3£®²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºÑô¹âÌåÓý»î¶¯-a national student sports program£»
              ½ÌÓý²¿-the Ministry of Education
Good afternoon£¬everyone£¬
Thank you!

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 The Ministry of Education calls on students to exercise for an hour every day£¬in the hope that they will have good health to work fifty years and enjoy the whole life£®
Although we take an hour a day for exercise£¬it is well worth it£®

½â´ð Good afternoon£¬everyone£¬
     On the morning of April 29£¬2007£¬from 10£º00 to 11£º00£¬hundreds of millions of students from primary£¬middle schools and universities all over China joined in a national student sports program£®Eleven million students in Jiangsu took an active part in this program£®
     The Ministry of Education calls on students to exercise for an hour every day£¬in the hope that they will have good health to work fifty years and enjoy the whole life£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©£®
     Personally£¬I think it a good idea for us senior 3 students to have daily exercise£®Although we take an hour a day for exercise£¬it is well worth it£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©£®Taking exercise helps us build up our body and keep a clear mind£®
     Therefore£¬we can work more efficiently£®
     Thank you!

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8£®"Everything happens for the best£¬"my mother said whenever I faced disappointment£¬"If you£¨1£©Don£¬something good will happen some day£®"Mother was right£¬as I discovered after graduating from college£®I had£¨2£©Bmyself for a sports announcer£®So I went to Chicago to knock on the door of every station and was£¨3£©Cevery time£®In one station£¬a kind lady told me that£¨4£©Astations wouldn't employ a person without£¨5£©Asince I had just graduated£®"Go out in the town and find a small station that might give you a chance£¬"she said£®
I returned to Dixon£¬where I had finished my high school education and had£¨6£©Bin the school football team£®My father said that our town had built a store and wanted a man to manage its sports department£®The job sounded just£¨7£©Cfor me but I wasn't hired£®
My disappointment had8£©Aas if by design£®"Everything happens for the best£¬"Mum£¨9£©Dme£®Dad lent me his car to look for a job£®I tried WOC Radio Davenport£®The program director told me they had already hired an announcer£®£¨10£©AI left his office£¬!asked aloud£¬"£¨11£©Bcan a fellow get to be a sports announcer if he can't get a job in a radio station£¿"Suddenly£¬I heard the director£¨12£©A"Do you know anything about football£¿"Then he asked me to£¨13£©Can imaginary game£®It was easy£¬and I did it without difficulty£®The director was£¨14£©Dand told me I would be broadcasting a game on the£¨15£©BSaturday£®
1£®A putB takeC moveD carry
2£®A devotedB designedC foundD enjoyed
3£®A invitedB promisedC refusedD accepted
4£®A largeB allC noD small
5£®A experienceB examinationC agreementD college
6£®A playedB joinedC takenD fought
7£®A possibleB successfulC rightD important
8£®A shownB disappearedC resultedD turned
9£®A wokeB advisedC demandedD reminded
10£®A WhileB AfterC BeforeD So
11£®A WhatB HowC WheneverD Wherever
12£®A callingB answeringC broadcastingD announcing
13£®A makeB actC broadcastD play
14£®A movedB sorryC thankfulD satisfied
15£®A futureB comingC lastD later
6£®Even a small reduction in salt in the diet can be a big help to the heart£®A new study used a computer model to predict how just three grams less a day would affect heart disease in the United States£®
The result£º10% fewer heart attacks.8% fewer strokes.4% fewer deaths.11% fewer new cases of heart disease£®And 240billion dollars in health care savings£®
Researchers found it could prevent 100£¬000heart attacks and 92£¬000deaths every year£®
The study is in the New England Journal of Medicine£®Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo at the University of California San Francisco was the lead author£®She says people would not even notice a difference in taste with three grams£¬or one-half teaspoon£¬less salt per day£®The team also included researchers at Stanford and Columbia University£®
Each gram of salt contains four hundred milligrams of sodium£¨ÄÆ£©£¬which is how foods may list their salt content£®
The government says the average American man eats ten grams of salt a day£®The American Heart Association advises no more than three grams for healthy people£®It says salt in the American diet has increased by fifty percent since the 1970s£¬while blood pressures have also risen£®Less salt can mean a lower blood pressure£®
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is leading an effort called the National Salt Reduction Initiative£®The idea is to put pressure on food companies and restaurants£®Critics call it government interference£®Mayor Bloomberg has already succeeded in other areas£¬like requiring fast food places in the city to list calorie information£®Now a study by the Seattle Children's Research Institute shows that the calorie information on the menu can influence what parents order for their children£®

