Some phones had become part of our daily life£®No matter who we are£¬we can see people busy play with their smart phones£®Smart phones benefit them£®They help us escape the pressure of life and get informations£®However£¬if we spend too much time on them£¬we won't have time to contact face to our friends and family£®And our life£¬study and work will be hurt£®In my view£¬we should limit to our using smart phones except for a purpose of learning£®Meanwhile£¬it's absolute necessary for us to take part in more outdoor activities£®
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½â´ð Some phones had become part of our daily life£®No matter who we are£¬we can see people busy play with their smart phones£®Smart phones benefit them£®They help us escape the pressure of life and get informations£®However£¬if we spend too much time on them£¬we won't have time to contact face to¡Äour friends and family£®And our life£¬study and work will be hurt£®In my view£¬we should limit to our using smart phones except for a purpose of learning£®Meanwhile£¬it's absolute necessary for us to take part in more outdoor activities£®
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4£®them¸ÄΪus ¿¼²é´ú´Ê£®¸ù¾Ý¾äÒ⣺ÖÇÄÜÊÖ»úʹÎÒÃÇÊÜÒ森Óôú´Êus£®
5£®pressure¸ÄΪpressures ¿¼²éÃû´Ê¸´Êý£®´Ë´¦Ö¸"Éú»îµÄѹÁ¦"£¬Óø´Êý£®
6£®informations¸ÄΪinformation ¿¼²éÃû´Ê£®informationÊDz»¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬Ã»Óи´ÊýÐÎʽ£®
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9£®a¸ÄΪthe ¿¼²é½é´Ê£®for the purpose ofÒâΪ"ΪÁË¡"£¬Êǹ̶¨´îÅ䣮
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-Not yet the rooms________£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | are being painted | B£® | are painting | ||
C£® | are painted | D£® | are being painting |
A£® | insight | B£® | inquiry | C£® | inspiration | D£® | inspection |
A£® | pull out | B£® | put out | C£® | figure out | D£® | wipe out |