
The owl(猫头鹰) is _____ for many Californian Indian people due to their religion.

A.scared            B.sacred            C.skeptical          D.privileged





试题分析:句意,根据他们的宗教,猫头鹰对于许多加利福尼亚的印度人来说,是神圣的。Scared 恐惧的sacred神圣的skeptical怀疑的privileged有特权的,根据题意,故选B。





In front of a popular restaurant, a line of customers wait for taxis. And wait. Most of the cabs(taxis) are full. That’s nothing unusual in this city of 4 million people. But it’s 2:30 in the morning.

Visitors to the Olympic Games may leave disappointed if they see Athens only through the eyes of the typical tourist, who makes a beeline of the islands after the visit to the Acropolis(雅典卫城) and the unusual and attractive Plaka district. To fully appreciate and discover Athens’ many charms(魅力), do as the Greeks do: walk out into the neighborhoods, find the packed nightclubs, eat at one of the innumerable(数不清的) restaurants, or see Hollywood stars under real stars in a romantic outdoor cinema.

The Greek capital is named for the ancient goddess Athena, whose favourite animal was the owl(猫头鹰). It’s a fitting symbol for the city’s nocturnal (夜里的) nature, which often reaches its highest point in summer with a rush hour just before dawn.

As native Athenian Panos Demestiha said, Athens by day is unlivable(不宜居住的), but it’s magical at night. Athenians face up to heavy traffic block, decreasing green space, dusty streets… City officials are using the momentum(契机) of the August 13-29 Olympics to fix some of these problems and make city life more bearable.

72. To the surprise of the visitors to Athens , ____.

       A.most of the cabs are often full all day long

       B. the cabs are often empty

       C. the cabs are almost full even at 2:30 am    

       D. there is no cab in the street at 2:30 am.

73. The name of Athens came from ____.

     A. a goddess  B. a famous athlete  C. a kind of animal  D. a kind of plant

74. The typical visitors will often visit the following places EXCEP ____.

     A. the neighborhood B. the Plaka district  C. the Acropolis D. famous islands

75. The underlined word “bearable” in the last paragraph can be replaced by “____”.

       A. astonishing    B. forgettable       C. exciting          D. comfortable

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