













Dear friends ,





Dear friends ,

①With the developing of our living standard, we get more and more pocket money given by our parents or relatives,but how should we spend it?②First of all, we can save it in the bank to cultivate a good habit of saving money and when we really need money you can take it out. ③Secondly, we can buy some books on science or arts which bring more knowledge. ④Third, if you are interested in stamp collecting, music or sports, you can use your pocket money on it.⑤We may make different choices on their pocket money. But never waste it just eating or playing electronic games.



【亮点说明】make different choices on,cultivate a good habit词组使文章更生动;表顺序的连词First of all, Secondly, Third使文章结构清晰,with的复合结构,which引导的定语从句是文章更有水平。文章的安排分为三部分,开头部分:开门见山地简单阐述现象。正文部分:分析原因。结尾部分:简要总结,发表自己的观点。


【题目】Years ago it was very difficult to travel from one place to another. The journeys were often long, tiring and dangerous. Today the picture has changed. Science has improved transportation and communication facilities a great deal. Traveling has become safer, more enjoyable and above all, more economical.

Traveling—whether within one’s country or abroad—brings many invaluable benefits. People travel for pleasure, business or for education and knowledge. In the world of yesterday most people were only able to read about strange and fascinating places across the mountains and seas. Later, with the coming of the cinema and television, man’s curiosity about faraway places with strange sounding names was further stirred up. Today man’s curiosity can be satisfied in luxurious comfort. There are first-class ships and airplanes to take him where his dreams lie.

We travel to increase our knowledge of the world in which we live. Knowledge obtained from books alone is not enough. New knowledge of different land and peoples enriches our mind and soul. Books generally do not give us a very true picture of lands beyond our shores. Some of them are even misleading.


1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点;

2. 然后以约120个词就“交通的发展给我们带来什么”这个主题发表你的看法,并包括以下要点:

(1) 简述从古到今交通方式的变化;

(2) 现代交通给我们带来的好处,如快捷性、舒适性、经济性及帮助我们扩大视野等;

(3) 现代交通给我们带来的一些负面影响;

(4) 你如何评价现代交通?


1. 可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 标题自定。

3. 答案请写在答题卷的相应位置上。

【题目】 Most American students go to traditional public schools. There are about 88,000 public schools all over the US. Some students attend about 3,000 independent public schools called charter schools.

Charter schools are self-governing. Private companies operate some charter schools. They are similar in some ways to traditional public schools. They receive tax just as other public schools do. Charter schools must prove to local or state governments that their students are learning. These governments provide the schools with the agreement called a charter that permits them to operate.

Charter schools are different because they do not have to obey most laws governing traditional public schools. Local,state or federal governments cannot tell them what to teach. Each school can choose its own goals and decide the ways it wants to reach them. Class size is usually smaller than in traditional public schools.

Governments strongly support charter schools as a way to reorganize public schools that are failing to educate students. But some education agencies and unions oppose charter schools. One teachers' union has just made public the results of the first national study comparing the progress of students in traditional schools and charter schools.

The American Federation of Teachers criticized the government's delay in releasing the results of the study,which is called the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Union education experts say the study shows that charter school students performed worse in math and reading tests than students in regular public schools.

Some experts say the study is not a fair look at charter schools because students in those schools have more problems than students in traditional schools. Other education experts say the study results should make charter school officials demand more student progress.

【1】If a private company wants to operate a charter school,it must ________.

A.try new methods of teaching

B.prove its management ability

C.obey all local and state laws

D.get the government's permission

【2】Charter schools are independent because ________.

A.they make greater progress

B.their class size is smaller

C.they enjoy more freedom

D.they oppose traditional ways

【3】What's the governments' attitude toward charter schools?





【4】What can we learn from the text?

A.More students choose to attend charter schools.

B.Charter schools are better than traditional schools.

C.Students in charter schools are well educated.

D.People have different opinions about charter schools.

【5】It can be inferred from the text that ________.

A.charter schools are part of the public education system

B.one-on-one attention should be paid to students

C.the number of charter schools will be limited

D.charter schools are all privately financed

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