
8.Author Gwen Cooper traveled to animal shelters and rescue groups from May through September,donating supplies and talking to people about her new book,Love Saves the Day.She plans to finish the tour by December,and by then will have donated more than 40,000worthofproductstosheltersandraised5,000 more to help them.
A big part of what she does is a tour of animal shelters instead of bookstores.And a lot of what she does is letting people know of rescue organizations,the work they do and the kinds of animals they work with.Also because her last book is about her cat Homer,who is blind,there is a lot of work that she does with special and disabled animals.
Ever since she was a little girl,she had a passion for two things---books and animals.People always ask her,"Why do you care so much about animals?"However,she always wants to ask them,"Why don't you care so much about animals?"It is never really a decision that she has made; it's just the way she has always been.But really she doesn't like to see anyone suffer whether it's a person or an animal,as she thinks whether we walk on two legs or four,suffering is suffering.
Although her latest book Love Saves the Day is written for adults,there is a message for kids in it,which is,learning to appreciate their parents.It is a story of a mother and a grown daughter who have a very difficult relationship.A big part of what the daughter has to learn is to see things from her mother's point of view.One of the key parts of the book is how the mother and daughter learn to better understand each other.
46.Gwen Cooper's tour probably lasts.C
A.3 months           
B.5 months              
C.8 months              
D.12 months
47.What's the main purpose of Gwen Cooper's tour?D
A.To raise money for a cat organization.
B.To let people know of her new book.
C.To donate supplies to animal shelters.
D.To introduce rescue organizations.
48.The word"passion"in Paragraph 3 probably meansA.
A.a very strong interest                      B.a feeling of hate
C.a feeling of anxiety                        D.an understanding of something
49.Gwen Cooper wants to say"Why don't you care so much about animals?"(Para 3)because sheA.
A.thinks loving animals is natural
B.doesn't like that kind of question
C.doesn't know how to answer it
D.thinks suffering is suffering
50.What can kids learn from the book Love Saves the Day?C
A.Caring about animals all the time.
B.The latest study of animals in shelters.
C.Respecting and understanding their parents.
D.More about parents'views on educating children.

分析 本文主要讲述了作家格温库珀用八个月的巡演去宣扬动物救援与收容,她所做的是让人们知道救援组织,让人们把关爱动物当做是一件很自然的事情,而她最新出版的书也能使孩子们尊敬理解自己的父母.

解答 46.C 细节理解题,由第一段Author Gwen Cooper traveled to animal shelters and rescue groups from May through September,donating supplies and talking to people about her new book,Love Saves the Day.She plans to finish the tour by December.可知,她的旅行从五月开始十二月结束,故选C
47.D 细节理解题,由第二段And a lot of what she does is letting people know of rescue organizations,the work they do and the kinds of animals they work with.可知她旅行的目的是介绍救援组织,故选D
48.A 理解推断题,由第三段Ever since she was a little girl,she had a passion for two things---books and animals.People always ask her,"Why do you care so much about animals?"在结合她写书,关爱动物可知她对书和动物有着很强的兴趣,故选A
49.A 细节理解题,由第三段It is never really a decision that she has made; it's just the way she has always been.可知她不是决定要去关爱动物,而是她一直就是这么做的,这对她来说是很平常很自然的事情,故选A
50.C 细节理解题,由最后一段"there is a message for kids in it,which is,learning to appreciate their parents."One of the key parts of the book is how the mother and daughter learn to better understand each other.可知,孩子们在这本书中能学到尊敬理解他们的父母,故选C

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Four Habits t0,Help You Succeed

We all want to succeed,whether it’s in losing weight or learning the guitar.For those who hay e tried and failed,success seems difficult to understand.Why does one person succeed while another person fails? 1

1.Identify your core values.

Finding your core values is in line with creating inner motivation. 2 Pick a handful of things and actually write them down.Remind yourself of your values every day,and reflect on whether you are honoring those values through your work.

2.Pick a goal and focus on it.

Choose one goal to start something large enough that will give you a sense of accomplishment,while adjusting well to your core values.Focus is key here. 3 If you perform many tasks at。a time,you might never complete your projects because they will take far too lon9.

3.Set a deadline for success.

Set a date for success.Identify when you hope to achieve your goal. 4 By setting a time limit,you are making the process more real.

4. 5 .Failure can’t be avoided when you take risks, By its very definition,the desire to succeed means you are risking failure。Many people tend to give up far too early.Don’t fall into this trap! Remember your mindset earlier.Know it will happen.A failure is merely you working out the details,and learning what works and what doesn’t.Use failure.Treat it as a good thin9,and march on!

A.The more focused you are on one goal,the higher chance you have of Success.

B.Make the right decision.

C.I’ve made a list of four habits to help you set goals and achieve them.

D.Stick to your goal.

E.Keep it realistic,while not giving you too mu ch time.

F.Sit and reflect on what you value most.

G.Push yourself to be courageous,and take that next step.

