
Next door to ours _______, who seem to have settled in this community for quite a long time.

A. are living a black couple B. are a black couple living

C. live a black couple D. do a black couple live



【解析】考查全倒装。表示“地点”的词语置于句首或强调“地点”概念同时主语是名词时用完全倒装。此时别注意主谓一致问题,句中谓语动词常为sit, stand, lie等不及物动词。该句表示地点的状语“Next door to ours”位于句首,且该句主语为名词“a black couple”,所以句子要全倒装。且全倒装一般不出现进行时,故正确答案为C.




A young man returns to his hometown of Aractataca, Colombia. He visits the house where he lived as a child. Here, he remembers the most important memories of his childhood. Standing in front of his old house, the young man makes an important decision. He says to himself, “I will start my life over again. I will become a writer.”

This man is the world famous writer, Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born on March 6, 1928. During his early life, Garcia Marquez’s grandmother and grandfather told him many stories. His grandmother would tell him legends as if they were real. Garcia Marquez says that his grandmother’s way of storytelling later influenced his own methods.

When Garcia Marquez was about 20 years old, he left Aractataca and attended university in Bogota. He began studying law because this was what his father wanted him to study. However, Garcia Marquez was not happy.

During this time Garcia Marquez returned to Aractataca. It was on this visit that he realized he must stop studying law. And he recognized that he must return to the dream of his childhood-writing. For the next few years, Garcia Marquez wrote for many different newspapers. And in 1955, he published his first book called “Leaf Storm”.

For many years, Garcia Marquez knew he wanted to write about his grandfather’s house in Aractataca. To write this book, Garcia Marquez and his wife had to sell almost all of their possessions to survive. But their act was worth it. The book, “One Hundred Years of Solitude” was immediately successful. And this book created a path for Garcia Marquez’s future success.

In 1982, Gabriel Garcia Marquez was given the Nobel Prize in Literature for his book “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, making him the first Colombian and the fourth Latin American to win a Nobel Prize in Literature.

1.Who influenced Garcia Marquez’s writing style?

A. His grandfather. B. His father.

C. His grandmother. D. His wife.

2.Garcia decided to take up writing_________.

A. when he worked for a newspaper

B. under the influence of his family

C. when he graduated from college

D. after a visit to his hometown

3. Garcia’s book “One Hundred Years of Solitude” .

A. was written in the 1950s

B. enjoyed a quick success

C. helped Garcia lead a better life

D. was about Garcia’s grandfather

4.What do we know from the text about Garcia Marquez?

A. He is the first Latin American to win a Nobel Prize in Literature.

B. He wrote for newspapers before publishing his own books.

C. His book “Leaf Storm” marked his great success in literature.

D. He followed his father’s wish to become a writer.


Humans may not have landed on Mars (火星) just yet, but that isn’t stopping a European company from devising a plan to send four people to the Red Planet within the next few years. This project, called Mars One, aims to send a small group of people to Mars in 2022 and eventually establish a permanent colony on the planet.

“Everything we need to go to Mars exists,” said Mars One co-founder Bas Lansdorp in March 2014. “We have the rockets to send people to Mars, the equipment to land on Mars, the robots to prepare the settlement for humans. For a one-way mission, all the technology exists.” Yet the four astronauts chosen for the trip will be stuck on Mars—forever. And despite Mars One’s thorough planning, there are a number of challenges that may prevent the mission from ever taking place. The biggest road block could be the mission's huge cost ($6 billion). However, Lansdorp is confident that Mars One will be able to fund the project by selling the broadcast rights for the mission and subsequent experiences living on the planet.

Those broadcast rights will also play a part in helping to select the people who will be sent to Mars. Lansdorp said the company will hold a selection process similar to a reality show. Lansdorp is expecting at least 1 million applications from people around the world. In addition to the cost, several other potential problems could inhibit (阻止) the mission to Mars.

“It’s even more challenging to send people there with life support, with food, with air, with all the other things like books, entertainment, means of communication and of providing for their own resources for a long stay on Mars,” said Adam Baker, senior lecturer in space engineering at Kingston University in London. “The size of the rockets you’d need to do this would be absolutely colossal.”

1.According to Project Mars One, humans could send four people to Mars within the next ________years.

A. seven B. eight C. ten D. six

2.According to Bas Lansdorp, which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. Robots are prepared for the settlement for humans.

B. He could not come up with the fund for Mars One.

C. We humans have the rockets to send people to Mars.

D. The equipment is ready for humans to land on Mars.

3.The word “colossal” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ___________.

A. very large B. very small

C. medium D. average

4.Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?

A. Ready for a Round Trip to Mars

B. Ready for a Short Visit to Mars

C. Ready for a One-way Trip to Mars

D. Ready for a Walk on Mars


A scientist turns out to be able to see the future by offering each of some four-year-olds a piece of candy and watching how he or she deals with it. Some children reach eagerly for the treat they see. Some last a few minutes before they give in. But others are determined to wait until the last moment.

By the time the children reach high school, something remarkable has happened. A survey found that those who as four-year-olds had enough self-control to hold out generally grew up to be more popular, adventurous, confident and dependable. The children who gave in to temptation(诱惑) early were more likely to be lonely, easily frustrated and inflexible(固守己见的).

Actually, the ability to delay reward is a sign of emotional intelligence which doesn’t show up on an IQ test.

The hardware of the brain and the software of the mind have long been scientists’ concerns. But brain theory can’t explain what we wonder about most, like the question why some people remain upbeat in the face of troubles that would sink a less resistant soul.

Here comes the theory of Daniel Goleman, writer of Emotional Intelligence: when it comes to predicting people’s success, brain ability as measured by IQ may actually matter less than the qualities of mind once thought of as “character”.

EQ is not the opposite of IQ. What researchers have been trying to understand is how they work together; how one’s ability to handle stress, for instance, affects the ability to concentrate and put intelligence to use. Among the elements for success, researchers now generally agree that IQ counts for about 20%; the rest depends on everything from social class to luck.

While many researchers in this relatively new field are glad to see emotional issues finally taken seriously, some few fear EQ invites misuse.

1.The experiment with the four-year-olds makes it clear that ______.

A. the age of 4 is a proper time for scientific experiment

B. emotional intelligence won’t show up until adolescence

C. the ability of self-control plays a role in personal success

D. candy can be used to measure a person’s emotional intelligence

2.Which of the following is True of EQ and IQ according to the text?

A. There is no link between EQ and IQ.

B. The higher a person’s IQ is, the higher his or her EQ is.

C. Some people can be blessed with lots of both, but some with little of either.

D. Scientists are trying to discover the way in which EQ and IQ work together.

3.The underlined word “upbeat” in Paragraph 4 probably means ______.

A. kind B. floating

C. excited D. optimistic]

4.What is most likely to be written in the paragraph that follows?

A. Information about famous people with high EQ.

B. Examples showing the opposite voice about EQ.

C. Some reasons why EQ is a relatively new field.

D. Strong demand for basic emotional education.


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