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When I first learned to write in English , I ran into 1£®________
much difficulties£®The main problem was that I always thought 2£®________
in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English£® 3£®________
My teacher advised me to keep my diary£®I followed her 4£®________
advice and should put down 100 words or so each day£® 5£®________
Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself as I was 6£®________
learning to express me in simple English£®One day I wrote 7£®________
a story and showed to my teacher£®He liked it very much 8£®________
and reads it to the class£®All said that the story was 9£®________
a good one£®Their word were a great encouragement to me £® 10£®_______
1£®¡Ì 2£®much¡ªmany 3£®anything--everything 4£®my--a
5£®È¥µôshould 6£®talk--talking 7£®me--myself 8£®toÇ°¼Óit 9£®reads--read