We all hate speed cameras,don’t we?They’re not there to slow drivers down and lower the road accidents;they just make money for the government.They trick us,cost us cold hard cash,disturb us from driving properly and are unfair.
Well,here’s a surprising thing:what if there were facts that the boring cameras actually saved lives?It’s a conclusion difficult to ignore when you look at what’s happening in France,a country with a historically poor record of road safety.
There were 16,617 road deaths in 1972 in France for example,but that dropped to 8412 by 1995 following rules such as compulsory(强迫的)seat belt wearing in 1990 and a lowering of the blood alcohol limit to 0.05 in 1995.
Last year, the road deaths dropped below 5,000 for the first time,or 4.9 percent less than2004.Comparing road deaths to populating in 2005,that’s about 817 per million people compared with Australia’s 806.
And guess what?Last year the number of speed cameras on French roads reached 1,000 and the government plans to double that within the next three years.
Okey, you know the arguments on the increased traffic safety and cameras. for-inco me, but in seems in France there’s been a major cultural change brought on by radars and other laws. A theer-hour, wine-soaked lunch with a quick rush back to the office is no longer on.
Traveling on the highways,it is rare to see anyone breaking the 130km/h speed limit when one few traveled below it. The speed cameras are clearly signed so drivers know when they are coming There’s even all official web site listing fixed and mobile camera locations and it is updated regularly
Maybe it is because of such transparency by government,rather than the secrecy too often used by authorities in many other countries that more French can enjoy their life thanks to speed cameras
【小题1】We can learn from the first paragraph that     

A.speed cameras cost us our lives
B.speed cameras help HS drive properly
C.most people think speed cameras are good for slowing drivers down
D.most people think speed cameras are used to make money for the government
【小题2】In France, a driver should obey the following rules EXCEPT      
A.blood alcohol limit loweringB.speed limit obeying
C.camera location updatingD.seat belt wearing
【小题3】The underlined word ‘‘transparency’’ in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to    
A.honestyB.opennessC.innocence D.strictness
【小题4】Now you can seldom see in France      
A.lunch time last long with drunk people rushing back to office
B.people drive at a speed of less than 130 km/h
C.drivers drive according to the traffic lights
D.police conduct traffic in streets
【小题5】What is the text mainly about?
A.The argument on speed cameras
B The drivers in France hating speed cameras
C.France does successfully in controlling road accidents
D.France takes many measures in controlling road accidents

【小题1】You can’t use father’s car without his p_________.
【小题2】Having a b________ diet is good for our health.
【小题3】The math problem is so c_________ that no one in the class can work it out.
【小题4】I was wondering if you could do me a f_________, that is , to help me take care of my pets.
【小题5】The scientists spent 3 months g_________ information for the biological experiment.
【小题6】She left a very c________ message on my answering machine. I really couldn’t understand what she was trying to say.
【小题7】All the tourists were f__________ by the beautiful scenery of the city.
【小题8】Teaching is a tiring but a r___________ job, especially when you see the difference you’ve made in the life of your students.
【小题9】You are expected to a_______ to your parents when you made a mistake.
【小题10】Drinking too much is h_________ to one’s health.
【小题11】When he was a little boy, Tony usually __________(寻求)help from his parents and friends in time of trouble.
【小题12】Everyone sang and danced, enjoying the happy and relaxed __________(气氛) at the party.
【小题13】Hard work is ___________(基础的) to success.
【小题14】Customers who buy 10 at a time will get a 50% __________(折扣)。
【小题15】People in different countries have different customs and _________(宗教的) beliefs.
【小题16】The letter wasn't addressed to me but I opened it out of ___________(好奇).
【小题17】Working as a _____________(实习生) helped him to earn extra money.
【小题18】Dinosaurs ____________(存在) on the earth millions of years ago.
【小题19】_________(退休) at the age of 40 sounds boring.
【小题20】There are many __________(理论) about how the universe began.


       We all hate speed cameras,don’t we?They’re not there to slow drivers down and lower the road accidents;they just make money for the government.They trick us,cost us cold hard cash,disturb us from driving properly and are unfair.

       Well,here’s a surprising thing:what if there were facts that the boring cameras actually saved lives?It’s a conclusion difficult to ignore when you look at what’s happening in France,a country with a historically poor record of road safety.

       There were 16,617 road deaths in 1972 in France for example,but that dropped to 8412 by 1995 following rules such as compulsory(强迫的)seat belt wearing in 1990 and a lowering of the blood alcohol limit to 0.05 in 1995.

       Last year, the road deaths dropped below 5,000 for the first time,or 4.9 percent less than2004.Comparing road deaths to populating in 2005,that’s about 817 per million people compared with Australia’s 806.

       And guess what?Last year the number of speed cameras on French roads reached 1,000 and the government plans to double that within the next three years.

       Okey, you know the arguments on the increased traffic safety and cameras. for-inco me, but in seems in France there’s been a major cultural change brought on by radars and other laws. A theer-hour, wine-soaked lunch with a quick rush back to the office is no longer on.

       Traveling on the highways,it is rare to see anyone breaking the 130km/h speed limit when one few traveled below it. The speed cameras are clearly signed so drivers know when they are coming There’s even all official web site listing fixed and mobile camera locations and it is updated regularly

       Maybe it is because of such transparency by government,rather than the secrecy too often used by authorities in many other countries that more French can enjoy their life thanks to speed cameras

1.We can learn from the first paragraph that     

       A.speed cameras cost us our lives

       B.speed cameras help HS drive properly

       C.most people think speed cameras are good for slowing drivers down

       D.most people think speed cameras are used to make money for the government

2.In France, a driver should obey the following rules EXCEPT      

       A.blood alcohol limit lowering                 B.speed limit obeying

       C.camera location updating                      D.seat belt wearing

3.The underlined word ‘‘transparency’’ in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to    

       A.honesty            B.openness          C.innocence           D.strictness

4.Now you can seldom see in France      

       A.lunch time last long with drunk people rushing back to office

       B.people drive at a speed of less than 130 km/h

       C.drivers drive according to the traffic lights

       D.police conduct traffic in streets

5.What is the text mainly about?

       A.The argument on speed cameras

       B The drivers in France hating speed cameras

       C.France does successfully in controlling road accidents

       D.France takes many measures in controlling road accidents


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