
—Did the book give the information you needed??

—Yes.But     it, I had to read the entire book.?

A.to find        B.find?       C.to be finding     D.finding







The easy way out isn't always easiest . I learned that lesson when I decided to treat Doug , my husband of one month , to a special meal . I glanced through my cookbook and chose a menu(菜谱) which included homemade bread . Knowing the bread would take time , I started on it as soon as Doug left for work . As I was not experienced in cooking , I thought if a dozen was good , two dozens would be better , so I doubled(加倍)everything . As Doug loved oranges , I also opened a can of orange and poured it all into the bowl . Soon there was a sticky dough (面团) covered with ugly yellowish marks . Realizing I had been defeated , I put the dough in the rubbish bin outside so I wouldn't have to face Doug laughing at my work , I went on preparing the rest of the meal , and , when Doug got home , we sat down to eat Cornish chicken with rice . He tried to enjoy the meal but seemed disturbed . Twice he got up and went outside , saying he thought he heard a noise . The third time he left , I went to the windows to see what he was doing . Looking out , I saw Doug standing about three feet from the rubbish bin , holding the lid up with a stick and looking into the container . When I came out of the house , he dropped the stick and explained that there was something alive in our rubbish bin . Picking up the stick again , he held the lid up enough for me to see . I felt cold . But I stepped closer and looked harder . Without doubt it was my work . The hot sun had caused the dough to double in size and the fermenting yeast (酵母)made the surface shake and sigh as though it were breathing .It looked like some unknown being from outer space. I could see why Doug was so shaken. I had to admit what the 'living thing” was and why it was there . I don't know who was more embarrassed(尴尬)by the whole thing - Doug or me.
【小题1】The writer's purpose in writing this story is ___________

A.to tell an interesting experience
B.to show the easiest way out of a difficulty
C.to describe the trouble facing a newly married woman
D.to explain the difficulty of learning to cook from books
【小题2】Why did the woman's attempt at making the bread turn out to be unsuccessful?
A.The canned orange had gone bad.
B.She didn't use the right kind of flour.
C.The cookbook was hard to understand.
D.She did not follow the directions closely.
【小题3】Why did the woman put the dough in the rubbish bin?
A.She didn't see the use of keeping it
B.She meant to joke with her husband.
C.She didn't want her husband to see it .
D.She hoped it would soon dry in the sun.
【小题4】What made the dough in the rubbish bin look frightening?
A.The rising and falling movement.
B.The strange-looking marks.
C.Its shape.
D.Its size.
【小题5】When Doug went out the third time , the woman looked out of the window because she was ______________.
A.surprised at his being interested in the bin
B.afraid that he would discover her secret
C.unhappy that he didn't enjoy the meal
D.curious to know what disturbed him

While I was on a trip to Papua New Guinea to take underwater photographs, I asked a local dive guide to help me find a pygmy sea horse(侏儒海马). I wanted to take a picture of it. These sea horses can be red or yellow-and-orange. The red pygmy sea horse lives on only one type of coral, a red sea fan that grows at depths below ninety feet.
This depth made the job even tougher. As the pressure on my body increased, I had to breathe harder, which used my air supply faster. So the deeper I dived, the shorter my time underwater.
I had a lot to do. First, I had to find the pygmy sea horse’s special type of fan .Then I had to look over the whole fan with my magnifying glass(放大镜) to see if a sea horse lived on it. If not, I had to find another fan—all the while keeping an eye on my oxygen supply. The second fan rewarded me with a find. The dive guide held the magnifying glass so I could have my first look at the tiny fish.
My next challenge was to focus my camera on such a small subject. The dive guide pointed at the tiny creature. I looked through the viewfinder(取景物) on my large underwater camera housing(相架), found the guide’s finger, and followed it to the sea horse.
It was hard to hold ourselves steady because both of us were floating in mid-water, but our system worked. I could hardly contain my excitement as I focused on the eyes of the cutest sea horse imaginable.
【小题1】What do we learn about the red pygmy sea horse?

A.It lives on red sea fans only. B.It swims very quickly.
C.It lives nine feet deep. D.It usually floats in mid-water.
【小题2】From Paragraph 3 we learn        .
A.how the author swam under waterB.how the author found a sea horse
C.why the author dived with a guideD.why the author used a magnifying glass
【小题3】While the author was taking pictures of the sea horse,        .
A.she felt extremely nervousB.her camera didn’t work well
C.the guide helped focus the cameraD.the sea horse was swimming away
【小题4】Why did the author write the passage?
A.To study the natural habitat of sea animals.
B.To explain why sea horses are endangered.
C.To tell us how to be an underwater photographer.
D.To show us how she took pictures of a sea horse.

It seems hard to watch someone yawn and not to yawn ourselves. Even reading about yawning can make you do it. Now, a new study has found why yawning has such a powerful force.
Yawning when others yawn, the study suggests, is a sign of pity and a form of social connection. Kids don’t develop this deeply rooted behavior until around age four, the study found. Kids with autism (自闭症) are less likely to catch yawns. In the most serious cases, they never do. Yawning might help doctors to see whether the children are developing rightly. The work could also lead to a better understanding of the ways that people communicate and connect.
"Emotional infection seems to be a born thing that connects us together," said Molly Helt, a graduate student in psychology at the University of Connecticut. "Yawning may be part of that." Inspiration for her study came when she tried to get her own autistic son to clear his ears on an airplane. She repeatedly yawned at him, hoping he would yawn back. He never did.
"The fact that autistic kids don’t do it might mean they’re really missing out on that emotional connection with people around them," she said. "The biggest thing people try to figure out after birth is how we become humans and understand that humans have minds that are different from others’," she added. "Autistic people never seem to understand that."
Like infectious laughter and crying, scientists have found that yawning is a shared experience that promotes social connection. Helt said it could fight stress after a period of being nervous and spread a feeling of calm through a group.
【小题1】What does the new study suggest, according to the first two paragraphs?

