
John Blanchard was studying the crowd making their way through the station. He was looking for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didn’t, the girl with the rose.
When reading a book in a Florida library a year before, John became interested not in the contents of the book, but in the notes penciled in the margin((空白处). The handwriting reflected a thoughtful soul and beautiful mind. He discovered the former owner’s name in the front of the book: Miss Hollis Maynell.
He located her address and wrote a letter introducing himself. The next day he was shipped overseas to serve in the army. During the next year,they grew to know each other through the mail and their friendship developed. John requested a photograph, but she refused, saying if he really cared, it wouldn’t matter what
she looked like. When the day finally came for him to return home, their first meeting was suggested-7:00 p.m. at the Grand Central Station in New York.
She wrote, “You’ll recognize me by the red rose I wear on my coat.” So now John was in the station to meet the girl with a rose.
As a pretty and slim girl in green came over, John noticed her blue eyes like flowers in spring. He walked directly towards her, entirely forgetting she was not wearing a rose. As John came closer to her, he saw another woman with a red rose stood nearby. Well past 40, this woman had graying hair done under a worn hat. Seeing the girl in green walk quickly away, John felt as if he were split(劈开) in two. He desired to follow that girl, but longed for the woman whose spirit had truly companioned and supported him.
The woman looked gentle and sensible. John went to her, saying, “I’m Captain John Blanchard. You must be Miss Maynell. I am glad to meet you here. May I take you to dinner?”
She replied with a smile, “I don’t know what this is about. But the lady in green who just went by, begged me to wear this rose on my coat. She said if you asked me out to dinner, I’d tell you she is waiting for you in the big restaurant across the street. She said it was some kind of test!”
John was eager to know the former owner of the book because      .

A.he was very interested in the contents of the book
B.he was impressed by the notes written by the owner
C.the book offered him practical and valuable advice
D.there was address of the former owner in the book
What happened to John after getting in touch with Miss Hollis Maynell?
A.He began to serve the army abroad.B.He was seriously wounded in the war
C.He went on a business tour in EuropeD.He asked Miss Maynell for a photo
What do we know about the woman with a rose?
A.She was Miss Maynell’s close companion
B.She was a conductor working in the station
C.She knew nothing about John’s appointment
D.She was paid to carry out a love test on John
Which would be the best title of the text?
A.The Meeting in the StationB.The Girl with a Rose
C.A Soldier and a GirlD.A Meeting of the Heart




I watched as my little brother was cahught in the act. He sat in the corner of the living room, a   21   in one hand and my father’s hymnbook(赞美诗集) in the other. Hearing my father coming, my brother  22    it slightly. He sensed that he had done something   23  . I saw  he had  24    my father’s new book and scribbled(乱写)on the first page in pen. Now,  25    at my father fearfully, we  26    waited for his punishment.My father    27   his book, looked at it, and then sat down without saying a word. He was a clergyman and the holder of several degrees. For him, books were knowledge, and yet, he    28   his children.Instead of  29  my brother, he sat down,   30   the pen from my brother’s hand and wrote in the book himself, “John’s work. 1959. aged three.”
The years and the books came and went. Our family   31  what all families go through. We   32  knew our parents loved us and that one   33  was the book by the piano. From time to time we   34  open it, look at the scribbles, read my father’s expression of love and feel   35  .
Now I know that through this   36  act my father taught us how every   37  in life has a positive side-if we are   38  to look at it from another angle. But he also taught us about what really matters in life:   39  ,not objects; tolerance, not judgment; love, no anger. Love is at the very   40  of a family.
When thinking about these, I smile and whisper, “Thank you, Dad. ”
21.A.toy                       B.knife                  C.pen                        D.cup
22.A.tore                      B.covered              C.wiped                     D.threw
23.A.wrong                   B.important            C.helpful                   D.great
24.A.borrowed              B.stolen                C.opened                   D.read
25.A.glancing                B.staring                C.coming                   D.laughing
26.A.all                        B.either                 C.both                       D.each
27.A.picked up              B.made up             C.put up                    D.wrapped up
28.A.admired                B.needed                C.hated                      D.loved
29.A.punished               B.trusting               C.helping                   D.praising
30.A.moved                  B.took                   C.brought                  D.robbed
31.A.spent                     B.experimented      C.suffered                  D.experienced
32.A.seldom                  B.always                C.never                      D.sometimes
33.A.proof                    B.result                  C.effect                     D.impression
34.A.might                    B.should                C.would                     D.could
35.A.excited                  B.encouraged         C.surprised                 D.frightened
36.A.rapid                     B.sudden                C.hard                       D.simple
37.A.event                    B.porblem              C.trouble                   D.accident
38.A.forbidden              B.chosen                C.prepared                 D.forced
39.A.money                  B.people                C.bilief                      D.spirit
40.A.corner                  B.mouth                C.bottom                   D.Heart

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is one of the most loved children’s books of all time, and many adults enjoys it as well. It tells the story of a young girl named Alice, who follows a rabbit entering a magical world called Wonderland. She has many experiences which seem to change the rules of reasoning or common sense. The popularity of the book comes from its imagination, interesting story, and art work.
Charles later wrote the story down under the name Alice’s Adventures Under Ground  and gave it to Alice as a Christmas present. Later, he gave a copy to his friend George MacDonald. George read it to his children and they loved it. George suggested to Charles that he make a book from his story. Charles then wrote more parts to the story until it was around 35,000 words. It was first printed in 1866, with art work by John Tenniel, under the name Alice’s  Adventures in Wonderland . The book was an immediate success.
even mentioned in the popular l999 film The Matrix by the character Morpheus.
56.The passage is mainly about             .
A. Charles’ family life
B. a girl’s adventurous experiences
C. a magical world called Wonderland
D. the birth of a book and its lasting influences .
57. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The writer published his works under his real name.
B. The character Alice originated from George’s child.
C. John contributed partly to the popularity of the book.
D. Charles offered a copy to George for advice.
58. We can learn from the passage that          .
A. Queen Victoria asked for a few of Charles' writings
B. Charles had a gift for reasoning and writing
C. Charles had all his works translated into fifty languages
D. The Matrix was based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
59. Which of the following is the right order of the passage?
a. Charles gave his story to Alice as a Christmas present.
b. Charles had a picnic with three little girls on the Thames.
c. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was first printed in 1866.
d. More parts were added to the story by Charles.
e. The book won a large number of fans.
A. c-b-a-d-e       B. c-a-b-e-d        C. b-a-d-c-e        D. b-a-c-e-d

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