GWANGJU, South Korea, Sept. 28,2013 (Xinhua) — Cultural ministers from China, Japan and South Korea participating in the 5th China-Japan-South Korea Ministerial Conference on Culture held here Saturday agreed to strengthen cultural exchange and cooperation to promote the cultural prosperity of East Asia.

Cai Wu, China's Minister of Culture, Hakubun Shimomura, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, and Yoo Jinryong, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Korea attended the meeting in the South Korean city with more than 2,000 years of history.

At the meeting, Cai said that the east and west differ in history, culture and values, but the East Asia as a whole, especially China, Japan and South Korea, should take good advantage of their cultural and historical similarities, trying to create “shared East Asia value”and seeking a greater say around the world.

The ministers drew the Gwangju Joint Document at the meeting to strengthen cultural exchange and cooperation in the fields of culture industry, exhibitions, cultural heritage preservation and the youth exchanges to promote the program of “East Asia City of Culture.”

China, Japan and South Korea also agreed that the host country of the annual ministerial meeting will organize a joint cultural festival, including art performances, exhibitions, academic seminars and other relevant events starting from 2014.

The annual trilateral Ministerial Conference on Culture was firstly launched in 2007. The Gwangju meeting is the fifth round of this series, and the last round of this meeting was held in Shanghai, China in May 2012.

1.Which of the following information is True according to the text?

A. The 5th China-Japan-South Korea Ministerial Conference on Culture was held on Sunday.

B. The 5th China-Japan-South Korea Ministerial Conference on Culture is aimed at promoting the cultural prosperity of West Asia.

C. Yoo Jinryong, Minister of Culture, Science, Technology and Tourism of Korea attended the meeting.

D. GWANGJU is a South Korean city that has a history of more than 2,000 years.

2.The underlined phrase “seeking a greater say”in Paragraph 3 probably means         .

A. looking for more chances to speak Asian languages

B. trying to get greater power or right of acting or deciding

C. attempting to take up more space in the world

D. getting more time to set a good example to others  

3.This text mainly tells us ________.

A. three Asian leaders meet each other to discuss economic problems

B. how the program of “East Asia City of Culture”came into being

C. three Asian countries agree to promote cultural prosperity of East Asia

D. the trilateral Ministerial Conference on Culture firstly began in 2007

4.We can know from the text that         .

A. the fourth Ministerial Conference on Culture was held in GWANGJU

B. the trilateral Ministerial Conference on Culture is held once a year 

C. the Ministerial Conference on Culture has never been held in China

D. no changes were made about the forms of activities to be held in the future


第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)阅读下列材料,61— 65题中提到的人们都打算去乡间旅游景点游玩。请将每组人员和他们最合适的地方配对。有一个景点是多余的。

______ 61. Miss Jane and Miss Ann are working for a travelling company. They are focusing on

 some points of developing tourism of peculiar style in the countryside. To start new

travelling business in some villages with fine leisure clubs and entertainment

          conditions, they need some excellent examples to follow. 

______ 62. Some senior visitors, from America, have just retired. They prefer a holiday in a place

 which may remind them of something back home. As believers with religious faith,

they’d like to see some places with the connections between religion and ethics issues.  

______ 63. Mr. John, a scholar from Australia, who devotes himself to literature, is now in Britain on holiday. Having been to some famous attractions, he’s got two days left to see

something more. He is also quite interested in the history of the Great Britain navigation (航海), and the history of early world explorations.

______ 64. A young couple, having just got married, are going on their honey-moon trip. The girl is very interested in the life of the noble families and gardening, while the boy shows more interest in visiting some old houses of famous people. But his love to his bride is enough for him to put her preference first.  

______ 65. Having one free day, a party of students are seeking a particular place to do their research, which will benefit their study of geography. Besides, they prefer to have a

relaxation in nature as well, climbing included. The place should be particular for them.

A.                                           B.


C.                                          D.


E.                                           F.


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