
任务型阅读:Helen 信箱是一个报刊栏目,主持人Helen 回答读者提出的各种问题。第1至第4题
是4位读者的来信,请从A. B. C. D. E 中为每封来信选出最合适的回复,
(     )1. Dear Helen, 
                 I'm a boy in a middle school. My problem is that I want to make friends, but I don't know how.
            My classmates seem to be OK, but I just know I'll do something wrong. Please help me.
(     )2. Dear Helen,
                 My best friend is a nice young girl, but she has a serious shortcoming. She is always late. When 
            we're planning to do something together, she always keeps me waiting for her. Once she was 30
            minutes late for our meeting. What can I do?
(     )3. Dear Helen,
                I'm feeling very upset these days because the result of my last English exam was very bad. Even
           though my teacher told me that I could do better the next time, I'm still feeling very bad. I need your
(     )4. Dear Helen, 
                I'm a girl student in a middle school. One day a boy in my class gave me a love letter and he
           wanted me to be his girl friend. I know we are just students and it's not a proper time for me to fall
           in love with somebody. I also do not want to hurt that boy. What can I do?  
A. Dear xx,
         I understand how you feel about your problem and it's very important for you to find more chances to
     communicate with your classmates. You can ask your classmates about their likes and dislikes. Also, you
     can join them in discussions and show your interest in their ideas. You can change the situation!
B. Dear xx,
        You could try talking to her about the importance of being on time, and you can also tell her that you are 
    very unhappy with her about this. If she really cares about your friendship, she will not always keep you 
    waiting for long.
C. Dear xx,
         Scores are important for a student, but you don't have to care too much about the result of one test.
     You are learning. Maybe it is more important o find out why you failed to achieve your goal. Try to do
      better next time.
D. Dear xx, 
         "Be yourself" is the best solution. If I were you, I'd tell him to leave me alone. At least tell him, "That 
     was hurtful. Please don't say things like that to me. I'm a football fan and like watching football games.
      I can make my own decision."
E. Dear xx, 
        You're right. As a student, it's not a proper time for you to fall in love with a boy. If I were you, I would 
     make it clear to the boy that you could not accept his love. If possible, you can tell the boy you two can be
     friends if he can forget it. I hope it can help you. 


某校正在开展课外阅读小组活动Peter, Helen, Catherine, Elizabeth和Jessica想根据自己小组成员的喜好找一篇英语阅读材料。阅读下面某报纸的文章摘要(A, B, C, D, E, F),选出适合他们的文章,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    1.Peter’s group members are fond of an article which can help them to find something that can both challenge their intelligence and provide entertainment.

    2.Helen’s group members are fashionable and fond of advanced technology.They like reading something that can provide them with inspirations in achieving success and changing people’s way of life.

3.Catherine’s group members are athletic and spend a lot of time working out.They are fond of any stories about stars in the sports world.

    4.Elizabeth’s group members want to read some articles which can help them keep pace with the trend of fashion.They hope to find in the article some hints on helping improve their appearances.

    5.Jessica’s group members are keen on becoming volunteers and therefore are looking for some articles that can increase their chances of being chosen.


Wang’s little big ideas

Apps are transforming smart phones into multi-tasking gadgets that can locate a good restaurant and even help you with your love life.As the iPhone4 hits China, Zhang Chunmei meets the Chinese programmer behind an App Store bestseller to find how a tiny idea can make a big difference and how apps influence our digital lifestyle.


Showcase for talent

Susan Boyle, you better watch out.Semifinal day on China’s Got Talent is fast approaching and these contestants(竞争者) just might push you off your pedestal (宝座).Like them or hate them, there’s no denying the contestants are causing something of a stir across the country.The performers singled out on this page will certainly offer a show about which you’ll have something to say.


Top of the crops

You might think Fashion Week is about dresses rather than hairstyles.But you’d be wrong.Whether the models are in New York, London or Milan, who’s sporting the prettiest, trendiest or most shocking hairstyle is as hot a topic as the clothes on the catwalk.Despite the many hair highlights of the 2010 Fashion Week, we’ve managed to comb through the masses of material to pick a few of our favorites here.


Movie messes with your head

Driving home from a screening of Inception, my husband said to me: “I don’t know how you are going to write about this movie.” “What, you mean without giving anything away?” I asked.“No,” he said.“I don’t know how you are going to explain what it’s about.” The film, by writer-director Christopher Nolan, is a gorgeous(极好的), technically perfect symphony(交响曲) of images and ideas.


Woods to split

The marriage between the golf star and his wife is officially over.Official divorce papers state that “the marriage between the parties is irretrievably broken”, thus bringing to an end the couple’s six-year marriage.Woods and Nordgren have lived apart since Woods’ November 2009 car crash, which was followed by Woods’ public admission of a series of affairs with other women.


Flowers set to bloom

What exactly does it take for a young woman to be considered a “campus flower?” Some say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but surely there must be certain essential criteria.Perhaps we can get some answers by taking a closer look inside the training camp of the Universiade Star in Shenzhen, a competition organized to select the guides, waiters, torchbearers and flag bearers for the 2011 games.



Tue, 15 Mar 2005

Dear Julia,

Thank you for the Chinese words, I have tried to say them    46  .We have had some snow in February but now the weather is getting warmer. Some festivals in England are Easter and Christmas.

Easter is next week. At Easter we give people chocolate eggs that represents birth.   47  The daffodils are yellow and they look like the sun. At Easter we celebrate the birth of lambs and baby chickens and other animals.   48  Children believe in the Easter bunny, which is a rabbit that goes from house to house delivering chocolate eggs.

