
2. One of the problems        was how to improve our teaching method(face)


2. facing us/that/which faced us/that/which we were faced with/thai/ which we were facing ( at that time) 根据句中的时态以及中文提示可知,应用过去时态。可以用分词短语作定语,也可以用定语从句。


 Several weeks ago,I had a letter from Mr. Li Pengyi,President of the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,Beijing. He asked me to prepare some formal documents and send them to him soon. At the beginning,I imagined I could complete the task in a couple of days. Quite quickly,I found that this was impossible.

It has been hot in London lately. The wind blows dust and leaves around. People go to work feeling tired,thinking it would be nice to have a bit of rain. Dull work in offices is even duller than usual in weather like this.

  On 17 June,I reached the last part of my paperchase at the Chinese Consulate (领事馆) . After I pushed my pile of documents through the hole in the glass screen. He glanced through the documents,checking them. Without much interest,he asked me a few routine questions. Then he went on scanning the documents and making notes. I saw him write the name, "Alexander",in Chinese. He looked up,suddenly a very bright individual,no longer just a bored senior official.

  "Are you the author?" he asked.

  "No”, I replied. "The author was my husband,L. G. Alexander. He died. On 17th June. He died a year ago today."

He turned to his colleagues,firing off a statement in Chinese. They all paused in their work and turned to me,smiling kindly. Then the official spoke quietly but very clearly.

  "We are very sorry to hear it,very sorry indeed. But you must cheer up. Mr. Alexander is very popular in China. I learned English from New Concept English. My colleagues learned English from New Concept English. Now my daughter is learning from New Concept English as well. So for us he has not died."

Coming out into the glare of Portland Place,I felt Louis take my hand. Sharing this moment with him,I remembered a line from a Roman poet:Et haec meminisse iuvabit:Even these things we will remember with pleasure.

(   ) 1. The purpose that the writer described the weather in Paragraph 2 is         .

    A. to show she doesn't like the weather in London

   B. to suggest that she was tired and felt heavy in her heart during that process

   C. to introduce the view of the Thames

   D. to indicate that her health became poorer and poorer

(   ) 2. What does the underlined sentence "Et haec meminisse iuvabit" mean?

   A. Life is very beautiful,so we should enjoy it.

   B. During the life time,we should remember the pleasant things and forget the sad things.

   C. Even the things are full of sorrow,we still should remember them with pleasure.

   D. Forgetting the sad things is a kind of pleasure.

(   ) 3. The official suddenly changed his attitude because         .

   A. he recognized the old lady

   B. he met L. G. Alexander at last

   C. he was very thankful to the writer of New Concept English

   D. he was very sorry to hear the sad news

(   ) 4. From the passage we can infer that         .

   A. Many Chinese officials at the Chinese Consulate learned New Concept English

   B. The weather in London is so changeable that Ms Alexander dislikes the city

   C. People will always remember those who do good to them

   D. The old lady was tired of doing such kind of task

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