
Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for a living. One night I went to ___31___ a passager at 2:30 a.m. When I arrived to ___32___ the passager, I found the building was dark except for a single light in a ground floor window.
I walked to the___33___ and knocked,“Just a minute,”answered a weak ,elderly voice. After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman ___34___ her eighties stood before me. By her side was a small suitcase.
I took the suitcase to the car,and then returned to help the woman. She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the car.
She kept thanking me for my kindness.“It’s __35____,”I told her,“I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother __36____.”
“Oh, you’re such a good man,”she said. When we got into the taxi, she gave me a/an ___37___,and then asked,“could you drive ___38___ downtown?”
“It’s not the shortest way,”I answered quickly.
“Oh, I’m in no hurry,”she said,“I’m on my way to a hospice(临终医院).I don’t have any family left. The doctor says I don’t have very long.”
I ___39____ reached over and__40____ the meter(计价器)
For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the buildings, __41____ the manufactory where she had once worked, the neighborhood where she had lived , and the furniture shop __42____had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl.
Sometimes she’d ask me to solw down in front of a __43____ building and would sit staring into the darkness, say nothing.
__44____, she suddenly said,“I’m tired, Let’s go now.”
We drove in silence to the address she had given me.
“___45___ do I owe you?”she asked.
“Nothing,”I said.
“You ___46___ make a living,”she answered. “Oh, there are other ___47_____.”I answered.
Almost without thinking. I __48____ and gave her a hug. She __49____ me. Our hug ended with her remark,“You gave an old woman a little moment of __50____.”
A.call inB.show aroundC.pick upD.bring back
A.shut offB.take outC.put downD.break down
A.At dawnB.At nightC.At noonD.At dusk
A.How manyB.WhyC.How muchD.Which
A.shouldB.mustC.have toD.would
A.cared aboutB.hold ontoC.gave in toD.kept away from


小题1:C pick up有“(用车)接(人或物)”的意思,根据句意,作者是去接一个乘客。
小题1:B 考查词义辨析。collect“接走”。
小题1:D 根据“…and knocked”知,作者走到门前并敲门。
小题1:A 考查固定搭配。in her eighties译为“80多岁”。in one’s +基数词的复数表示“某人……岁”。
小题1:A 表示“不用谢”可以说“it’s nothing.”
小题1:A “the way I would want my mother __36____.”是一个定语从句,先行词是the way,意思是“我按我想让别人对待我妈妈的方式来对待(这个乘客)”。
小题1:C 根据句意,老人给乘客一个地址,并让作者从市中心走。
小题1:D 根据句意可知,从内部“穿过”用through。
小题1:D 作者悄悄地伸手关掉了计价器。用quietly。
小题1:A shut off“关掉,切断”。
小题1:A including 介词“包括”,因为前面提到“buildings”,下文具体介绍了一些建筑物。所以用A。
小题1:C the furniture shop是先行词且指物,定语从句用that引导,且在定语从句中作主语。
小题1:D particular“特别的,独特的”,强调独一无二。
小题1:A 练习上下文可知,作者带老人转了一夜,故应该是黎明时分,即“At dawn”向那个地址出发。
小题1:C 根据文意,老人是问“我欠你多少(车钱)?”,故用C。
小题1:C 考查情态动词,只有C项有“不得不”的意思,表示客观原因。
小题1:D 联系作者的工作可知,选D. passengers“乘客”。
小题1:A bent“弯腰”,作者和老人拥抱时,弯腰表示礼貌。
小题1:B hold onto“紧紧抓住”。
小题1:C 根据文意,只有C项“欢乐”最合题意。
Life is not always smooth. There was a man who had    36   numerous failures in his life. But he said, "One success is    37   for me!"
When he was five years old, his father died of illness without leaving him any    38    . Since then, his mother worked outside  39  he had to stay at home and take care of his siblings, He learnt cooking since then.
When he was fourteen, he dropped  40  and began his life of roving.
When he was eighteen, he married a girl, who,   41  , sold out all his properties and went back to her home several months after their marriage.
When he was twenty, he    42  his job from electrician to ferry staff to railway worker. All his jobs were   43  for him.
When he was thirty-five, misfortune again   44  on him. When he was driving across a huge bridge, the steel ropes along the edge of the bridge were broken and he fell into the river with his car. He suffered such severe injuries that he could no longer continue his   45  .
When he was    46   , he opened a gas station in a town. However, he   47 dispute(争端)because he beat his competitors    48  the billboard hanging problems.
When he was forty-seven, he   49 his second wife, which had    50   stricken his three children.
When he was sixty-six, he made a living by   51  his chicken-frying techniques to various restaurants in different places.