3.He's not just a pretty face!Famous actor Josh Duhamel leads a group of youngsters in a two-mile charity beach run.He may be an attractive movie star,but there's more to Josh Duhamel than a pretty face.The 40-year-old actor led a youth charity fun run for the third year running on Sunday,in aid of the Red Cross giving a hand to countries and places suffering natural disasters.
    Josh sported the charity's T-shirt and black baseball cap with black jogging bottoms as he joined a group of youngsters in the two-mile effort on Santa Monica Beach.Josh was clearly enjoying himself today,sprinting across the finish line raising both arms in a victory salute.
    In March last year and January of 2010,Josh led thousands of runners and raised over $200,000 for both Japanese and Haitian earthquake relief efforts.And donations collected at this year's Youth Run will go towards the American Red Cross Prepare SoCal campaign which helps Southern Californians get ready for disasters.
"I do the youth run because I feel that younger people may not be able to donate a lot of money but that doesn't mean that they can't contribute and make a difference,"Josh told the Red Cross website."Bringing students of L.A.together for these events not only raises a lot of money,but also raises the spirits of those affected by any disaster and helps everyone young and old."
    Duhamel had won the title of Male Model of the Year in an International Modeling and Talent Association competition in 1997.Duhamel began his acting career as an extra in the music videos for Donna Summer's song,"I Will Go With You"in 1998.Later that year,he won the role of Leo Pres on the ABC soap opera"AU My Children".He then began appearing in films,and his acting in the film"Transformers"as well as its sequels was so successful that he became a pop film star.
46.Josh Duhamel led the beach run to help the Red CrossA.
     A.raise money for places suffering from disasters
     B.raise money for people suffering from diseases
     C.find more young volunteers especially teenagers
     D.build up a fame of having the spirit of entertainment
47.How did Josh Duhamel feel about his joining in the beach run?D
    A.He felt it the best way to kill time especially on weekends.
    B.He disliked it when there were reporters coming here.
    C.He thought it a best chance to make himself famous.
    D.He found it enjoyable and exciting to be a member.
48.What will the received donations of this year be used for?B
     A.Helping Japanese and Haitian defeat earthquakes.
     B.Helping Southern Californians get ready for disasters.
     C.Helping Northern Californians get ready for disasters.
     D.Helping relieve Southern Californians defeat earthquakes.
49.What is the aim of the youth run of L.A.?C
    A.To persuade more young people to keep the earth green.
    B.To make the young realize the influence of famous people.
    C.To inspire those affected by disasters and give them a hand.
    D.To raise as much money as possible to help the old and young.
50.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?D
    A.The importance of the youth run started by the Red Cross.
    B.The methods to join in the youth run led by Josh Duhamel.
    C.The reason why Josh Duhamel leads the youth run.
    D.The experiences and achievements of Josh Duhamel.
13.First lady Michelle Obama turns 50 on Friday,Jan.17,2014.
Michelle Obama has spent the first half-century of her life breaking barriers and checking off a series of firsts.Now,as she reaches her milestone birthday Friday,the nation will be watching to see in what other areas she will leave her mark.
Five years after moving into the White House,and without a re-election campaign to worry about,she has more room to relax in her role and,political watchers say,possibly become more vocal (声音的) on political issues in the three years left in office.
So far,critics have complained about Michelle's silence on issues where they expected to hear her voice:Last year,at the start of her husband's second term,she disappointed advocates for tighter gun-control measures after she failed to push harder on the issue in response to the massacre (残杀) at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown,Conn.She also disappointed some feminists (女权主义者) who wanted her to defend their causes instead of falling back on her self-described role as the nation's"mom-in-chief."Nor did she handle racial issues during her second term,as some had expected.
"The most important thing to remember is,whether you are black,white or Hispanic,you're the first lady and the president of all the people in the United States.That's a huge melting pot,so to reinforce (强化)that she's African American over anything else would not be wise,"said Anita McBride,who directs programming and national conferences on the legacies (遗产) of America's first ladies and their historical influence at American University.
Valerie Jarrett,a top White House adviser and a close friend of the Obamas,said the first lady doesn't want to"spread herself too thin."
"She really wants to have a maximum impact and to do that in fewer areas,"Jarrett told the Associated Press."That,she said,"is better than trying to take on every single possible cause."
But Robert Watson,a Lynn University professor,said he expects Obama to"go a little harder at issues"over the next several years."Second-term first ladies usually feel more at ease to speak more forcefully about issues close to their heart,"he said.
Myra Gutin,a Ryder University communications professor and frequent lecturer on first ladies,said she expects Obama to continue making both of them a priority in her remaining years in the White House,given their success.Michelle launched the"Let's Move"campaign in 2010.It in particular has gained widespread support,ranging from the National Football League to the Sesame Street franchise (特许),which even gave permission to the produce industry to use its licensed characters for free on fruits and vegetables.
"There's no such thing as a traditional first lady,not anymore in this technology-filled world.Is Mrs.Obama cutting edge?Is she an activist?No.As first ladies go,I think she's been politically careful because she does not want there to be a major flare-up that would require her husband to use his political capital to clean up,"she said."But she's not exactly just sitting in the White House pouring tea and having receptions,either."

62、Critics were disappointed with Michelle becauseD.
A.she didn't put gun-control measures into effect
B.she failed some feminists to stand out to be a career woman
C.she didn't solve some racial problems
D.she failed to voice her opinion on some issues
63.According to the professors or advisers,which of the following statements is NOT true?D
A.It's not wise to reinforce Michelle is African American over anything else.
B.It's better for Michelle to have a maximum impact than to take on every possible cause.
C.It's expected for Michelle to go a little harder at issues.
D.It's a tradition for first ladies to stay out of political issues.
64.What does the underlined phrase"spread herself too thin"in Paragraph 6mean?A
A.Try to do a lot of work at the same time.
B.Get very tired.
C.Try to improve physical fitness.
D.Move herself away from others.
65、In Paragraph 9,the campaign"Let's Move"might be aiming to help peopleC..
a.gain widespread support
b.become more physically active
c.have access to healthier foods
d.raise awareness about gun control
A.a,c   B.a,b   C.b,c   D.c,d.

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