49   At Christmas we give people presents and have decorations around the house. Christmas is celebrated because of the birth of Jesus. Children believe in Santa Claus, which is a man who goes from house to house delivering presents to all the children. I can't teach you any English because you are very good at the language already.   50   Hello: Hola; Goodbye: Adios; My name is Helen: Mi llamo Helen; My name is Julia: Mi llamo Julia; Thank you: Gracias.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes!

Love from Helen

Also we get a lot of flowers in Spring, daffodils and lilies are the  

main flowers for Easter.

Easter is also a time to think about Jesus waking up from the dead. 

C.  So I can tell you a bit of Spanish.

D. Spanish is better than English.

E.  Christmas is in December.

F  but it is quite hard!







In addition to self-awareness, imagination, and conscience, it is the fourth quality — independent will — that really makes effective self-management possible. It is the ability to make decisions and choices and to act in agreement with them. It is the ability to act rather than to be acted upon, to actively carry out the program we have developed through the other three qualities.

The human will is an amazing thing. Time after time, it has overcome unbelievable difficulties. The Helen Kellers of this world give dramatic(给人深刻印象的) evidence to the value, the power of the independent will.

But as we examine this quality in the context of effective self-management, we realize it’s usually not the dramatic, the visible, the once-in-a-lifetime, up-by-the-bootstraps(自立自强的) effort that brings lasting success. This special ability comes from learning how to use this great quality in the decisions we make every day.

The degree to which we have developed our independent will in our everyday lives is measured by our personal honesty. Honesty is, fundamentally, the value we place on ourselves. It’s our ability to make and keep promises to ourselves, to “walk our talk.”

Effective management is putting first things first. While leadership decides what “first things” are, it is management that puts them first, day-by-day, moment-by-moment. Management is discipline (training to be self-controlled), carrying it out.

Discipline obtains from belief—belief in a set of values, belief in an overriding(最主要的) purpose, to a long-term or short term goal that must be carried out.

In other words, if you are an effective manager of yourself, your discipline comes from within; it is a function of your independent will. You are a follower of your own deep values and their source. And you have the will, the quality to control your feelings and moods rather than depend on others or have your work half done.


The power of independent will


Independent will makes self-management (71)       .


·The example given to (72)        power of independent will is amazing.

·Power of independent will helps to make one’s (73)       every day.

·(74)       is very important to develop our independent will.

·It’s our ability to have our promises made and (75)       .


·Effective managers should know (76)      should be done first.

·Effective managers with discipline should (77)        to their  promises.


·You (79)        your deep values.

·Your feelings and moods are able to be (80)       .



V. Task-based reading 任务型阅读 1’ * 10 = 10’


Oh, the things that I should see if I had the power of sight for just three days!

The fast day would be a busy one. I should call to me all my dear friends and look long into their faces, imprinting (刻上) upon my mind the outward (外表的, 表面的) evidences of the beauty that is within them, I should let my eyes rest, too, on the face of a baby, so that I could catch a vision of the eager, innocent (天真无邪的) beauty which precedes (在…之前, 先于) the individual's consciousness (意识) of the conflicts which life develops.

And I should like to look into the loyal, trusting eyes of my dogs--the serious, clever little Scottie, Darkie, and the strong, understanding Great Dane, Helga, whose warm, tender, and playful friendships are so comforting to me.

On that busy first day I should also view the small simple things of my home. I want to see the warm colors in the carpets under my feet, the pictures on the walls, the lovely small furniture that transforms a house into home. My eyes would rest respectfully on the books in dot-raised type which I have read, but they would be more eagerly interested in the printed books which seeing people can read, for during the long night of my life the books I have read and those which have been read to me have built themselves into a great shining lighthouse, showing me the deepest channels of human life and the human spirit.

In the afternoon of that first seeing day, I should take a long walk in the woods and intoxicate (使陶醉) my eyes on the beauties of the world of Nature trying desperately (拼命地) to absorb in a few hours the vast brilliance (才华, 才智) which is presenting itself to those who can see. On the way home from my woodland trip, my path would lie close to a farm so that I might see the patient horses ploughing (耕地) in the field and the peaceful content of men living close to the soil. And I should pray for the glory of a colorful sunset.

When darkness had fallen, I should experience the double delight of being able to see by man-made light which the genius of man has created to extend the power of his sight when Nature brings darkness.

In the night of that first day of sight, I should not be able to sleep, so full would be my mind of the memories of the day!

(by Helen Keller)

The first day what Helen Keller would do (66) _________ given three days to see

In the morning

●  Look long into the faces of all her dear friends so that she would (67) _______ upon her mind the outward (外表的, 表面的) the evidences of their beauty that is within them

●  Catch a vision of the eager, innocent beauty of a baby by resting her eyes on his face.

●  Look into the loyal, trusting eyes of her (68) _________

●  View the small simple things of her home such as warm colors, pictures, trifles.

●  Fix her eyes with (69)_____ on the books in raised type she has read and the printed books for seeing people with interest.

In the afternoon

● (70) _________ in the woods; intoxicate (使陶醉) her eyes on the beauties of the world of Nature and absorb in a few hours the vast brilliance of the world.

●  Walk past a farm, see the (71) ________ horses ploughing (耕地) in tile field and the peaceful content of men living close to the soil.

●  Pray for the glory of a colorful sunset.

In the (72)_______

(73) ___________the double delight of being able to see, helped by man-made light.

At night

I should not be able to sleep, so full would be her mind of the (74) _________ of the day!

From the passage we know in spite of her blindness Helen Keller' was still full of love for (75) ____________.


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