
We write now and then, even if there isn’t much to ________.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

When we are unfamiliar with something, we may feel nervous and fearful. The help of others is a good    36    to help us pull through.

I write for a big newspaper, and I wanted to    37    a story about parachute jumping(跳伞). To make it a realistic as well as exciting    38   , I decided that I had to make a jump myself    39   . Unluckily, I’m not good at any    40   , let alone(更不用说)parachute jumping.

My friend Mr. Smith was willing to give me a    41   . He took me to a ground school. The first day’s    42    included several hours of instruction but not my first drop from a(n)   43 . For this, I had to wait until the following    44   .

The next morning, I was taken to the airfield.    45   , a heavy parachute was put on my back. Then I was    46    to make my way to a small plane which had just stopped slowly on the runway. Once on board, the plane was soon    47   . I began to feel nervous. As we reached one thousand meters, Harry, my teacher, hooked(钩)a    48    from my parachute to a steel ring inside the plane. The line was to pull my parachute    49   after I jumped.

“Get    50   , Henry,” Harry said. I moved carefully to the door. I wanted to    51   , “NO, no, no!” But no word came.

“Jump!” Harry called    52   . “Jump!”

Away from the plane, and down, down I fell, arms stretched. It worked All at once I was very happy. Then I felt a quick    53   . My big parachute had opened! It was the best    54    I ever had. I looked down. There were rivers, trees, fields and houses. I heard the soft sound of the air. This was    55   .

A. way              B. chance                            C. idea                         D. value

A. tell               B. write                        C. read                         D. copy

A. film             B. poem                       C. story                        D. program

A. secretly         B. instead                            C. finally                      D. first

A. sport            B. driving                     C. lesson                      D. drawing

A. try               B. hand                        C. gift                          D. suggestion

A. jumping        B. journey                    C. training                    D. entertainment

A. tree                     B. tower                       C. building                   D. airplane

A. week            B. month                      C. evening                    D. morning

A. Besides         B. Once                        C. There                       D. However

A. asked            B. invited                            C. forced                      D. taught

A. slowing        B. climbing                  C. landing                    D. filling

A. belt                     B. steel                         C. line                          D. seat

A. light             B. broken                            C. fixed                        D. open

A. ready            B. up                           C. on                           D. away

A. cry               B. rest                          C. laugh                       D. lie

A. softly           B. loudly                      C. nervously                 D. excitedly

A. comfort        B. wind                        C. pull                         D. push

A. failure          B. experience                C. competition                     D. danger

A. tiring            B. shocking                  C. true                         D. fun

完形填空 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Never Save Something Beautiful for That Special Day
  Years ago I was talking with a classmate in Sydney. At the time his wife had just passed away not too long ago. He told me while going through her things, he found a silk scarf _1  in a designer store when they had traveled to New York City. The scarf was beautiful, with elegant _2 , and a high price tag still hanging. His wife begrudged wearing it; she was _3  it for a special day.
  He _4  at that moment; I didn’t say anything either. After a long pause he said: “Never save something beautiful for that special day. Each _5  day is a special day.”
  Whenever I _6  what he had said, I would put down the things I was doing to grab a novel, turn on the music and lie down on the couch to _7  some time for myself. I would appreciate the glorious scenery of the Tanshui River through a French window, _8  the dust gathered on the glass. I would take my wife out to _9 , not thinking what to do with the meal already cooked. Life should be the experience we truly cherish, not days we just have to endure.
  One time I shared the above conversation with a lady. When I saw her again, she told me that she no longer _10  the beautiful china in a cabinet. She had thought to save them for a special day, only to discover that it never _11  came. “Future”, “someday” are not contained in her _12  any more. If there are things that are pleasant or make her complacent, she wants to hear or see them now.
  We often hope to gather with old friends, but always say, “let’s find a(n) _13 .” We often want to hug our grown children, but always wait for the appropriate moment. We often want to write to our spouses to express our strong affection or to show our deep admiration, but always tell ourselves that there is no need to _14 . In fact, each morning when we open our eyes, we should tell ourselves that this is a special day. Each day, each minute is so incredibly _15 .

