

1What does the speaker suggest people do at the beginning of the week?

A.Stay indoors.

B.Put their summer clothes away.

C.Get out to enjoy the beautiful weather.

2When should the storm be over?

A.By Tuesday evening.

B.By Friday morning.

C.By next Monday.

3What usually happens in late September and early October?

A.There are a lot of storms.

B.The weather gets hot again.

C.It is always quite cold.







Well, folks, it’s time for the weekly weather report. We have a lot of different kinds of weather coming at us over the next several days. On Monday and Tuesday, the weather will be just as pleasant as it has been lately. Warm days, cooler nights, with a light wind from the ocean coming across the hills: beautiful late summer weather - so get outside and enjoy it! By Tuesday evening, though, the weather will turn. We’ll be getting the first of the autumn rains. The storm system will come down from the north, from the direction of Fremont. Our area will be hit hardest with rain - we should receive up to an inch of rain overnight! With the storm, much cooler weather will come. You’d better pack your summer clothes away, because you won’t need them for a long time! By Friday morning, all the wet weather will have passed. But the temperatures will drop even further into the weekend. And since Gilroy is not very close to the sea, we can expect the weather to remain cool for quite some time. But if we get lucky, we’ll have hot weather once more before winter. Late September and early October generally bring a couple of weeks that feel like summer.


【题目】 It's October and you know what that means —the return of pumpkin Kit Kats, spooky (幽灵般的,怪异的)costumes for the kids and, of course, homemade Halloween treats. The whole spooky season leads up to tricks on October 31, but Halloween as we know it may be changing.

It's pretty common knowledge that Halloween takes place on October 31. For a lot of parents, it's a night of headaches. Sure enough, parents are fully occupied with an unforgettable Halloween party and have no time to be with the kids. Then the kids have to be dressed and out the door for two hours of trick-or-treating time, which can be tough to manage. Most remarkably, it's hard to pack all the holiday fun into a school night. Eating all that candy right before bed won't make for an easy school day the next morning.

Last year, a nonprofit organization called the Halloween and Costume Association(HCA) began a petition (请愿)to change the date of Halloween. They proposed that Halloween take place on the last Saturday of the month. Thus, parents can have time to celebrate it with their kids.

Though the petition started in 2018, it has really picked up steam this year. Right now, more than 148, 000 people have signed. When a quota(限额) of 150,000 signatures is met, the petition will be delivered to the President of the States, and the government will be making the final call.

Really, the petition isn't about breaking tradition but about making Halloween more family-friendly. It technically makes Halloween longer, so who wouldn't be taking about all-day spooks? If you'd like to sign the petition and make your voice heard before October, you can find it here.

1What troubles parents most on Halloween?

A.They can't find the kids in the night.B.They have little time to prepare for it.

C.It's hard for kids to behave themselves.D.Halloween may take place on a school day.

2The petition for Halloween is actually intended to____.

A.help kids gain more freedomB.create more parent-child time

C.allow parents to have a day offD.promote the event to a new level

3What can be inferred about the petition?

A.No one desired to sign their name at first.B.It has been put aside by the government.

C.The US president thinks nothing of it.D.It has gained increasing favor.

4What is the best title for the text?

A.Break the traditional barriers?B.Make Halloween Much Longer?

C.Celebrate it in another manner?D.Necessary to observe Halloween?


Communication roadblocks are very common. They occur when two people talk in such a way that neither one feels understood.1However, there are several ways to help individuals overcome roadblocks.

Soften the startup. One of the skills to overcome communication roadblocks is to begin a conversation by starting with something positive, expressing appreciation and taking responsibility for thoughts and feelings.2For example, 'I want to stay more involved in making decisions about money' rather than 'You never include me in financial decisions. '

Make and receive repair attempts. Another important skill in overcoming communication roadblocks is learning to make and receive repair attempts. They are efforts to prevent an increasingly negative interaction from going any further.3This is important because when conflicts appear, we often experience stress that can affect our ability to think and reason, which can lead to communication roadblocks. Taking time away from the conflict to calm down can help us be more prepared to discuss the issue.

4Overcoming communication roadblocks requires each partner to take turns being the speaker and the listener so that each has a chance to express themselves effectively. The goal is not to solve a particular problem, but rather to have a safe and meaningful discussion and to understand each other's point of view, which may lead to more effective communication.

Dealing with communication roadblocks can take large amounts of mental, emotional, and physical energy. But learning and using a few simple skills can increase positive communication with others.5

A.Use effective speaking and listening skills.

B.Deal with roadblocks in communicating with partners.

C.Sometimes we can take a break or make efforts to calm the situation.

D.They are not good for effective communication and often deepen the conflicts.

E.The opportunities for personal and relationship growth are well worth the effort.

F.In addition, starting the message in the first person can promote positive communication.

G.Recognizing roadblocks and trying to communicate effectively help positive interactions.

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