
Kiss of Death is a romantic detective story whose basic theme focuses totally on dogs.

Whitney Marshall had just gone through a divorce, appearing practically penniless while her husband, a promising plastic surgeon, was left with the property and the debts, and his new wife. Whitney seeks help from her cousin, Miranda, who had lived with them as a child. Miranda is operating a dog walking business and lives in the caretaker's cottage of one of her employers, Calvin Hunter. Whitney’s approach is timely as Miranda is getting married and leaving for a two- week honeymoon. She leaves her house and the dogs in Whitney’s care.

Living next door is Adam Hunter; an expert of the Iraqi war who had suffered a battle injury. During his recovery, his uncle Calvin had asked Adam to his home in Greece telling him that he was certain someone was likely to murder him.

His uncle Calvin recently died of an apparent heart attack and Adam has come to Calvin California home to straighten out his affairs and to further investigate the death. Adam is from the area, and was previously called up in the security business with his former police partner.

Immediately after Calvin's death, his home had been broken into and the only things stolen were his computer and related things. Adam has an accountant trying to sort out his uncle financial affairs. His uncle had become fascinated to a pet dog who had “taken Westminster by storm,”and had caught the dog show fever, spending his time judging and attending shows. To the surprise of all, however, there does not seem to be any money in his accounts.

Whitney and Adam meet when he catches her in the house. Whitney is merely dealing with Calvin’s dog, one of her new responsibilities. They continue to meet as outside causes throw them together and romance starts.

Whitney’s former husband Ryan tries to persuade her to sign a deal over to him that he claims he had not been properly taken care of in the divorce. She is hesitating, waiting to see a lawyer. Then, Whitney’s dog is missing, kidnapped(绑架) by Ryan’s new wife’s personal trainer; the caretaker’s cottage is bombed; and most importantly, they find the man that Miranda was to marry had never heard of her, and she seems missing.

The plot seems to circle among all these people, heading nowhere until the end of the book when it picks up speed, and all is exposed. Kiss of Death will be unforgettable only to readers who enjoy learning mysterious facts about dogs.


62. Which of the following is TRUE about Whitney Marshall?

A. Her cousin asked her to look after the dogs while she was away.

B. Adam set traps so that he could meet Whitney frequently

C. She’s going to get married to Adam Hunter.

D. Her former husband hopes to marry her again.

63. What is the relationship between Whitney and Calvin Hunter?

A. She is his neighbor.

B. She is his employee.

C. She is a cousin of one of his employees.

D. She is the future-to-be daughter-in-law of him.

64. Which of the following is NOT true about Calvin Hunter?

A. Calvin Hunter’s death caused some doubt and disbelief.

B. People expect there to be a lot of money in his accounts.

C. He once had a fever because of his dog.

D. He likes dogs very much.

65. This passage is most probably part of _________.

A. life story of the author of Kiss of Death

B. an article by a literary reviewer

C. a book-seller’s advertisement

D. a diary by a real detective


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