
The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen

Amazon Best Books of 2015: Top 10 Literature & Fiction #5

Amazon Best Books of 2015: Top 100 Editors’ Picks #16

Publisher’s Weekly Best Books of 2015: Fiction #1

New York Times 100 Notable Books of 2015 #6

Library Journal Best Books 2015: The Top Ten #1

2016 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction: Winner

Book Description

A profound, startling, and beautifully crafted debut novel, The Sympathizer is the story of a man of two minds, someone whose political beliefs clash with his individual loyalties.

It is April 1975, and Saigon is in chaos. At his villa, a general of the South Vietnamese army is drinking whiskey and, with the help of his trusted captain, drawing up a list of those who will be given passage aboard the last flights out of the country. The general and his compatriots start a new life in Los Angeles, unaware that one among their number, the captain, is secretly observing and reporting on the group to a higher-up in the Viet Cong. The Sympathizer is the story of this captain: a man brought up by an absent French father and a poor Vietnamese mother, a man who went to university in America, but returned to Vietnam to fight for the Communist cause. A gripping(扣人心弦的) spy novel, an astute exploration of extreme politics, and a moving love story, The Sympathizer explores a life between two worlds and examines the legacy of the Vietnam War in literature, film, and the wars we fight today.

Viet Thanh Nguyen Award Statistics

Major Prize Nominations(提名) 3

Unique Books Nominated for a Major Prize 1

Pulitzer Prize Wins 1(The Sympathizer)

PEN/Faulkner Award Wins 0

PEN/Faulkner Award Nominations 1 (The Sympathizer)

1.In what kind of honor was the book ranked highest?

A. Amazon Best Books of 2015: Top 10 Literature & Fiction

B. Amazon Best Books of 2015: Top 100 Editors’ Picks

C. New York Times 100 Notable Books of 2015

D. Library Journal Best Books 2015: The Top Ten

2.Who does “a man of two minds” in the text refer to ?

A. The captain mentioned.

B. The general mentioned.

C. Viet Thanh Nguyen.

D. The captain’s mother.

3.What can be learned about the book The Sympathizer?

A. It belongs to a science fiction.

B. It is set in the Vietnam War.

C. It is no more than a loving story.

D. It won PEN/Faulkner Award once.


It's true that many dads in the wild aren't interested in parenting, but there are some that work pretty hard to give their little ones a good start. Maybe one of these dads will make you remember your own dad!

The male giant water bug doesn’t seem to mind a heavy load on his back for his kids. The female puts about 100 to 150 eggs on the back of the male, and then she leaves. Once the female is gone, the male has to look after the eggs. It usually takes one to two weeks for the eggs to hatch. The father giant water bug jumps around to make sure the growing eggs get enough air and water. All this time he can't fly because of the weight of the eggs growing rapidly on his back.

Now let's turn to the male stickleback fish. When the mother leaves after laying her eggs, the father tends his young. If the young fish go too far away, their father helps with their safe return by carrying them back in his mouth. The male stickleback looks after all his young — as many as 100 — until they can live on their own.

A similar example can be found in emperor penguins living in cold areas. The male emperor penguin goes without food while looking after his egg until it hatches. For about 62 to 67 days, the egg stays on top of the father's feet, in very cold temperatures that drop down to -39℃. As a result, the father may lose nearly 50 percent of his body weight while waiting for his baby penguin to be born!

1.What do we know about the giantwater bug?

A. It is unable to fly.

B. The eggs grow on the father's back.

C. The male must keep still to hatch the eggs.

D. The female looks after her eggs together with the male.

2.During the hatching period, the male emperor penguin ________.

A. is unable to eat

B. is fed by the female

C. tries to lose some weight

D. can't stand the cold weather

3.What is the best title for the text?

A. Mr. Moms in the Wild

B. Animals Do Have Feelings

C. Nature Loves Us like Our Dad

D. Childbirth in the Animal Kingdom

A friend asks you to be a volunteer. Your husband asks you to glance over an e-mail he is writing to his boss. You say you’d love to. Really! But..."I don’t have time".

