Many thousands of years ago, people had not learned to build houses or shelters of any kind. They lived in caves where they were protected from the rain and snow. The caves were also safe places in which they could sleep without being attacked by bears or wolves.The tools that these people used were made of stones, so we call those times the Stone Age. A hard, sharp-edged piece of stone was an axe-head. These people learnt to bind (捆) the stone to a wooden handle using the tough sinews (腱) from legs of animals they had killed. Pieces of flint (燧石) were collected and smashed (粉碎) with heavier rocks to make pointed flakes (薄片) which were used as arrow tips. Flint stones with sharp edges were used as knives.
The people of the Stone Age hunted animals which included deer, wild horses and wild cattle. After eating the meat, they took the animal’s hide, stretched it out on the ground and scraped off the fat. They left hair on the outside. Then, after they had softened the hide by stamping on it, they polished (磨光) the inside with sandstone. The finished skins gave them rugs and clothes .For needles they poked (戳) thin pointed bones through the skins and stitched them with fine sinews.
We are not certain when the Stone Age began. Scientists think it could have been over a million years ago. They do know that it ended in about 3000 B.C. when people learnt to make things from copper and bronze. There were Stone Age people living in South Africa in the Kalahari Desert, Australia and New Guinea when white settlers arrived not many years ago. In distant parts of New Guinea some tribes have only just begun to use tools made of iron.
1.The reason why we call those times the Stone Age is because ______.
A. people built stone houses
B.people wore stone clothes
C.the tools people used then were made of stone
D.the caves people lived in were made of stone
2.Why did people live in caves many thousands of years ago?
A. Because they found them safe from attack.
B.Because they found them warm.
C.Because they found them big enough for them to live in.
D.Because the caves were animals’ shelters.
3.Where did the people of the Stone Age get the sinews when they made tools?
A. They got the sinews from their own legs.
B.They got the sinews from wolves and wild horses’ legs they had.
C.They picked them up when they found them.
D.They got the sinews from the legs of animals they had killed.
4.The word “hide” means ______.
A.后腿 B.兽皮 C.骨头 D.兽毛
5.The Stone Age didn’t end until ______.
A. people learnt to make things from copper and bronze
B.people learnt to use machines
C.people didn’t kill animals
D.people didn’t need rugs any more
2、第一段提及许多年前人们居住于洞穴,一来避免风雨的侵袭,二来防止动物的袭击,由此可知答案。 3、从文中第二段第三句可知答案。 4、人们猎取到动物后,先食其肉,然后取其毛皮。 5、They do know that it ended in about 3000 B.C. when people learnt to make things from copper and bronze.根据这句可知答案。