A.livingB.working C.fortunateD.busy
A.mentionedB.noticedC.remembered D.recognized
A.natureB.dinnerC.society D.entertainment

Nowadays, any traveler might be treated as a terrorist (恐怖分子) by the immigration (入境) officers in the USA.
We returned from Iraq and landed safely. My heart  16   when I was asked to the back room by the immigration officer. My 17___, with his very American last name, had no trouble at all. In fact, I am 18____ American born and raised, but they weren’t quite ready to let me in yet. The only reason was 19___ they thought my name looked like the one of  20___ who’s on their wanted list (通缉令) and I had to wait till they checked me out 21___ Washington.
Time passed 22___ . One hour, one hour and a half…I could not wait any longer and 23___ my cellphone out to call the friend I had planned to meet that evening. An officer 24___ over. “No Phone!” he said, “For all we know you could be calling terrorists and giving them 25___.”
Oh, my God! I was just a university professor. I had no  26___ but to put my phone away. My husband and I were getting hungry and  27_____. I wanted to cry, to 28____ onto a chair and shout: “I am nothing but an American professor!”
After two hours in the back room, without explanation and 29____, I was allowed to go after he gave me a piece of paper with a(n)  30_____ on it and told me I could write to the department if I wasn’t 31____ with the treatment. He also  32___ that nothing could stop it from happening again.
I shared my experience with my friends and the  33____ was I should change my name. But name is personal, like the town you were born in.
Even though I had a troublesome experience at the airport, which made me realize being American could ever be so 34_____, like my father, I’ll keep the 35____.


Hannah Oyler

21 Balsom St   Ventura, CA 94120   (613) 555 – 7236

Objective   To obtain a position as a photographer for a major metropolitan newspaper.

Notable Achievements   Time Magazine, Top Photos of the Year 1999 for California Wildfire Banaker Excellence in Photography Fellowship, 1995.


Ventura County Times   Staff photographer, 1996 --- Present, Regular coverage included: Sports, Lifestyle, & Metro. Successfully met tight deadlines.

Los Angeles Times Summer Intern, 1995 & 1996   Assisted lead sports photographer. Gained valuable knowledge of function and limitations of various types of cameras, lenses, and films.

Education  University of Southern California  B.A., Photography, 1996


Thomas Stanley

817 Park Ave Seattle, WA 98023  (614) 555 – 0283

Objective  Legal Aid Practitioner.

Experience  Johnson Industries International Legal Counsel, 1998 to Present

Acted as the in-house lawyer for the company, and was responsible for providing legal support for all company operations. Instrumental in establishing written company policies and training materials with respect to international trading laws and regulations, and general commercial practices. Provided prompt, efficient and practical legal advice to support to a busy, demanding clientele of traders.

Education  Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA


Kathy Lorentz

608 Lincoln Ave Mobile, AL 36513 (623) 555 – 8237

Objective  To obtain a managerial position that will allow me to utilize my knowledge and experience to increase profit margins, productivity and quality.

Summary  Accomplished Project Manager with more than ten years experience. Proven ability to design and implement effective strategies, develop new products, and manage resources to produce profit. Proven ability to streamline processes and increase productivity.

Experience  In Tech Corporation, Mobile, AL  Project Manager, 1995 to Present

Worked with customers / potentials on development of product designs, tooling concepts, manufacturing methods, and costing for custom molded component applications. Directly supervised technical team of 3-5 project engineers responsible for new mold and molding systems implementation.

Education  Jackson University, Tampa, FL ;M.B.A., Business Administration, 1992


Gary Wilson

809 West Cayuga St Philadelphia, PA 19037 (813) 555 – 6026

Objective  Position as a Nurse of Health Care Provider.

Employment History   St. Mark's Hospital, Philadelphia, PA; Surgical Nurse, 1994 to Present;

Served as a staff surgical nurse. Provided health care checks for a diverse population. Performed blood pressure tests for community health outreach programs, provided a wide range of services including women's health clinic services and care for elderly patients.

