6£®Just like in school£¬there are lessons you will learn in Latin dance£®These lessons are not only about the dance itself£®It's also important to learn about manners £¨Àñ½Ú£© to get along well with other dancers£®
What are some of the manners you should know about in Latin dance£¿
1£®Sit out if the dance floor is overcrowded£®
There are times when there are too many people on the dance floor£®When the dance floor is overcrowded£¬people can run into each other£¬causing people to get angry£®If you are polite£¬you will sit out in order to give way to other dancers£®This way£¬they can perform with enjoyment£®
2£®Do not get in the way of other dancers£®
There may be times when you need to share one dance floor£®The best way to do it is to start in a place not too close to the other dancers£®When you see that they need to move into your space£¬allow them some more space to complete their performance£®Once they are finished£¬you will have the space to yourself and the people next to you will make space for you£®
3£®The dance floor is for dancing£®
In the dance hall£¬do not use the dance floor to talk to your friends£¬discuss£¬or disagree about something£®Dance floors are not sitting areas where you can do just anything£®You will bother other dancers on the dance floor£®
4£®Avoid stopping other dancers£®
You might need to step onto the dance floor while other dancers are performing£®If you need to do this£¬walk around the dancers to avoid stopping them£®This is one way of showing respect to your friends£®You would not want them to stop you if you were the one dancing£¬so do not do it to them£®
If all dancers would take these Latin dance manners to heart£¬then people would get along better on the dance floor£®
70£®What should you do if there are too many dancers on the dance floor£¿
Sit out£®
71£®What should you do when other dancers move into your space on the dance floor£¿
Allow them some more space£®
72£®What should you do to avoid stopping other dancers when dancing on the same dance floor£¿
Walk around them£®
73£®What is the passage mainly about£¿
Manners in Latin dance£®/Latin dance manners£®£®

·ÖÎö ÎÄÕ½²ÊöѧϰÀ­¶¡ÎèÐèÒªÁ˽âµÄÓëÆäËûÎ赸ѧϰÕßµÄÀñ½Ú£®

½â´ð 70  Sit out£®
71  Allow them some more space£®
72  Walk around them£®
73  Manners in Latin dance£®/Latin dance manners£®
70  Sit out£®Ï¸½ÚÌ⣬¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕµÚÈý¶ÎµÄС±êÌâSit out if the dance floor is overcrowded£®¿ÉÖªÈç¹ûÓкܶàÎ赸ѧϰÕßÄã¾Í×øÔÚÍâÃ森
71  Allow them some more space£®Ï¸½ÚÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝµÚ¶þ¸öС±êÌâÖÐWhen you see that they need to move into your space£¬allow them some more space to complete their performance£®¿ÉÖªÈç¹ûÓÐÎ赸ѧϰÕßÕ¼ÓÃÁËÄãµÄ¿Õ¼ä£¬Äã¿ÉÒÔ¸øÓèËûÃǸü¶àµÄ¿Õ¼ä£®  
72  Walk around them£®Ï¸½ÚÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕµÚËĸöС±êÌâÖеÄIf you need to do this£¬walk around the dancers to avoid stopping them£®£¬¿É֪ΪÁ˱ÜÃâײµ½Î赸ѧϰÕßÉíÉÏ£¬¿ÉÒÔÔÚËûÃÇÖÜΧ×߶¯£® 
73  Manners in Latin dance£®/Latin dance manners£®Ö÷Ö¼Ì⣮¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕµڶþ¶ÎWhat are some of the manners you should know about in Latin dance£¿¿É֪ѧϰÀ­¶¡ÎèÐèÒªÁ˽âµÄÓëÆäËûÎ赸ѧϰÕßµÄÀñ½Ú£®