When he was seventy-five, he felt  52 to maintain his company, so he transferred his brand and patent to others. The new owner suggested giving him ten thousand stock shares as part of the purchasing price. But he   53  the suggestion. Later the price of the stocks of the company soared and he lost the chance of being a billionaire.
When he was eighty-eight, he achieved great success and became well-known to the whole world.
He was exactly the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Ha Lunde Sandoz. He often said, "People always complain about the bad  54  . Actually it is not bad at all. As long as you are   55 and confident all the time, you will have a good weather every day."
A.went throughB.came intoC.came aboutD.went against
A.contributing toB.judging fromC.owing toD.leading to
A.turned upB.turned toC.turned downD.turned in
When I was 14, I was hired for an after-school job selling subscriptions (征订,订阅) to my hometown paper, the Houston Post. I was sent to some of the city’s worst neighborhoods to “beg” door-to-door. Even though I was often moving around after dark in bad areas __36__ for garage apartments, I was __37__ for the work.
It was a __38__ because people didn’t like a stranger knocking on their door, __39__ a kid trying to get them to buy something. On one ___40__, a man shut his door heavily in my face and __41__, “I don’t want your damn paper.” I __42__ myself to knock again and was able to tell him how great the paper was. I __43__ selling him a subscription. I was soon among the __44__ subscription sellers and, like other successful __45__, was given responsibility for training newcomers.
__46__ this time I started playing the harmonica and guitar. Before long I was playing in a __47__ at barbecues and other events. When I __48__ 18, I focused my __49__ on becoming a professional musician. I never lost ___50___ of this dream. I’m sure my determination came from what I __51___ knocking on strangers’ doors.
That ___52___ helped me in many ways. Early in my music career I was locked in a legal disagreement with a former manager. He ___53__ me to back off, but I refused.
Having all those doors shut in my face as a kid gave me the ___54___to stand up to this frightening figure. Except this time there was one ___55___: I was the one saying no. And I won.
A.ended upB.gave upC.picked upD.kept up
Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, “Mum, you must come and see the daffodils (水仙花)before they are over.” I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Lake Arrowhead. “I will go next Tuesday,” I promised, a little unwillingly, on her third call.
The next Tuesday dawned cold and rainy. Still, I had promised, and so I drove there. When I finally walked into Carolyn’s house and hugged and greeted my grandchildren, I said, “Forget the daffodils, Carolyn! The road is invisible (看不见的)in the cloud and fog, and there is nothing in the world except you and these children that I want to see!”
My daughter smiled calmly and said, “We drive in this weather all the time, Mum. You will never forgive yourself if you miss this experience.”
After about twenty minutes, we turned onto a small road and I saw a small church. On the far side of the church, I saw a hand-lettered sign that read “Daffodil Garden”.
We got out of the car and each took a child’s hand, and I followed Carolyn down the path. Then, we turned a corner of the path, and I looked up and gasped. Before me lay the most beautiful sight! There were five acres of flowers! “But who has done this?” I asked Carolyn. “It’s just one woman,” Carolyn answered. “That’s her home,” Carolyn pointed to a well-kept A-frame house that looked small and modest in the midst of all that glory. We walked up to the house. On the patio (庭院), we saw a poster. “Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking” was the headline.
The first answer was a simple one. “50,000 bulbs (鳞茎),” it read. The second answer was, “One at a time, by one woman.” The third answer was, “Began in 1958.”
I thought of this woman whom I had never met, who, more than fifty years before, had begun -- one bulb at a time -- to bring the beauty and joy to the mountain top.
小题1:The author didn’t go to see the daffodils at first because _________.
A.she was not interested in them
B.they were growing on the mountain top
C.the weather was not good enough
D.it was not easy for her to drive there
小题2:What do we know about the woman living in the A-frame house?
A.She must be out of mind.
B.She acted as a gardener there.
C.It took her great determination to grow the daffodils.
D.She was poor and made her living by selling daffodils.
小题3:What could the author probably learn from this experience?
A.Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it.
B.We must put the interests of others above our own.
C.We can change the world by growing flowers.
D.It’s never too late to learn.
小题4: What would be the best title for the passage?
A.An Unforgettable Experience.B.Beautiful Daffodils.
C.One Bulb at a Time.D.I Love Daffodils.
I heard many parents complaining that their teenage children are rebelling. I wish it were so. At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents. You should be learning to stand on your own two feet. But take a good look at the present rebellion. It seems that teenagers are taking the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents. Instead of striking out boldly on their own, most of them are clutching (紧握) at one another’s hands for reassurance.
They claim they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music. But somehow they all end up huddled (聚在一起) round listening to the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in thus-and-such a way is that the crowd is doing it. They have come out of their cocoon (蚕茧) into a larger cocoon.
