
John and Mary had a nice home and two lovely children,a boy and a girl. John had a good 1      and had just been asked to go on a business trip to another city and it was 2        that Mary needed an outing and would go along too. They 3       a reliable woman to care for the children and made the4      ,returning home a little earlier than they had planned.

5      they drove into their hometown,they found a home in flames. Mary said, "Oh well,it isn't our fire;let's go home."

6       John drove closer and exclaimed (惊叫) ,"That home belongs to Fred Jones who works at the plant. He wouldn't be 7      work yet. Maybe there is something we could do."

John drove up and they were both 8        to see the whole house in flames. A woman on the lawn was in hysterics 9       ,"The children!Get the children!They are in the basement."

10       Mary's protests (反对) ,John grabbed the water hose and soaked (浸湿) his clothes,put his wet handkerchief on his head and 11        for the basement which was full of12       . He found two nearly suffocated (窒息的) children and af?ter carrying them to safety,he asked how many more children were 13        there. They told him two more and Mary 14        his arm and screamed, "John!Don't go back!It's 15       ! That house will cave in any second!"

But he shook her off and went back by 16        his way down the smokefilled hallway and into the room. It17      a long time before he found both children and started back and at last when they came out into the18      and fresh air,he found that he had just 19        his own children.

It turned out that the babysitter had 20        them at this home while she did some shopping.

1. A. job   B. family   C. wife   D. boss

2. A. known   B. believed   C. decided   D. hoped

3. A. asked   B. hired

   C. intended   D. reminded

4. A. preparations   B. promise   C. decision   D. trip

5. A. Before   B. As   C. Once   D. Since

6. A. And   B. So   C. Now   D. But

7. A. off   B. on   C. out of   D. at

8. A. heartbroken   B. consciencestricken   C. horrorstricken   D. povertystricken

9. A. coughing   B. screaming   C. whispering   D. weeping

10. A. Apart from   B. In case of   C. Instead of   D. In spite of

11. A. reached   B. searched   C. dashed   D. sent

12. A. smoke   B. darkness   C. children   D. danger

13. A. up   B. away   C. out   D. down

14. A. pulled   B. took   C. grabbed   D. held

15. A. dangerous   B. useless   C. over   D. stupid

16. A. pushing   B. feeling   C. j        umping   D. moving

17. A. meant   B. spared   C. spent   D. seemed

18. A. shade   B. sunlight   C. shadow   D. crowd

19. A. helped   B. found   C. recognized   D. rescued

20. A. left   B. charged   C. removed   D. forgotten

我们生活在一个叫地球村的世界里,那些所谓的"其他人" 并非总是与我们毫不相干,帮助别人其实就是帮助自己,而且无私的真爱会得到上苍最慷慨的回报。

1. A 由下文的”…and had just been asked to go on a business trip..."可知,这里是说约翰有份好工作,故选A.

2. C 由下文的"…would go along too."可知,玛丽需要外出,因此便一同前往。

It is decided that sb…表示"决定某人做什么"。


3. B他们雇了一个可靠的女人照看他们的孩子,便去旅行了。


4. D preparation准备;promise承诺,允诺;decision决定;trip 旅行。由语境可知选   D.

5. B根据前后两部分的语意关系可知,当他们开着车回到家乡的时候,他们发现一座房子正处在火海之中。

before 在-…"之前;as当…一时候;once—旦;since自从,因为。

6. D承接上下文信息,玛丽说:"哦,这不是我们的房子,我们回家吧。"但是约翰把车开得更近一些,故前后是转折关系,故选   D.

7. A这房子是在工厂里工作的弗雷德,琼斯的,他这会儿应该还没下班,也许我们能做点儿什么。

be off work下班;be out of work失业;be at work起作用,在上班。

8. C约翰把车开得更近些,让他们感到惊讶和害怕的是整个房子都淹没在火海里。

heartbroken心碎的;consciencestricken内疚的,受良心责备的;horrorstricken '琼恐的; povertystricken赤贫的。

9. B根据语境可知,草地上坐着的一个女人正声嘶力竭地喊着:"救救孩子,救救孩子!" cough咳嗽;scream尖叫;whis?per耳语,小声说;weep哭泣。另外in hysterics表示"歇斯底里地",故符合语境的是B项。

10. D承接下文信息,约翰不顾玛丽的反对,他抓住水管浸湿衣服并用湿手缡盖住头冲向烟雾弥漫的地下室。

apart from除了;in case of以防"nstead of代替;in spite of尽管,不顾。

11. C reach到达;search搜寻;dash猛冲;send送,寄。故符合语境的是C项。

12. A依据常识可知,此时的地下室满是烟雾,故答案选A.

13. D因为孩子们被困在地下室,故此处约翰问还有几个孩子在那儿,所以用副词down。

14. C承接上下文信息,玛丽抓住他的賂膊喊道:"约翰,不要再回去了!那儿危险,那幢房子会随时塌掉的!"grab用力抓住,拽住。

15. A dangerous危险的;useless无用的;over完了,结束了; stupid愚蠢的。由前句"Don't go back!"和后句"That house will cave in any second!"可知选A项。

16. B约翰推开玛丽,摸索着前行,回到了地下室。

feel one's way为固定短语,意为"摸索着前行",符合语境。

17. D似乎过了很长时间,约翰才找到了那两个孩子。

It was

a long time before…过了好长时间才.... ,此处系动词

seem相当于be ,故答案选   D.

18. B当他们终于到了屋外,又呼吸到新鲜的空气,重新见到阳光的时候,他发现他刚刚救出来的那两个孩子正是他自己的骨肉。此处选sunlight与fresh air并列,与地下室的状况形成对比。

19. D help帮助;find找到,发现;recognize辨认出,识别;rescue救援,挽救。

20. A原来是保姆在去买东西的时候把孩子留在了这幢房子里。

It turns out that...结果是,原来是。

leave留下,落下; charge要价,充电,指控;remove除去,去除;forget忘记。


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