
     本文介绍了美国著名的生物学家Edward Wilson 的著作The Future of Life中的一些有关如何开发、利
     Edward Wilson is America's, if not the world's, leading naturalist. In The Future of Life, he takes us on a
tour of the world's natural resources (资源). How are they used? What has been lost? What remains and is it
able to continue with the present speed of use? Wilson also points out the need to understand fully the
biodiversity (生物多样性)of our earth.
     Wilson begins with an open letter to the pioneer in environment (环境) protection, Henry David Thoreau.
He compares today's Walden Pond with that of Thoreau's day. Wilson will use such comparisons for the rest
of the book. The problem is clear: man has done great damage to his home over the years. Van the earth, with
human help, be made to return to biodiversity levels that will be able to support us in the future?
     Biodiversity, Wilson argues, is the key to settling many problems the earth faces today. Even our agricultural
crops can gain advantages from it. A mere hundred species (物种) are the basis of our food supply, of which
but twenty carry the load. Wilson suggests changing this situation by looking into ten thousand species that
could be made use of, which will be a way to reduce the clearing of the natural homes of plants and animals to
enlarge farming areas.
     At the end of the book, Wilson discusses the importance of human values in considering the environment.
If you are to continue to live on the earth, you may well read and act on the ideas in this book.
1. We learn from the text that Wilson cares most about ______
A. the environment for plants
B. the biodiversity of our earth
C. the wastes of natural resources
D. the importance of human values
2. How many species are most important to our present food supply?
A. Twenty.
B. Eighty.
C. One hundred
D. Ten thousand.
3. Wilson suggests that one way to keep biodiversity is to _______.
A. learn how to farm scientifically
B. build homes for some dying species
C. make it clear what to eat
D. use more species for food .
4. We can infer that the text is _______
A. a description of natural resources
B. a research report
C. a book review
D. an introduction to a scientist


  You got red with anger, green with envy, and white with fright.If you’re unhappy you’re blue, and if you’re a coward, you’re yellow.Whatever your feelings are you can find a color to describe them.

  But colors not only describe feelings, they can also have a very strong effect upon us.Everybody has noticed how you feel colder in a blue room than a red room even though the rooms are at the same temperature.So colors can affect our moods.And it is also possible that our own choice of a favorite color can tell us something about ourselves.If green is your favorite color, you are strong-minded and determined.You do not wish to change, but you certainly wish to succeed and what’s more, you want other people to see you are successful.Red makes bulls charge and makes your blood pressure go up.You are fiercely competitive, very strong-minded and full of energy.If you choose blue, the color of calm seas and clear skies, you like peace and quiet and like to feel you belong to a group of trusted friends.Purple is a mixture of red and blue, and is a compromise between peaceful blue and aggressive red.You are romantic and tender and wish to charm and please others.

本文是说明文。文章说明了人们用颜色词表达思想的情况。不管你的感觉如何,你都可以用颜色来表达自己的心情。颜色本身对我们的感觉也有影响,它可以影响我们的心情。人们可以从你对颜色的偏爱了解你, 因为你所喜爱的颜色表达了你的性格。


If you are overcome with fear, _________.

[  ]


you are red


you are yellow


you are black


you are green


According to the second paragraph, when you feel very hot, _________.

[  ]


you’d better look at the sea or the blue sky


you should not wear black dress


you’d better drink some water


you should not become angry


Which of the following is NOT true in the passage?

[  ]


Colors can describe our feelings.


Colors can affect our moods.


People will surely know what you are going to do by the color you choose.


People will probably know something about you by the color you choose.


If you are strong-minded, _________.

[  ]


either green or red is your favorite color


either green or blue is you favorite color


both red and blue are you favorite color


neither green nor blue is your favorite color


The title of the passage may probably be _________.

[  ]


Your Favorite Colors


Your Like and Dislike of Colors


Colors and You


Choose a Color for You


  A young girl and a man were recently found murdered in a parked car in a Boston suburb.The police found no sign in the car.Then they found a witness who had seen a car pass by the murdered couple’s car.His description placed the car as a 1950 or 1951 Chevrolet.

  Ordinarily, searching through the files for owners of elderly Chevrolets would have been an impossible difficult task because there were two and a half million such cars.In this case, however, the police had a powerful tool-the computer.

  The Boston Registry of Motor Vehicles programmed its computer to screen all 1950 and 1951 Chevrolets within a fifteen-mile radius(半径)of the suburb-the area in which the police believed the murderer was most likely to be found.Within minutes, the computer uncovered one thousand of wanted cars.A few hours of hand screening turned up a 1950 Chevrolet owner who lived close to the scene of the crime(犯罪)and who had received many traffic tickets.He was among the first suspects(嫌疑犯)to be investigated, and signs connecting him with the murdered couple were found.He was arrested, and is now waiting for trial.