Licenses   R.N. - American Medical Association.

Education   B.S., Nursing, 1994; University of Scranton, Scranton, PA

Professional Affiliations  Monroe County Medical Society; Pennsylvania Nursing Association

1. From the first resume, we can know that Hannah Oyler _______.

A. is an excellent journalist of New York Times

B. knows much about different photographic equipment

C. graduated from Stanford University

D. wants to get a job as a photographer no matter where he will work.

2. According to Thomas Stanley’s experience, he is most likely to be hired by_____.

A. a hospital             B. a supermarket                C. a company            D. a school

3. The underlined word “implement ” most probably means______.

A. complete                        B. help                                C. value                    D. transform

4.Which of the following statements about Gary Wilson is NOT TRUE?

A. She is an experienced surgical nurse.

B. She carried out blood pressure for many people.

C. She has the experience of operating on patients.

D. She is a member of some professional groups.

5.Besides the personal information of the four people, what we can also get from the passage is______.

A. how to achieve success in our career 

B. how to express your desire for a job

C. how to make yourself different from others

D. how to write a standard resume


第二节   完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)

Once there was a very brilliant, creative and educated man. He gained much   36   while traveling throughout the world. Unfortunately he lost his legs and left arm in a tragic accident, leaving only a finger and thumb on his right hand. He became so   37   that he was afraid he would spend his life   38   and would no longer be able to use his life in a(n)   39   way.

One day, he remembered how he had always loved getting   40  . He realized that he still had partial   41   of his right hand and could write with   42  . Then, he had an idea. “Why not write to other people who need encouragement?”

He   43   where he could find those who could be encouraged if they read his letters. He thought of people in   44  . Many of them had hope of regaining their   45  . Others would keep feeling depressed and remain put away for the rest of their lives. He decided that he must try to   46   them. So he wrote to a prison ministry about sending letters to the prisoners. The prison minister replied that writing to the prisoners would be   47  . However, it would be against prison rules for the prisoners to write back.

48   with the intention, the man began sending   49   messages of God’s love, hope, strength, and encouragement. He wrote twice a week, testing his strength and ability to the   50  . He poured his heart and soul into his words,   51   his experience, sense of humor, optimism, and faith.

It was difficult to write those letters, especially without hope of any   52  . Frequently, he felt discouraged, wondering if anyone   53    read his letters. However, this was his   54   chance,so he determined to continue.

At last, he received a letter from the prison officer, which said, “Please write on the best paper you can afford. Your letters are passed from cell (牢房) to cell until they almost fall to   55  !”

We all have unique experiences, abilities and talents. We can discover ways to reach others in need of encouragement and strength.

36. A. wealth             B. faith      C. experience  D. confidence

37. A. depressed            B. embarrassed       C. ashamed       D. thrilled

38. A. writing        B. suffering       C. weeping      D. wandering

39. A. abnormal            B. regular          C. comfortable       D. meaningful

40. A. presents        B. e-mails          C. letters    D. prizes

41. A. sense              B. strength         C. shape        D. function

42. A. affection            B. caution          C. difficulty       D. confidence

43. A. estimated       B. doubted         C. assumed         D. wondered

44. A. hospitals            B. churches        C. prisons        D. charities

45. A. families            B. letters     C. freedom         D. conscience

46. A. release             B. reach         C. defend          D. know

47. A. acceptable      B. reasonable  C. prohibited       D. considered

48. A. Faced             B. Filled         C. Satisfied    D. Impressed

49. A. holy              B. daily          C. one-way     D. round-way

50. A. point              B. worst         C. degree       D. limit

51. A. sharing             B. learning        C. gaining       D. enriching

52. A. success             B. reply          C. help           D. progress

53. A. curiously            B. patiently        C. carefully       D. actually

54. A. only              B. better           C. extra         D. lost

55. A. ruin               B. pieces     C. the ground  D. the bottom


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