
Dear Mr.Smith,
I'm Li Hua,your former student in China.I am writing to express my thanks to you for helping me improve my spoken English.(高分句型一)I have already finished my speech in the National English speech contest for middle school students.Thanks to your help,I have won the first prize in it and got so much unforgettable experience.(高分句型二)
I'm really grateful to you for your help,without which it would have been much more difficult for me.(高分句型三)I still remember the days when you taught me English.My English has been improved greatly because of your creative work.
If there is a chance,welcome to China,I am looking forward to your coming.
Best regards.
Li Hua.

分析 本篇书面表达属于提纲类作文,根据提示信息假定你是李华,已经在今年的全国中学生英语演讲比赛中获得一等奖.在准备的参赛的过程中,曾得到过美国外教Mr.Smith的帮助.请你给Mr.Smith写信,写作时注意以下几点:1、仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,要点包括:完成比赛,已经获奖.感谢他的帮助.欢迎他再次来中国做客. 2、提纲是文章的总体框架,要在提纲的范围内进行分析、构思和想象.要依据提示情景或词语,按照一定逻辑关系来写.本文写作时可以按照要点所给的顺序写.3、根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态.4.注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点.
【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种表达:express my thanks to 想…表达感谢;Thanks to 幸亏,由于;be grateful to向…表示感谢;because of由于;look forward to 盼望
I am writing to express my thanks to you for helping me improve my spoken English.(高分句型一)
Thanks to your help,I have won the first prize in it and got so mu chunforgettable experience.(高分句型二)
I'm really grateful to you for your help,without which it would have been much more difficult for me.(高分句型三)

解答 Dear Mr.Smith,
      I'm Li Hua,your former student in China.I am writing to express my thanks to you for helping me improve my spoken English.(高分句型一)I have already finished my speech in the National English speech contest for middle school students.Thanks to your help,I have won the first prize in it and got so mu chunforgettable experience.(高分句型二)
      I'm really grateful to you for your help,without which it would have been much more difficult for me.(高分句型三)I still remember the days when you taught me English.My English has been improved greatly because of your creative work.
      If there is a chance,welcome to China,I am looking forward to your coming.
      Best regards.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Li Hua

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.

8.High-tech machines have made life easier for millions around the world.However,some people still prefer low-tech ways of doing things.Here's an example of why this is happening.You can microwave a frozen hamburger in 60 seconds.However,it won't taste as good as one you cook on the stove.And if you're in that much of a hurry,you probably won't take time to toast the bun.High-tech cooking saves time,but it doesn't make for better tasting meals.
Most people get their news from high-tech sources like television or the Internet.This has many advantages.For example,electronic news is more up to date than newspapers or magazines.It's also more exciting to see live and videotaped news events than photographs.However,newspapers and magazines have some important advantages.They give more background and details.They also let you read the parts that are important to you and skip the rest.
Other high-tech time savers have similar disadvantages.For example,most people use the phone or email to stay in touch with friends and family members who live in other places.But when you use the Internet or the phone,you don't always think carefully about what you are saying,and sometimes you forget the important things you want to communicate.Similarly,when you word-process a homework assignment instead of handwriting it,you can check your spelling electronically and put in fancy headings.However,some students are so busy with the computer that they don't pay enough attention to the actual words they are writing.

29.What do we know about high-tech cooking?D
A.It can't make much food.
B.It is popular with every family.
C.It makes food slower than low-tech cooking.
D.It can't make food as delicious as low-tech cooking.
30.What is an advantage of the news in newspapers compared to that on the Internet?C
A.Quick updates.
B.Live news events.
C.Detailed information.
D.Convenient news sources.
31.Which of the following proverbs can summarize the text?C
A.Easy come,easy go.
B.Better late than never.
C.Every coin has two sides.
D.Learn to walk before you run.
3.参考词汇:第三届艺术周the Third Arts Week;省中学生艺术节the Provincial Arts Festival;书法 calligraphy; 乐器musical instruments;专家expert;短剧short plays.
To make our school life colorful,we have decided to hold the Third Arts Week in the lecture hall.(高分句型一)It will last seven days,from September 16th to 22nd,2017.
Our Arts Week will cover a wide range of activities,including calligraphy,drawing,short plays,playing musical instruments,as well as singing and dancing.(高分句型二)The judges will be made up of experts and students.Prizes will be given according to the total scores of the classes.We'll choose the first six classes as the winners.As a reward,the first two top winners will have the chance to attend the Provincial Arts Festival.
Each class is expected to take an active part and sign up for it before Friday.And it is hoped that all of the students will make good preparations and take the chance to show your talent.(高分句型三)For more information,please contact the Students'Union.We'll be more than glad to offer help to you.
The Students'Union.
9.After 21 years of marriage,my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie.The other woman was my mother.It was 19 years since my father had passed away.However,the demands of my work and my three children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally.
That Friday after work,when I arrived at her house,my mother was waiting in the door with her coat on.She had done her hair and was wearing the dress that she had worn to celebrate her last wedding anniversary.
We went to a restaurant that,although not elegant,was very nice and comfortable.My mother took my arm as if she were the First Lady.During the dinner,we had an agreeable conversation about nothing extraordinary but just caught up on recent events.We talked so much that we missed the movie.
As we arrived at her house later,she said,"I'll go out with you again,but only if you let me invite you."I agreed.A few days later,my mother died of a serious heart attack.It happened so suddenly that I didn't have a chance to do anything for her.
Sometime later,I received an envelope with a copy of a restaurant receipt from the same place where mother and I had dined.An attached note said:"I paid this bill in advance.I wasn't sure whether I could be there; still,I paid for two plates-one for you and the other for your wife.You will never know what that night meant for me.I love you,Son."
At that moment,I understood the importance of saying"I love you"and of giving our loved ones the time they deserve.Nothing in life is more important than family.Give family members the attention they deserve,because these things cannot be put off till some"other"time.

1.The author described how his mother looked to showA.
A.the importance of the dinner
B.an atmosphere of happiness
C.the importance of table manners
D.readers his mother's character
2.The author should be thankful toC.
A.the movie   B.his children    C.his wife    D.the bill
3.What can we infer from the story?B
A.The author doesn't like his work and children.
B.The author's mother felt satisfied to have a dinner with her son.
C.The author and his mother saw a movie together after their dinner.
D.The author and his mother talked about big events during their dinner.
4.The author probably agreed thatC.
A.failure is the mother of success
B.family should be as important as work
C.we should spend more time with our family
D.a good heart is sure to find another to match it.

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