
Your understanding on the theory is____ satisfactory. You must read more after class.

A.far fromB.up toC.along withD.free of


解析试题分析: far from“远非,完全不”; up to “忙于,相当于”; along with “同……一起”; free of “无……,摆脱……”;句意:你对于理论的理解还不令人满意,你还需课下再多读。故选A
即学即练:He lived in a flat ____  rent.
A.far from            B.up to         C.along with                D.free of
解析:D 句意:他住在免付租金的公寓里。


The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has declared October 15 as Global Handwashing Day in 2005.The first Global Handwashing Day is on October 15 of 2008.Activities are planned over twenty countries to get millions of people in the developing world to wash their hands with soap. Global Handwashing Day is the idea of the Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing with Soap. Partners include the UN Children's Fund, American government agencies, the World Bank and soap makers Unilever and Procter and Gamble. The goal is to create a culture of hand washing with soap.
Hand washing can prevent the spread of disease. Experts say people around the world wash their hands but very few use soap at so-called critical moments. These include after using the toilet, after cleaning a baby and before touching food.
When people get germs on their hands, they can infect themselves by touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Then they can infect others.
The organizers say all soaps are equally effective at removing disease-causing germs. The correct way to wash is to wet your hands with a small amount of water and cover them with soap. Rub it into all areas, including under the fingernails. Rub for at least twenty seconds.Then, rinse well under running water. Finally, dry your hands with a clean cloth or wave them in the air. Soap is important because it increases the time that people spend washing. It also helps to break up the grease and dirt that hold most of the germs.And it usually leaves a pleasant smell,which increases the likelihood that people will wash again.
Washing with soap before eating and after using the toilet could save more lives than any medicine. It could help reduce cases of diarrhea(痢疾) by almost half. And it could reduce deaths from pneumonia and other breathing infections by one-fourth. Diarrhea is the second leading cause of child deaths, killing more than one and a half million children a year. Pneumonia is the leading cause, killing about two million children under five each year. Hand washing can also prevent the spread of other diseases.
50.We can learn from Paragraph 1 that _______.
A.the first Global Handwashing Day was held in 2005
B.many originations support the idea of Global Handwashing Day  
C.Global Handwashing Day was founded by many soap makers
D.the content of Global Handwashing Day is to wash your hand frequently
51.The underlined phrase “critical moments” in Paragraph 2 refers to _______.
A.the turning points    
C.the arrangement of a time
D.the necessary parts in health
52.The main purpose of the story is to tell us ________.
A.hand washing is very important
B.to create a culture of hand washing with soap
C.germs can infect ourselves and others
D.soaps play an important role in everyday life
53.The last paragraph implies that ___________.
A.a soap is a kind of medicine to prevent a disease
B.it is important for children to wash hands in a correct way
C.Pneumonia kills about two million children each year
D.Diarrhea is the second leading cause of child deaths.

When I was in college twenty-five years ago, I spent four summers working as a maid in housekeeping at a grand hotel in downtown Chicago. I did not enter the world of housekeeping enthusiastically. I had been hoping to get a job as an office assistant. When that failed, I had no choice but to work as a maid.
It was tiring work, cleaning up to eighteen rooms a day. My poor attitude reflected my disdain(蔑视) for cleaning toilets, changing bed sheets, dusting, and vacuuming eight hours a day for the comfort of total strangers who rarely left a tip. My maid work was just so-so until the day I was assigned to the eighteenth floor.
That was Lorena’s regular floor. The only time another maid set foot on it was on Lorena’s day off. If you left a little rubbish on the floor, a small tissue under the bed, or a pillow uncleaned, Lorena would hunt you down when she returned. She’d ended her lecture to me with, “Take some pride in your work.”
She did. And so did Rosalie, Helen, Annette, Pearlie, Earline, and all the other career maids with more than one hundred years of experience among them. Their commitment to doing a good job and their belief that their work was a reflection of their character stuck with me throughout my professional career. I learned a lot from them those four summers.
(1) 你是否做过暑期工;
(2) 你打算如何度过高考后的暑假;
(3) 你认为怎样过暑假才有意义。

When I was in college twenty-five years ago, I spent four summers working as a maid in housekeeping at a grand hotel in downtown Chicago. I did not enter the world of housekeeping enthusiastically. I had been hoping to get a job as an office assistant. When that failed, I had no choice but to work as a maid.
It was tiring work, cleaning up to eighteen rooms a day. My poor attitude reflected my disdain(蔑视) for cleaning toilets, changing bed sheets, dusting, and vacuuming eight hours a day for the comfort of total strangers who rarely left a tip. My maid work was just so-so until the day I was assigned to the eighteenth floor.
That was Lorena’s regular floor. The only time another maid set foot on it was on Lorena’s day off. If you left a little rubbish on the floor, a small tissue under the bed, or a pillow uncleaned, Lorena would hunt you down when she returned. She’d ended her lecture to me with, “Take some pride in your work.”
She did. And so did Rosalie, Helen, Annette, Pearlie, Earline, and all the other career maids with more than one hundred years of experience among them. Their commitment to doing a good job and their belief that their work was a reflection of their character stuck with me throughout my professional career. I learned a lot from them those four summers.
(1) 你是否做过暑期工;
(2) 你打算如何度过高考后的暑假;
(3) 你认为怎样过暑假才有意义。