A.It is easy to stop yawning when you see others yawn.
B.Yawning has some mysterious force which is related to God.
C.Children follow others in yawning just after they are born.
D.Yawning is a form of communication.
【小题2】According to Molly Helt, _________________.
A.emotions are infectious, but yawning is not
B.yawning helps clear ears on planes
C.humans differ from animals because they communicate with others
D.yawning is a kind of emotional connection among humans
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT true about yawning?
A.It is natural to yawn back if people around you yawn.
B.Some kids are too young to yawn after others.
C.Yawning can be used to test children’s development.
D.Kids with autism yawn easily when others yawn.
【小题4】The author implies in the last paragraph that ________.
A.it is bad manners to yawn on some social occasions
B.yawning can make people feel relaxed
C.yawning is different from infectious laughter and crying in theory
D.the more you yawn, the happier you will be

One summer my friend and I decided to go to Italy for a holiday and we decided to travel there without going through a travel agency. You know, you would be submerged (淹没) in crowds of tourists and lose lots of opportunities to get familiar with the country more closely. We started to think over our trip and managed to come up with a free tour of Italy.
The trip was not very long but it was still very impressive. We look forward to going there again! Of course, we spent lots of time arranging the trip, but it was well worth it! Of course I was afraid that something would go wrong and I was especially anxious about my visa, but everything went quite smoothly in the end.
The most difficult part was getting a visa without an invitation. In the Italian consulate(领事馆), one must hand in some official paper proving that one has a hotel booked for oneself in order to get the visa. Then we had to solve the ticket problem. Airlines often sell cheap tickets and we bought ours far in advance. The next step was to book a hotel. We finally booked a hotel about thirty km away from the heart of Rome and it was the perfect choice for our trip.
Every day we took a train that carried us to the heart of Rome. Our big house, which was surrounded by the forest, was a rare girl for the fresh air and absolute silence, beautiful views, hospitable (好客的) hosts, comfortable living conditions delighted us to no end. Besides this, we were very lucky that our mistress was Russian. She gave us a lot of advice that was of great use. She told us what transport to choose and where the best places to go.
Don’t be afraid to arrange your trip by yourself. It’s not difficult! The only thing I'll say right now is that we really enjoyed traveling by ourselves. We walked with a map and a guide-book to wherever we wanted and we even met some of our fellow countrymen on the way just two or three times. So, if you're also planning a "single" trip, don't forget to take a Russian-Italian phrasebook as people in Italy prefer to speak in their native tongue.
【小题1】 Why does the author want to go to Italy again?

A.He had a great time there.
B.Italy has a lot of attractions.
C.His friend invited him there.
D.He didn't stay in Italy long enough.
【小题2】What does the author think was the hardest in preparing for his Italian trip?
A.Buying cheap airline tickets to Italy before the traveling
B.Getting a visa without an invitation from the Italian consulate.
C.Booking a comfortable hotel on his own in Rome.
D.Solving the ticket problem far in advance.
【小题3】 In the fourth paragraph the author mainly explains
A.the reason why he chose to live in the center of Rome
B.the reason why the hotel he booked was the right choice
C.what transport they chose to travel in their Italian trip
D.the reason why the mistress gave them some advice
【小题4】Which of the following questions has NOT been answered in the passage?
A.Why did the author decide to go to Italy for a holiday for the first time?
B.Why did the author decide not to follow a travel agency?
C.How did the author prepare for his trip?
D.What tools did the author use for his traveling?
【小题5】 From the text we can know the author
A.enjoys traveling everywhere in the world
B.likes being accompanied by tour guides
C.advises us to arrange trips by ourselves
D.met with a lot of his countrymen in Italy

It’s easy to see how to help some people, but what about those whose needs are not so clear? This story may have happened not long ago--- but it was a lesson which has stayed with me and helped me ever since.
It was Thanksgiving and I was volunteering with my parents at a shelter for the needy. We served hot food to whoever came in. Most of our dinners looked like they had been having hard times; their clothes were worn out and dirty. Then, a man came in, who looked anything but needy. He was well dressed. I wondered what he was doing there and my jaw (下巴) dropped in amazement when he joined the line for food. The closer he came to my service station , the more I muttered (小声抱怨). What was this man doing? Surely he wasn’t going to take food which was meant for those who were really in need!
Then my mother quietly took me to one side. She said, “You have thought that the needs of the people who come here must be purely physical, hunger, etc. And this gentleman doesn’t seem to have any of those problems. But what if his needs are emotional(情感的)? What if he needs comfort, friends, or just to be among other human beings? Her words hit me like a ton of bricks! I felt like I should apologize to the man--- but I didn’t.
About a week later the shelter received a large donation from an anonymous source. I can’t help but wonder if it came from that man.
Now, whenever I meet someone I remember my mother’s lesson and try to send kindness their way, no matter how they look. Needs aren’t always seen. But kindness always makes a difference.
【小题1】How did the author feel as the well-dressed man joined the line for food?

【小题2】The author’s mother mainly wanted to tell the author that we ______.
A.shouldn’t judge a man by his appearance.
B.shouldn’t complain about others
C.should give others what they want.
D.should accept everything we meet
【小题3】What does the underlined word “anonymous” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
【小题4】From the last paragraph, we learn that ______.
A.seeing is believing
B.it’s difficult to be kind to others
C.some rich people pretend to be poor.
D.we should help people in the way they need.
【小题5】What would be the best title for the text?
A.My mother’s influence on my growth
B.The importance of volunteering
C.One of my most shameful experiences
D.My mother’s simple lesson in kindness

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