It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way. Industry has firmly carved out a teenage market. These days every teenager can learn from the advertisements what a teenager should have and be. And many of today’s parents have come to award high marks for the popularity of their children. All this adds up to a great barrier for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path.
But the barrier is worth climbing over. The path is worth following. You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records. You may have some thoughts that you don’t care to share at once with your classmates. Well, go to it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come — with the people who respect you for who you are. That is the only kind of popularity that really counts.
小题1: In this passage, the author wants to tell _______.
A.readers to try to be popular with people around
B.teenagers to try to pursue their real selves
C.parents to try to control and guide their children
D.people to try to understand and respect each other
小题2:The author disapproves of rebelling teenagers _______.
A.growing away from their parentsB.turning to their friends for help
C.walking a new way on their ownD.following the popularity trend
小题3:The phrase “a larger cocoon” at the end of the second paragraph refers to _______.
A.the distractive and variable societyB.the popularity wave in the society
C.the parental care and loveD.the dazzling music world
小题4:What does the author think of advertisements?
小题5:According to the author, what might happen when a teenager stands up against the popularity wave and follows his/her own path?
A.He/She gains valuable popularity.B.He/She loses good friends.
C.He/She faces all kinds of criticism.D.He/She falls behind the time.
After spending three days in a wheelchair, I was ready to quit. Not only did I have to battle cracked (裂缝的) and uneven (不平的) pavements, I had to deal with the bad attitude of pedestrians (行人) and a cold rain. But I didn’t give up because of people like Tiffany Payne.
Payne, who has been using a wheelchair for 18 years, laughed at me:
“Imagine trying to get around town in the winter,” she said.
I could see her point: You’re battling to get to a doctor’s appointment (预约), but no one has shoveled (铲) after a big snowfall. Your choices: Move out and risk getting stuck, or reschedule the appointment.
Those of us fortunate enough to get around on our own two legs don’t give a second thought to the person in a wheelchair next to us at a crosswalk. That would require us to look down.
So I decided to try using a wheelchair to get a sample of what their lives are like. It wasn’t long before I saw that people who use wheelchairs are forced to deal with a lot of trouble.
During my experiment, I was ignored by store staff while shopping and bumped into by inattentive (疏忽的) walkers without so much as an apology.    
Some people even gave me angry looks as if I were the one at fault.
Once in a store, a woman bumped into me trying to get to the new iPad. She didn’t say, “Excuse me.”
When salespeople did offer assistance, they talked to people who were with me, instead of me. I wanted to yell: “Hey, I’m down here!”
Some salespeople talked to me as though I were a child or acted like they didn’t want to be bothered with me.
People who use wheelchairs want to be treated like everyone else. They also comprehend (理解), so you don’t have to speak to them in a childlike, sing-song voice. It’s not very appealing (吸引人的), especially when the person is an adult. And most importantly, remember they have feelings that can be hurt just like yours.
Spending three days in a wheelchair made me look differently at those who have to use one. I hope you do the same.
By James E. Causey
小题1:The author writes the story to _______.
A.help those in wheelchairs gain self-confidence
B.share his experience of acting as a wheelchair user
C.ask people to show sympathy for those in wheelchairs
D.call on people to respect and help those in wheelchairs
小题2: During his three days in a wheelchair, the author met all of the following  
difficulties EXCEPT ______.
A.bad road conditionsB.poor attitudes of ordinary people
C.terrible medical serviceD.bad weather
小题3: What can we conclude from the article?
A.A wheelchair user may feel offended when you do not address him or her directly.
B.Assistants in big stores are usually kind to people in wheelchairs.
C.People in wheelchairs should fight for fair treatment.
D.People in wheelchairs are usually hard to get along with.
小题4: Which of the following statements would the author agree to?
A.Look down on a person in a wheelchair.
B.Speak to a person in a wheelchair in a sing-song voice.
C.Treat a person in a wheelchair as you would any other person.
D.Offer assistance to a person in a wheelchair without asking for permission.
I found a website that has changed my life for the better. The website is wishuponahero.com and it is all about people helping others, not expecting anything in return.
I am a single mom with a son. My son’s 12th birthday was on October 29th, 2007. Knowing that I didn’t have money to buy him a birthday gift had broken my heart. So I decided to post a wish on wishuponahero.com for people to send my son birthday cards.
Many cards just started coming and my little son was very excited and this went on for about three weeks. The smile on his face and the sparkle (闪光) in his eyes brought me to tears.
Then, in the end of November, he started thinking about Christmas and he already knew that there would not be a tree for him because we didn’t have enough money. However, it didn’t matter to him. All he talked about was how much he wanted to make other children smile. So he decided that what he wanted to do was earn money to buy Christmas cards and send them to other children from poor families. My son went out daily and raked (耙) leaves and walked some dogs to make money. Not only did he buy cards, but he also made enough money to buy all the stamps and lollipops (棒棒糖) to be sent with the cards. He sent out about 100 cards. Doing this brought him that same smile and sparkle in his eyes as did the birthday cards that he received.
