
 Haisong Jiang, who slipped (偷偷溜进) past a security checkpoint(安全关卡) on Jan. 3, causing a shutdown of Newark Airport, tried to apologize for his mistake.

" I feel guilty about this serious mistake. At that moment, I was very excited with my girlfriend, and I didn't think too much," Mr. Jiang, 28, said Tuesday in his first interview since causing the six-hour shutdown at the airport.

On Tuesday, Newark Municipal Court judged that besides the community service, he must pay a $500 fine (罚金) and $158 in court fees. In an agreement between the court and Mr. Jiang's lawyer, Mr. Jiang will pay off his money punishment all by community service instead.

  Haisong Jiang, a native of China, about a year ago moved to the United States in 2004 to study and met his girlfriend, also Chinese and 26. She has since moved to California.

The lovebirds did the town over the Christmas holidays: shopping in SoHo, visiting the tree at Rockefeller Center, celebrating New Year's Eve in Times Square - the works. On Jan. 3, he watched her pass through security, but he wanted to spend more time with her. When he noticed the officer leave his post, he saw his chance, he said. He slipped under the rope and kissed her and, arm in arm, walked her to her Continental Airlines gate and saw her onto the jetway. "And immediately I left," he said.

  Three days passed. "Friday, the police found me," the future scientist said. He was at the gym when his roommate called to say two police officers were at their home. "It's not right to enter the airport. Immediately I know the police want to ask me this thing."

   He expects to serve half of his community service in a soup kitchen - "I like to cook" - and the other half in a hospital. He plans on moving to California to be with her and work in a laboratory after completing his degree in May or June.

He never types his name into search engines on the Net: the number of hits is shocking.

What’s the best title of the passage?

A. A moving love story  B. An escape from security check

C. A kiss causing great trouble      D. When a man loves a woman

How much did Mr. Jiang finally pay for his mistake?

A. nothing      B. $ 500  C. $158   D. $ 658

Which of the following sentences is true?

A. Mr. Jiang was sent to the police station right after he went out of the airport.

B. The lovebirds spent their Christmas holidays in California.

C. Mr. Jiang caused so much trouble on purpose.

D. On Friday, the police didn’t find Mr. Jiang at his home at first.

What can you infer from the passage?

A. Mr. Jiang is an American-Chinese.

B. Mr. Jiang and his girlfriend’s love story has finally ended.

C. Many people have known about Mr. Jiang on the net.

D. Mr. Jiang will become a scientist with certainty.






第三部分: 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


My grandfather worked as a carpenter. One day, he was building some crates(木箱)for the

clothes his church was  41  to an orphanage(孤儿院)in Brazil. On his way home, he found his glasses  42  . When he  43  what he had done, he realized his glasses   44  out of his pocket and fallen into one of the crates. His new glasses were heading for  45  !

“It’s not  46  .” he thought as he walked home angrily. “I’ve been very faithful in giving  47  of my time and money to my work. And now his.” He felt a bit   48  .

Several months  49  , the director of the orphanage in Brazil came to the United States. He wanted to visit all the churches that supported him,   50  he came to my grandfather’s small  51  in Chicago.

He began  52  thanking the people for their  53  in supporting the orphanage. “But first of all,” he said, “I shall thank you for the glasses you sent   54  . You see, some people  55  into the orphanage, destroying everything my glasses  56  . Along with  57  able to see well, I experienced headaches. Then your crates arrived. When I   58  the covers, I found a pair of glasses lying on top.” “When I tried on the glasses,” he continued, “it  was  59  they had just been made for me!”

People listened, happy for the   60  glasses. Sitting quietly in the back ,with tears steaming down his face, my grandfather, an ordinary carpenter realized that his glasses had found a good place to go.

41.A.carrying     B.sending     C.taking       D.bringing

42.A.missing      B.broken      C.going D.missed

43.A.thought      B.repeated    C.remembered      D.reminded

44.A.can’t have slipped     B.must slip   C.can have slipped       D.must have slipped

45.A.Chicago     B.Brazil C.nowhere    D.his home

46.A.fair     B.worth C.valuable    D.worthy

47.A.either  B.none  C.all      D.any

48.A.excited       B.unhappy    C.discouraged      D.shocked

49.A.lately  B.late    C.latter  D.later

50.A.yet     B.then   C.nevertheless      D.so

51.A.school B.town  C.church       D.home

52.A.in       B.by      C.to      D.for

53.A.kindness     B.encouragement  C.inspiration D.honesty

54.A.last year     B.last month C.last week   D.last summer

55.A.has come    B.used to come     C.had come   D.come

56.A.to include   B.include      C.including   D.included

57.A.not to be    B.being C.not be       D.not being

58.A.opened       B.removed    C.moved       D.discovered

59.A.as though   B.even though      C.ever if       D.only if

60.A.exact  B.famous      C.wonderful  D.valuable


I’m a pig, and my son is a rabbit. I have snakes for daughters, and my wife, believe it or not, is a dragon! Do I live in a zoo? No, of course not! I am talking about Chinese zodiac signs. Depending on the year of your birth, each person has an animal for a sign. That’s why I am a pig and my wife is a dragon. If you, like me, were born in the year of the pig, then you are brave, thoughtful and loyal. The year of the pig is filled with good fortune.

  Now let’s take a closer look at this interesting animal.

  Pigs were first raised by man about 9,000 years ago, and are still a very common farm animal in many parts of the world. We don’t just use pigs for their meat — almost every part of the animal is used. The hair is used for artists’ brushes. The fat is used to make floor wax, rubber and plastics.

  Pigs have also been important in the world of entertainment. In 1995 the film ‘Babe’ starred a loveable talking pig as its main character. The film won an Oscar and was nominated for 6 more. In England you can even go to watch pig racing. A farmer, Rob Shepherd, has been raising money for charity by holding pig races on his farm. The events have been very successful. People don’t just want to eat pigs, it seems!

  Pigs also play an important role in the English language. For example, if someone says that he will travel to the sun one day, you can say “pigs might fly!” to him. Hungry? Well then, you can “pig out” and eat lots of food. And what if someone rescues you? Well, you can say that they “saved your bacon”.

63. The writer wrote the first paragraph in a ______ tone.

A. sad      B. confused     C. serious     D. humorous

64. We may know from the passage that ______.

A. people in England like pigs more than other animals

B. pigs are more useful than ordinary people imagine

C. pigs are the first animals raised by man

D. more people don’t want to eat pigs now

65. The underlined sentence “pigs might fly! ” in the fifth paragraph means ______.

A. What you have just said is impossible

B. Pigs are great animals

C. I don’t understand your words

D. I can’t agree with you more

66. Which diagram shows the structure of the passage?


     A         B        C          D

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