It seems plausible(有道理的). We’re all busy these days, right? But there are reasons not to use these four words, at least with yourself.

Here’s the big one: it is not true. You tell yourself "I don’t have time" to exercise, but we all have 168 hours a week. If someone offered to pay you $100,000 a week to go to the gym for 5 of those 168 hours, you would probably find the time to do it. Since that isn’t going to happen, this is a more exact description: "It’s not a priority(优先考虑的事)."

There are a million things we could be doing with our time; some are priorities and some are not, even if it’s wrong to say so. Try it. "I’m not going to read to you tonight, sweetie, because it’s not a priority. Daddy’s present priority is to check my e-mails."

Using the words "I don’t have time" keeps us from admitting to the fact that how we spend our time is a choice. It puts the responsibility for our lives on someone else: a boss, a client or a family member.

Better to be truthful: "I have another volunteer job on which I am focusing my energy right now. It is the cause that is most important to me." Or, to your husband "I wish you had mentioned this earlier. Right now, my priority is to get our children dressed and out of the door for school. I will be available around lunch time if you would like to talk".

1.What does the word "it" in the third paragraph refer to?

A. Saying "I don’t have time".

B. Saying "We are all busy today".

C. Checking your husband’s e-mail.

D. Telling your friend you won’t be a volunteer.

2.From the third paragraph we can learn that ________.

A. it is enough to exercise for five hours a week

B. we are too busy to exercise these days

C. we can earn $100,000 a week by exercising

D. we don’t often regard exercise as a priority

3.What is the text mainly about?

A. How to be responsible for our lives.

B. How to get time to do exercise.

C. How to say no to others without saying "I don’t have time".

D. How we should spend our time reasonably these days.

When Monty Roberts was a child, his daddy as a horse fitness instructor was moving from ranch(农场) to ranch, training horses. ________, the boy’s education was frequently interrupted. One day, in school his ________ told him to create and write about what he wished to be when he grew up. He didn’t ________ one minute and wrote a seven-page paper about his trying to be a manager of a horse ranch with a plan in ________.

Soon after, he ________ his paper back with an “F”. After class he came to the instructor and asked, “Why did I ________ an F?” The instructor responded, “These dreams are too ________ for a boy, who does not have any money, no information and who comes from a very ________ family. There is absolutely no ________ that you’ll achieve your great goals when you grow up.” Then the teacher told Monty to ________ the paper with an realistic attitude.

The boy went home and asked his daddy what he should do. His dad ________, “This decision is important for you, which means you have to ________ your own decision.”

After several days and nights the boy ________ exactly the same paper to his teacher. No ________ were made. He said, “Keep your ________ and I am going to keep my dream.”

Now Monty Roberts ________ a 4,000-square-foot house in the center of a 200-acre horse ranch and even now he has that school ________ framed(给……加框) on the fireplace.

Remember don’t ever let someone tell you you can’t do ________. Not even your teachers. You got a ________; you got to protect it. People can’t do something themselves so they want to tell you you can’t do it. If you want something, go to ________ it.