A man was driving at 70 miles in a 40-mile-zone, when a police car came behind him with the light on. __1__. As the policeman came to him, he said,” Hi, officer, I guess you caught me a little bit over the limit. I was in a rush to get home, to be with my wife and kids, you know my younger son wasn’t feeling well when I left home this morning.”
The policeman said, “Well, I guess so,” and started writing something in his notebook.__2__. A few moments later, the policeman came to his window and handed him a paper, and returned to his car without saying a single word. The man started to wonder, how much this ticket was going to be as he began to look at the paper.__3___ But something which read: “I had a daughter who was killed by a speeding car at the age of six, by a speeding driver like you. He got a fine, a few months in prison, and was free, free to hug two other daughters.__4__ I have tried to forgive that man a thousands times, and I thought I had. Maybe I really forgive him, but I have to do it again, even right now.__5__.”
The man was very surprised and could not move for the next few minutes. When finally he did, he drove slowly, even a few miles under the speed limit, praying for forgiveness.

A. So pray for you, and be careful when you drive again, your daughter is all you have left.
B. I only had one, and now I had to wait I go to heaven before I can hug her again.
C. Right away the man started thinking of excuse to give.
D. He was surprised it was not a ticket.
E. So pray for me, and be careful when you drive again, my son is all I have left.
F. As minutes went by, he hadn’t asked for his driver’s license.
G. He was surprised it was not a ticket as he began to read.


The average human experiences a lot of dreams while they sleep at night. But what exactly do they mean? The following explanations deal with four most common dreams and some of the possible meanings behind them, according to experts. Please note that, while certainly interesting, dream analysis is a highly subjective(主观的) field of study.

         Dreams about being chased (追逐)

         Dreaming about being chased generally means you may be avoiding a person or something painful, annoying or fearful.

         It could be a reminder that trying to avoid the problem could lead to more such dreams. Most people dream about being chased at one point or another. It’s both common and natural.

         Dreams about death

         According to Jeffrey Sumber, a psychotherapist (精神治疗师) and author, dreams about death often indicate “the ending of something, whether that’s a job or a relationship”. He suggests a dream about death can also indicate attempts to remove anxiety or anger. These dreams don’t suggest a person will actually die, he explains.

         There are no tricks when it comes to avoiding such dreams. The only way is to do our inner work and make peace with it.

         People who have dreams about death tend to be those who are entering an uncertain period in their life. It could be a life-changing event that creates anxiety and fear of the unknown.

         Dreams about falling

         Dreaming about falling can have a physiological basis, according to Cathleen O’ Connor, Ph. D. As the body goes deep into sleep and the nervous system begins to be quiet, blood pressure and heart rate drop and this change can cause a falling dream.

         O’Connor says that dreaming about falling is the mind’s way of warning the dreamer of a situation in his or her waking life where they feel out of control.

         “If dreams of falling bring feelings of fear, you should realize that the goal is not to avoid them but rather to work with those dreams in your waking state and deal with the fear so you can regain your balance,” O’ Connor says.

         Dreams about celebrities (名人)

         “Celebrities carry some kind of message that’s associated with personal achievements or lack,” says Shelley Smith, founding director of the Yoga Health & Therapy Center. “A person dreaming about a celebrity is looking for inspiration … or some characteristic that is associated with that celebrity.

         “That’s one of the features of dream images, and they are not under our control,” Smith says. “Your experience while you’re sleeping is coming from a place that’s totally unconscious (无意识的).”

         “There is no one group that we can say has this particular dream more than another,” she says, “The image is energetic and specific to what the person’s need is. For example, accomplishment, health, and rising to the top --- whatever is associated with that celebrity.


Four common dreams and why we have them


Experts think that dreams may have possible meanings behind them, the analysis of which is1. _______ but subjective.



2._______ to deal with such dreams

About being3. _______after

Maybe you’re trying to4._______someone or something that is painful, annoying or fearful.

5.______ the problem bravely and realize that such dreams are natural and common.

About being dead

● You will6.______ what you are experiencing, such as a job or a relationship.

● Your anxiety or fear from a life-

changing event will be7._____from your life.

Do the inner work and make peace with it.

About falling

● It may result from the8.______ of the nervous system.

● You find something out of control.

Work with such dreams when you are  awake and 9._______ the fear.

About celebrities

Maybe you are looking for something you want to achieve or 10._______.

Let them alone, because they come out of unconsciousness.


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