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17£®¡¾1¡¿People study their family history for different reasons£®For some£¬genealogy£¨¼ÒÆ×ѧ£© is important to their religion£¨×Ú½ÌÐÅÑö£©£®Other people who get involved in genealogy may want to confirm £¨Ö¤Êµ£©stories they heard about a family member£®Some people say their interest in genealogy came from an eight-part series on television called Roots£®Roots was first broadcast in 1977 and was based on a book which describes how the author's ancestor£¬long ago in Africa£¬as slave was brought to America£®After watching Roots£¬many Americans wanted to study ________________£®
¡¾2¡¿Finding family roots is not always easy£®So how exactly does someone start a genealogical research£¿
¡¾3¡¿Experts say you should start with yourself£®Write down your own history£®One idea is to ask your parents what they can remember about their parents or grandparents£®You can often find a lot of information in family pictures£¬letters and other documents£®
¡¾4¡¿Resources on local history may also provide useful information£®Large libraries may have hundreds of helpful books£®In the United States£¬several groups have large collections of genealogical materials£®These collections are open to the public£®
¡¾5¡¿Governments often have many helpful records of genealogies£®Governments usually keep official copies of birth£¬marriage and death records£®Local governments may have copies of wills£®These statements of final wishes often contain details about a person's life and wealth£®
¡¾6¡¿Today£¬many people use the Internet£®There are thousands of websites related to genealogy£®They can guide people to historical records and provide information about how to write down their family's history£®
76£®What is the passage mainly about£¿£¨ no more than 10 words£©
Why and how to start a genealogical research£®
77£®How many ways are mentioned in how to start a genealogical research£¿£¨ no more than 2 words£©
78£®Fill in the blank in Paragraph 1 with proper words£®£¨ no more than 6 words£©
Their own roots£®/The history of their families£®
79£®Why should people ask governments for help in the study of genealogy£¿£¨ no more than 8 words£©
Because governments have many helpful records of genealogies£®
80£®What does the underlined word"They"£¨Paragraph 6 £© probably refer to£¿£¨no more than 5 words£©
Thousands of websites£®
14£®[1]As is known£¬it is important to help your children gain key information from textbooks or understand what they read£¬especially as they get older£®Here are the ways to improve their reading comprehension£®
[2]Have them read aloud£®This forces them to go slower£¬which gives them more time to process what they read£®Besides£¬they are not only seeing the words£¬they are hearing them£¬too£®
[3]Provide the right kinds of books£® Make sure your children get lots of practice reading book that aren't too difficult£®They should recognize at least 90 percent of the words without any help£®Stopping any more often than that to figure out a word makes it tough for them to focus on the overall meaning of the story£®
[4]Reread to build fluency£®To gain meaning from text£¬your children need to read quickly and smoothly-a skill known as fluency£®Rereading familiar£¬simple books gives your children practice at decoding£¨½âÒ룩 words quickly£¬so they'll become more fluent£®
[5]Talk to the teacher£®If your children are struggling with comprehension£¬they may need more help with their reading-for example£¬they can turn to the teacher to build their vocabulary or practice phonics skills£®
[6]Supplement£¨²¹³ä£© class reading£® If the class is studying a particular theme£¨Ö÷Ì⣩£¬look for easy-to-read books or magazines on the topic£®Some prior knowledge will make their way through tougher classroom texts£®
[7]Talk about what they are reading£® This"verbal processing"helps them remember and think through the themes of the book£®Ask questions before£¬________£¬for example£º
Before£º"What interests you in this book£¿What doesn't£¿"
During£º"What's going on in the book£¿Is it turning out the way you thought it would£¿"
After£º"Can you summarize the book£¿What did you like about it£¿"
76£®What is the best title of the passage£¿£¨no more than 7 words£©
How to improve your children's reading comprehension
77£®To gain meaning from the text£¬what skill do your children need£¿£¨no more than 5 words£©Reading quickly and smoothly
78£®Please fill in the blank in the seventh paragraph with proper words£®£¨no more than 6 words£©during and after reading the book
79£®How many ways are mentioned in this passage£¿£¨no more than 2 words£©six
80£®What does the word"them"£¨line 2£¬paragraph 2£©probably refer to£¿£¨no more than 2 words£©the words£®
1£®Summer vacations  should be a time of leisure for college students£®However£¬many of them use the opportunity to participate in summer projects instead£®From volunteering work  to environmental protection tours9students aim to get ahead and prepare for their future£®
Xu Dan loves vacations because it means she can spend more time volunteering£®The 21-year-old English major from Zhejiang Normal University believes that volunteering has   transformed  her life and made her a better person£®
Two years ago£¬Xu was a shy girl£®One day£¬she saw a group of volunteers picking up trash in the street£®Since she had no plans for the summer vacation and wanted to make some friends£¬she picked up her courage and joined them£®
"I used to think volunteering is nothing more than picking up trash£®Now I know that the meaning of volunteer work is helping others and gaining self-esteem£¬"Xu says£®Her vol-unteering schedule is full£ºteaching migration workers'children English from Mondays to Fridays£¬picking up trash on Saturdays£¬and visiting old people on Sundays£®
For Xu£¬visiting old people is the most rewarding activity£®¡§I help them clean their homes and cut their hair£¬l talk to them and listen to their life stories£®These are just small things£¬but I'm addicted to it because every time I help others I feel satisfied and more confi£¨1ent about myself£¬"Xu says£®
According to Xu£¬the positive energy she gets from volunteering reflects on the way she deals with people and sees the world£®"I can see things from other people's point of view and look at things more positively£®I think I'm going to make volunteering a lifelong undertaking£¬"she says£®

66£®Why do many college students participate in summer projects£¿£¨No more than 12words£©
Because they want to get ahead and prepare for their future£®
67£®What  is the meaning of the underlined word£®"transformed"in Paragraph 2£¿£¨l word£©
68£®How does Xu Dan arrange her volunteer work on weekends£¿£¨No more than 12words£©
By picking up trash and visiting old people
69£®What can we learn by volunteering in this passage£¿£¨No more than 15words£©
helpingothersandgainingself-esteem/helpingothersmakes us satisfiedandmoreconfident£®/Seeing thingsfromotherpeople'spointofviewandlookatthingsmorepositively£®/Volunteering can change our life and make us a better person£®
70£®If you join in volunteer work£ºwhat project are you interested in£¿And why£¿£¨No more  than 25words£©
I am interested in helping kids in rural areas because education is important to them£®/I want to raise money for families in need because they are poor and need our help£®£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