1.A. HoweverB. ConsequentlyC. PossiblyD. Unluckily

2.A. teacherB. motherC. fatherD. monitor

3.A. makeB. loseC. hesitateD. talk

4.A. lengthB. widthC. colorD. depth

5.A. receivedB. acceptedC. respondedD. demanded

6.A. preserveB. reserveC. getD. require

7.A. detailedB. specificC. strangeD. unrealistic

8.A. wealthyB. poorC. specialD. complete

9.A. possibilityB. needC. doubtD. evidence

10.A. reciteB. retellC. rewriteD. review

11.A. commentedB. decidedC. promisedD. answered

12.A. makeB. obeyC. respectD. examine

13.A. readB. broughtC. suggestedD. approved

14.A. improvementsB. studiesC. remarksD. plans

15.A. ruleB. regulationC. gradeD. style

16.A. cleansB. witnessesC. ownsD. admires

17.A. pictureB. photoC. contractD. paper

18.A. nothingB. somethingC. everythingD. anything

19.A. dreamB. friendC. propertyD. thought

20.A. takeB. purchaseC. obtainD. control

Why do many people take vacations frequently? We need to take time out from work to relax, and just be ourselves. 1. We should all be allowed to leave our jobs behind us—at least for a few weeks each year—and just have fun. This might be something as simple as reading a good book in front of a warm fireplace through to traveling to the most interesting places on our planet. Whatever we fancy doing is worth taking time out for.

As we know, workplace stress is on the rise. 2. These include disease, depression and even death. We all seem to be running from one place to the next, never finding out where we want to go in the first place. I intend to break that trend in the coming days. 3. I will sleep late, write, watch movies, drink the occasional glass of wine, and eat to my heart's content, ignoring calorie counting. My plan is to just enjoy the fleeting(飞逝的) moments of being alive. 4. Spend your next vacation the way you want; Do what will restore your mental health. You're very valuable to the people who are close to you, and to those who depend on it. Like it or not, we are all interdependent(互相依存的)in this great life of ours. There's no doubt that you are valuable. Just remember that the next time you look at a mirror and take a deep breath. Remind yourself that there will never be anyone like you ever on this earth again. 5. 1you have to do is just ask yourself what you want to do.

A. Draw up a detailed plan so that you can see more.

B. With it come many health problems.

C. When you finally get home you'll be greatly refreshed.

D. Life is not all about work, or at least it shouldn't be.

E. And only you know how to take a vacation in your way.

F. I challenge each one of you to do the same.

G. For my next holiday, I will do all the things that I love doing.

In cities with rent control, the city government sets the maximum rent that a landlord (房东) can charge for an apartment. Supporters of rent control argue that it protects people who are living in apartment. Their rent cannot increase; therefore, they are not in danger of losing their homes. However, the critics say that after a long time, rent control may have negative effects. Landlords know that they cannot increase their profits. Therefore, they invest in other businesses where they can increase their profits. They do not invest in new buildings which would also be rent-controlled. As a result, new apartments are not built. Many people who need apartments cannot find any. According to the critics, the end result of rent control is a shortage of apartments in the city.

Some experts argue that the minimum wage law can cause problems in the same way. The federal government sets the minimum that an employer must pay workers. The minimum helps people who generally look for unskilled, low-paying jobs. However, if the minimum is high, employers may hire fewer workers. They will replace workers with machinery. Therefore, other things being equal, the number of workers that employers want decreases. Thus, critics hold the opinion that an increase in the minimum wage may cause unemployment. Some poor people may find themselves without jobs instead of with jobs at the minimum wage.

Supporters of the minimum wage say that it helps people keep their dignity. Because of the law, workers cannot sell their services for less than the minimum. Furthermore, employers cannot force workers to accept jobs at unfair wages.

Economic theory predicts the results of economic decision, such as decisions about farm production, rent control, and the minimum wage. The predictions may be corrected only if “other things are equal”. Economists do not agree on some of the predictions. They also do not agree on the value of different decisions. Some economists support a particular decision while others criticize it. Economists do agree, however, that there are no simple answers to economic questions.

1.There is the possibility that setting maximum rent may ________.

A. cause a shortage of apartments

B. worry those who rent apartments as homes

C. increase the profits of landlords

D. encourage landlords to invest in building apartments

2.We can safely say that rent control ________.

A. will always benefit those who rent apartments

B. is unnecessary

C. will probably bring inactive effects in the long run

D. is necessary under all conditions

3.There will be the problem of unemployment if ________.

A. the minimum wage is set too high

B. the minimum wage is set too early

C. the workers are unskilled

D. the maximum wage is set for poor workers

4.The passage tells us about ________.

A. the relationship between supply and demand

B. the possible results of government controls

C. the necessity of government control

D. the urgency of getting rid of government control

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