
【题目】Chocolate, one of the most popular foods in the world,has a history as rich as its flavor. Hi e Aztecs(阿芝特克人)of Mexico about chocolate a long time ago. It comes from the beans of a special tree, a(n) having grown in the American countries for at least four thousand years. They made it a drink. Sometimes they mixed hot peppers with chocolate. They called the " xocoatl", meaning " bitter juice". This is the word chocolate comes from. As long ago as century,Indian families drank chocolate at wedding parties other important ceremonies. , chocolate was not known in Europe until 1528, the Spanish explorer Hernando Cortez brought it from Mexico to his own country. Drinking chocolate soon became in Spain and quickly to the rest of Europe. The Spanish did not like peppers,so they sugar to chocolate. Three hundred years later, a scientist in Holland who loved chocolate learned to make chocolate into sweets. After 1850, people who liked chocolate could eat it as well as drink it. the years passing, people in other countries began to make many kinds of chocolate. Today the making of chocolate has become a very big . The Aztecs believed that chocolate can make people . Today, we do not believe this. There are many reasons why chocolate has become so popular. People like its rich, delicious flavor. Some people think that chocolate is even more delicious when it is made with other things, fruit and nuts. Also, chocolate makers can chocolate into different shapes that are pleasing to And also, eating chocolate has a helpful physical effect. The sugar and fat in chocolate give people quick energy.

【1】A. learned B. studied C. knew D. told

【2】A. plant B. flower C. fruit D. animal

【3】A. into B. of C. from D. up of

【4】A. drink B. beans C. chocolate D. peppers

【5】A. which B. that C. whose D. /

【6】A. why B. which C. what D. where

【7】A. twelve B. twelfth C. the twelfth D. the twelve

【8】A. and B. on C. with D. of

【9】A. However B. Besides C. For example D. Though

【10】A. why B. when C. then D. because

【11】A. famous B. popular C. important D. useful

【12】A. sent B. spread C. turned D. made

【13】A. added B. turned C. changed D. made

【14】A. why B. how C. what D. who

【15】A. With B. As C. For D. Because

【16】A. industry B. agriculture C. custom D. factory

【17】A. healthy B. strong C. fat D. clever

【18】A. as well as B. so that C. such D. such as

【19】A. make B. take C. put D. change

【20】A. find B. look at C. enjoy D. notice
























【2】由前文信息 the beans of a special tree 可知。


【4】由前文信息 They made it into a drink. 可知。

【5】现在分词短语作后置定语,相当于which means。

【6】由句中的comes from可知选D。



【9】根据后面的否定句 chocolate was not known in Europe until 1528,可知这里表示转折。


【11】由文章内容可知巧克力在西班牙迅速流行并传播到欧洲其他地区,重要信息为quickly和to the rest of Europe。


【13】根据常识,尤其是sugar可以判断出正确答案。add. . . to. . . ……加入……


【15】考查with的独立主格结构,the years passing不是完整的句子。


【17】由后文 Today, we do not believe this. 可知答案为 D。A、B、C三项内容后面都有提到。

【18】such as表示列举。


【20】look为不及物动词, at不能省略。


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