小题1:The single mother posted a wish on wishuponahero.com because _______________.
A.she wanted to buy her son a card on the website
B.she wanted to get something for free
C.she hoped that people could help her
D.she thought her son would like the website very much
小题2:What did the son think of his birthday cards on October 29th, 2007?
A.Disappointing. B.Exciting.
小题3:What can we conclude from the story?
A.Surfing the Internet is of great use.
B.One should take care of his children.
C.People can ask for help from wishuponahero.com.
D.Learning to give makes one’s life more meaningful.
My first most vivid and broad impression of the identity of things seems to me to have been gained on a memorable raw afternoon towards evening near my parents’ tomb in the churchyard.
“Hold your noise!” came a terrible voice, as a man started up from among the tombs at the side of the church. “Keep still, you little devil(小鬼), or I’ll cut your throat!”
A fearful man, all in coarse grey, with a great iron on his leg. A man with no hat, and with broken shoes, and with an old rag tied round his head. He seized me by the chin(下巴).
“Tell us your name!” said the man. “Quick!”
“Pip, sir.”
“Show us where you live,” said the man. “Point out the place!”
I pointed to where our village lay, on the flat in-shore among the alder-trees and pollards, a mile or more from the church.
The man, after looking at me for a moment, turned me upside down, and emptied my pockets. There was nothing in them but a piece of bread.
“You young dog,” said the man, licking his lips, “what fat cheeks you ha’ got. Darn me if I couldn’t eat em, and if I han’t half a mind to’t!”
I earnestly expressed my hope that he wouldn’t, and held tighter to the tombstone on which he had put me; partly, to keep myself upon it; partly, to keep myself from crying.
“Now then lookee here!” said the man. “Where’s your mother?”
“There, sir!” said I.
He started, made a short run, and stopped and looked over his shoulder.
“There, sir!” I timidly explained, pointed to the tombstone. “That’s my mother.”
“Oh!” said he, coming back. “And is that your father alonger your mother?”
“Yes, sir,” said I; “him too; late of thisparish(教区).”
小题1: The “voice” in the second paragraph came from______.
A.the churchB.the manC.the bankD.the boy
小题2:The boy probably lived  _____.
A.in the parishB.in the valleyC.in the cityD.in the country
小题3:We can infer from the passage _____.
A.the boy was very calm and smart
B.the man hit the boy in the face
C.the boy would forever remember the raw afternoon
D.the man was very kind and considerate
小题4:The passage is most probably adapted from________.
A.a news reportB.a science fictionC.a novelD.a review
It happened to me recently that I was telling someone how much I had enjoyed reading Barack Obama’s Dreams from My Father and how it had changed my views of the current US president. The person I was talking to agreed with me that it was, in his words, “a wonderfully written book”. However, he then proceeded to talk about Mr. Obama in a way that suggested he had no idea of his background at all. I sensed that I was talking to a book liar.
And it seems that he is not the only one. Clearly two thirds of people have lied about reading a book which they haven’t. In the World Book Day survey, Dreams from My Father is at number 9. The survey lists top ten books, and various authors, which people have lied about reading. As I’m not one to lie too often, I’ll admit here and now that I haven’t read the entire ten books. But I am pleased to say that I have read the book at number one, George Orwell’s 1984. I think it’s absolutely outstanding.
Asked why they lied, the most common reason was to impress someone they were speaking to. This could be difficult if the conversation became more in depth!
The World Book Day survey also has some other interesting information in it. It shows that many people lie about having read classical works by Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, Charles Dickens and so on. But when asked which authors they actually enjoy, they named J.K. Rowling, Jilly Cooper, and Stephen King (ah, the big sellers, in other words). Forty-one percent of people asked admitted they turned to the back of the book to read the end before finishing the story.
So which books have you lied about reading — if any — and which is your favourite?
1.The main reason why people lie about reading is to _________.
A. make fun of the listener                 B. impress the listener
C. please the listener                      D. interest the listener
2.The underlined word “proceeded” in the passage probably means “_________”.
A. wanted           B. happened         C. continued            D. stopped
3.What does the World Book Day survey show?
A. Nearly half of the people surveyed didn’t read through a whole classical book.
B. People don’t like Dreams from My Father and George Orwell’s 1984.
C. Few people lie about having read classical works by Jane Austen.
D. People usually enjoy reading books by Charles Dickens.
4.What is the best title for the passage?
A. Are You a Book Liar?                 B. Readers Are All Liars
C. World Book Day                       D. Dreams from My Father

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