responsible. Flavonols, also found in vegetables and red wine, help the muscles in blood vessels(血管)widen, which leads to a drop in blood pressure. “It’s a bit too early to come up with recommendations that people should eat more chocolate, but if people replace sugar or high-fat snacks with a little piece of dark chocolate, that might help,” said Brian Buijsse, a doctor at the German Institute of Human Nutrition in Nuthetal, Germany, the study’s lead author.
The people tracked by Buijsse and colleagues had no history of heart problems, had similar habits for risk factors like smoking and exercise, and did not vary widely in their Body Mass Index(身体质量指数).
Since the study only observed people and did not give them chocolate directly to test what its effects were, experts said more research was needed to determine the candy’s exact impact on the body. Doctors also warned that eating large amounts of chocolate could lead to weight gain. “This is not a prescription(指示)to eat more chocolate,” said Robert Eckel, a professor of medicine at the University of Colorado who is not linked to the study. “If we all had (a small amount of)chocolate every day for the rest of our lives, we would all gain a few pounds.” Eckel said it was amazing to find such a small amount of chocolate could have such a protective effect, but that more studies were needed to confirm its conclusions.
1.What is the main purpose of the article?
A.To suggest people eat as much dark chocolate as possible.
B.To warn people not to eat too much chocolate.
C.To tell people how to avoid a heart attack.
D.To report on a study about the benefits of chocolate.
2.Both Buijsse and Eckel believe that        .
A.dark chocolate in enough amounts could be good for our health
B.eating large amounts of chocolate could lead to weight gain
C.we can cure our heart problems with dark chocolate
D.we’d better not advise people to eat more chocolate at present
3.Which of the following statements about the study is FALSE?
A.It’s the first time that the effects of dark chocolate has been examined.
B.The researchers followed nearly 20,000 people for over eight years.
C.The researchers didn’t give any diet instructions to the people followed by the study.
D.The study found that eating about six grams of chocolate a day was beneficial.
4.We can infer from the text that         .
A.eating a small amount of dark chocolate will lower your blood pressure
B.scientists are now certain of the effects of dark chocolate
C.eating a little chocolate over a long period will not lead to weight gain
D.Flavonols can only be found in dark chocolate and red wine
Raising pets is not a new thing in China , but recently it has taken on a new meaning .
As a famous Chinese saying goes, pursuit of petty (小的,不重要的) pleasures weakens one’s will to make progress . The saying has been so popular that even today many people still consider raising pets as a hobby of the idle .
Things have changed much recently and now raising pets has become a popular pastime , resulting in a successful pet care industry .
Pet food is sold in almost all supermarkets and many special stores for pet needs have been set up .
Animal hospitals provide various medical services for sick dogs and cats , and pet exchange fairs are held regularly .
At the China International Pet Show which took place recently in Beijing , more than 100 factories from across the country exhibited their products . Thousands of dealers and pet owners went to the show.
“People’s swollen pockets make it possible for many to raise pets , a hobby that used to be enjoyed only by the wealthy ,” said Wang Wei , who works with the National Kennel Association of China .
Wang Yuyan , vice president of the Small Animals Protection Association , agreed , “ In many films and novels , having a pet is used as a symbol of wealth . That’s not a complete picture . ” Wang added that pets are friends in a real sense of the word , not just playthings . “ Anyone with a loving nature can raise pets . ”
Still the high cost of keeping a pet is something many people have to think about .
“I like dogs and cats , but I have neither time nor money to raise them , ”said Li Jun , in her 40’s , a civil servant from Beijing .
The cost of raising a dog is high in Beijing , where registration (登记) is a must for all dogs and costs 5,000 yuan for each animal . In addition , pet owners must pay for regular injection of vaccines (疫苗). Most of all , dog food is quite expensive .
Unlike his mother , Li Jun’s 10-year-old son, Li Qiyu, dreams of the day he will have his own pet . “I hope I can have a dog in my house , ” he said .
小题1:Things have changed much recently , because ___________ .
A.people have all become kind-heartedB.small animals have no places to live in
C.people’s living conditions are improvingD.more and more people are out of work
小题2: In big cities in China today , raising pets ________ .
A.has changed people’s lifeB.has destroyed some families
C.has met much difficultyD.has brought much business for some people
小题3:According to Wang Yuyan’s opinion , raising pets _________ .
A.is a necessary job for us allB.is harmless for most people
C.should be a hobby of the richD.will make the poor happy

About the game:
Cricket is a game played between two teams, generally of 11 members each. Essentially, it is single combat, in which an individual batsman does battle against an individual bowler, who has helpers known as fielders. The bowler throws the ball from one end of the 22-yard pitch in an attempt to dismiss (send out) the batsman by hitting a target known as the wicket at the other end, or by causing the batsman to hit the ball into the air into a fielder's grasp. The batsman attempts to defend the wicket with the bat and to score runs, by striking the ball to the field boundary, or far enough from the fielders to allow the batsman to run to the other end of the pitch before the ball can be returned. There are always two batsmen on the field, each to take a turn as required. When all but one of the batting team, altogether eleven of them, have been dismissed, the teams' roles are switched. After all the players required to bat on both sides have done so either once or twice (which can take from a few hours to five days) the total number of runs accumulated determines the winner. But sometimes there isn't one.
Important terms of cricket:
Batsman: A player who uses a bat to hit, or guide the ball after it has been bowled, usually for the purpose of scoring runs.
Boundary: Indicates the outer limit of the playing area.
Bowler: Refers to a player who’s primarily good at throwing a ball to a batsman. The basic goal is to get the ball past the batsman and break the wicket behind him with it and thus cause the batsman to be dismissed.
Catch: If a fieldsman catches a struck ball before it touches the ground, that is a catch and the batsman is out.
Fielder: A player placed within the field, with the object of stopping the batting team from scoring runs, also called “fieldsman”.
Four: If the ball is hit to bounce or roll over the boundary, this is a "boundary four"; four runs are added.
Run: The method of scoring during a game of cricket. Also refers to a single unit of score.
Six: If the batsman hits the ball clear over the boundary on the fly, six runs are added to the score.
Umpire: A person appointed to rule on plays in cricket.
64. What’s the right order of the four kinds of people (1—4 ) on the cricket ground (see picture on the right ) ?
A. bowler; umpire; batsman; fielder          B. batsman; umpire; fielder; bowler
C. fielder; bowler; batsman; umpire          D. bowler; umpire; fielder; batsman
65. What happens when the batsman hits the ball, which first touches the ground inside the pitch and rolls quickly over the boundary to one of the viewers outside the cricket ground?
A. The batsman gets dismissed.             B. The batting side gets four runs.
C. The batting team gets six runs.           D. The bowler’s team gets four runs.
66. We can learn from the passage that ________.
A. the side which has all its batsmen dismissed wins the game
B. the side which dismisses all batsmen of the other side wins the game
C. the side which gets more runs than the other side wins the game
D. the side which dismisses more of the other side’s batsmen wins the game 

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