It can be learned from the text that ________.

[  ]


the murderer’s car hit the couple’s car but did not stop


the murderer was last found with the help of a Chevrolet owner


the police would not have found the suspect so soon but for the witness


searching through the file of Chevrolets owners was impossibly difficult


The underlined word “investigated” is closest in meaning to “________”.

[  ]










Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[  ]


The suspect had often broken the traffic rules before he was caught.


One of the police officers saw what the suspect did to the couple.


At least 1950 cars were searched in order to find the suspect.


The description of the witness turned out to be a lie.


The best title for this passage would be ________.

[  ]


Crime-A Problem in the West


Chevrolet-A Type of an Old Car


Police-A Force in Catching the Murderer


Computer-A Help in Fighting against Crime


  Here in the Northeast Georgia mountains live an old man and his young grandson.A small sum of money given by the government is their only regular income.Man and boy walk up and down the highway daily collecting soft-drink bottles for resale.I stopped once, and tried to give the man a carton(硬纸盒)of empty bottles.Polite, but firmly, he refused my “charity”.

  Exercising what I thought was the only reasonable matter.I was driving their part of road, throwing bottles out of the car window, when the flashing blue light of a Georgia(乔治亚州)State patrol(巡逻)car filled my mirror.I took my lecture on litter(在公共场所扔废物)laws, and then told the officer about the man and the boy.We could see the old man from where we were stopped, bending over to pick up a bottle.The officer warned me again, and told me to move on.

  As we both pulled onto the road, I looked in my mirror just in time to see two bottles sail out of the passenger window of the patrol car and land unbroken on the grass.



Why do the old man and his grandson collect soft-drink bottles?

[  ]


They want to make the area clean and tidy.


They want to recycle the soft-drink bottles.


Local officials ask them to do so.


Their income is not enough to support themselves.


The man’s refusal to take the box of empty bottles from the writer shows that ________.

[  ]


he wanted to get too much


poor as he was,he didn’t want to be pitied


he was not really poor


he collected the empty bottles only for fun


The author threw bottles out of the car window because he wanted to ________.

[  ]


get rid of them


attract the patrol car


punish the man and the boy


help the man and the boy


The officer stopped the writer and lectured him because ________.

[  ]


he was driving too fast


he was breaking the traffic laws


he was breaking the litter laws


he was hurting the man and the boy


  A new study suggests that very young children who watch a lot of television may have attention problems later in school.

  Children with attention problems cannot sit still or control their actions.They talk too much, lose things, forget easily and are not able to finish tasks.

  People with attention problems may suffer a condition known as Attention Deficit Disorder(A.D.D.).Experts say the cause of A.D.D.involves chemicals in the brain.Teachers say many children in the United States are showing signs of disorder.Some education researchers have been saying for years that watching television at a very young age could change the normal development of the brain.For example, they say that children who watch a lot of television are not able to sit and read for an extended period of time.

  The new study tested the idea that television watching by very young children is linked to attention problems by the age of seven.It involved more than 1300 children.There were two groups of children, ages one and three.Researchers at Children’s Hospital in Seattle, Washington reported the results in the publication Pediatrics(儿科).They asked the parents how often the children watched television.The parents also described their children’s actions at the age of seven using a method that can tell if someone suffers Attention Deficit Disorder.

  The children who watched a lot of television at an early age were most likely to have attention problems.Every hour of watching television increased the chances of having attention problems by about ten percent.

  The researchers say that all the children with attention problems might not have A.D.D.But they still could face major learning problems in school.The findings support advice by a group of doctors that children under the age of two should not watch television.

  One of the researchers says there are other reasons why children should not watch television.Earlier studies have linked it with children becoming too fat and too aggressive(好斗的).Other experts say the new study is important, but more work needs to be done to confirm the findings and better explain the cause and effect.



The best title for the passage is ________.

[  ]


TV and Attention Problems


Attention and Learning


Disadvantages of Watching TV


Causes of Attention Deficit Disorder


Children with attention problems may ________.

[  ]


control their actions


sit and read quietly


complete tasks easily


talk a lot in class


Watching TV at an early age may cause all of the following problems EXCEPT ________.

[  ]


gaining weight


being too aggressive


poor eyesight


Attention Deficit Disorder


What can be inferred from the passage?

[  ]


Experts should have further studies on the subject.


Watching TV has no effect on children’s character.


Learning problems are caused by watching too much TV.


Attention problems are caused only by watching TV.

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