32£®According to the passage£¬what disease is not related to salt in diet£¿A
A£®cancerB£®strokeC£®blood pressureD£®heart attack
33£®It can be inferred from the passage thatB£®
A£®the less salt one eats£¬the healthier he will be
B£®how much salt is contained in certain food is measured by the amount of sodium
C£®the American Heart Association suggests less than 3grams of salt a day for everyone
D£®all the heart diseases result from eating too much salt
34£®The National Salt Reduction Initiative aims toC£®
A£®attract the public attention to the problem
B£®require fast food places to list salt information
C£®put stress on food companies and restaurants
D£®inform people of the harm that salt does to health
35£®The last paragraph mainly tells usD£®
A£®a new study is being done about calorie information
B£®Bloomberg is very successful in his career
C£®parents must pay great attention to calorie information
D£®Bloomberg has made some other efforts to improve people's health£®
81£®The newly-opened restaurant mustn't be very good£®It's always empty£®mustn't¸ÄΪcan't
82£®He promised he would come and he would try his best to help us£®µÚÒ»¸öheÇ°Ãæ¼Óthat
83£®It was suggested that each group acted out one scene of the play next Monday£®acted¸ÄΪact
84£®When and where to hold the English speech contest have not been decided yet£®have¸ÄΪhas
85£®The news when our school dancing team won first place at the dancing competition delighted everybody£®when¸ÄΪthat
86£®I don't know that if they would mind spending more money on a bigger room£®È¥µôthat
87£®It is you£¬rather than Marino£¬that is to take charge of the plan£®is ¸ÄΪare
88£®I lost her address and that was because I could not find her home£®because¸ÄΪwhy
89£®I have no idea where my sister works now£®She should be working in Beijing£®should-could/may/might
90£®With the teacher shouting"Go!"£¬the kids ran in all direction£®direction¸ÄΪdirections£®
7£®You may think what you say on WeChat is your own business£¬but obviously the Canadian authorities don't agree£®Last week£¬a Chinese student was sent back to China at the Canadian customs because officers identified some dirty expressions in a group chat on his WeChat account£®His visa was also denied by the Canada Border Service Agency £¨CBSA£© after the discovery£®
Sometimes travelers are stopped for having done something that arouses the suspicion of authorities£¬but this student probably just happened to be one of those who were examined at random by the customs£®The CBSA website clearly says£¬"At any point when you are going through the customs£¬you may be brought to our Secondary Services and Inspections area£®"While you're in the area£¬your purse or wallet£¬electronics £¨including laptops and cell phones£© will be put under careful check£®
Now£¬you need to be fully aware of the items you're not allowed to bring before you travel abroad£®The website of UK Visas and Immigration lists pirated copies£¨µÁ°æ£© of movies and music as illegal£®If you're caught bringing pirated products into the UK£¬these products will be taken away as a punishment£¬and you may be accused£®
Besides pirated copies£¬you should also be careful about food£¬animals and plants£®You may have heard the news last April about how Hollywood film star Johnny Depp's wife£¬Amber Heard£¬was facing lawsuits for taking her two dogs into Australia without declaring them to customs officials£®According to Australia's Department of Immigration and Border Protection£¬Australia has strict laws concerning the importation of animals£®Animals from overseas could bring diseases and pests into the country and do damage to the vulnerable local environment£®
There is a limit of cash you can bring when traveling abroad£®According to UK Visas and Immigration£¬for example£¬the maximum amount of cash you can bring into the country is?10£¬000 £¨72£¬000RMB£©£®You'll have to declare it if you're bringing more£®
Customs rules vary from country to country£®This is why you should always check the local customs website to make sure of what you can put into your luggage£¬and of course£¬your electronic devices£®

28£®The Chinese student was stopped when going through the Canadian customs because ofC£®
A£®his nervous look 
B£®the customs'random checks
C£®a WeChat account on his phone 
D£®the officers'prejudice against Asian students
29£®The author mentions the case of Johnny Depp's wife£¬Amber Heard£¬in order toC£®
A£®tell us how much she loves her pet dogs
B£®prove Australians are not fond of film stars at all
C£®warn readers to obey laws no matter who you are
D£®introduce Australia's laws about the importation of animals
30£®The underlined word"vulnerable"in Paragraph 4probably meansA£®
31£®Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage£¿D
A£®All the countries have the same customs rules except Australia£®
B£®The maximum amount of cash you can bring into UK is 10£¬000RMB£®
C£®The Chinese student was accused after the discovery of dirty expressions£®
D£®You must declare at the Australian customs if you bring animals with you£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
