

1.He is a little slow in understanding, so please be __________ (patience) with him.

2.Trees need water to grow. __________(similar), friendship needs our heart and passion to develop.

3.The __________ (scene) in the mountains is very beautiful.

4.Tom came and ________ (admit) breaking the window by accident.

5.He remains _____________(energy), no matter how hard he works.

6.The book gives a short ___________(describe) of the city.

7.They want to _________ (short) the time it takes to make the car.

8.The story of the Loch Ness Monster has attracted many _______ (tour) to the area.

9.The shop is easily ___________ (access) by public transport.

10.The city was a _________(mix) of old and new buildings.


In Los Angeles, drivers spend sixty-one hours every year stuck in traffic. These drivers know all too well how bad the traffic can be. “There’re too many cars, and you can’t move around a lot.”

Professor Cyrus Shahabi also knows about traffic jams. He lives more than 65 kilometers from his office at the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles. He is always late even with the help of a navigation (导航) system.

He decided to develop a program called ClearPath for that. He says his program uses historical data to predict traffic conditions even before the driver leaves the house. “What’s unique (独特的) is that we use a lot of data that’s currently become available including traffic data, weather data, and we analyze that so that we can predict what’s going to happen in front of you when leave home.”

Professor Shahabi says his system does more than just answer current traffic conditions. With ClearPath, he says, a driver can decide what time he wants to leave, and ClearPath will give the fastest route. It looks at the entire road network, including surface streets as well as highways, before the driver hits the road. Professor Shahabi hopes to have ClearPath available nationwide and overseas once they can collect traffic data from other cities.

“I always thought that Los Angeles had the worst traffic, but now I know that Shanghai, Beijing, Seoul, Tokyo, believe it or not, Singapore, Hong Kong certainly are examples that can immediately use this.”Professor Shahabi hopes to share this new technology with companies that already have navigation systems, such as Google and Apple.

1.Drivers in Los Angeles were mentioned in order to________.

A. show care for them

B. introduce their life

C. solve traffic problems

D.raise the topic

2.What is unique about ClearPath?

A. It helps drivers know the road conditions ahead of time.

B. It can make sure that you will never be late for work.

C. It helps drivers see clearly what happens on the road.

D. It can use a lot of information and data all over the world.

3.The underlined word “ hits” in the fourth paragraph probably means ________.

A. has accident

B. gets to

C. turns left or right

D. collects traffic data

4.What’s Professor Shahabi’s attitude toward his invention?

A. Proud. B. Worried.

C. Disappointed. D. Optimistic.

When a customer came into a Mexican restaurant in Georgia with an unusual request, a selfless waiter didn’t hesitate(犹豫) to help him out.

A disabled man with no hands who ordered a meal at Cinco cle Mayo Mexican Grill in Douglasville on Sunday afternoon hoped someone might be able to help him eat his lunch.

Server Alex Ruiz, 22, was more than happy to help as he sat opposite from the man and helped him enjoy his meal.

The heartwarming moment was captured in a photo by one of Ruiz’s workmates, Crystal Figueroa. She posted it on the restaurant’s Facebook page.

“He’s a great person,” Figuero, 24, whose father manages the restaurant, said.

“He’s always so nice, and the fact that he just came out of nowhere and helped a man he doesn’t even know have a meal says everything. That just shows the person that he is.

One of Figueroa’s friends, Reginald Widener, also witnessed the moment and posted the photo on his Facebook page.

“This seriously hit me right in the soul,” Widener wrote.

The waiters did not get the name of the man. He had never eaten in the restaurant before, according to Figueroa. But Ruiz jumped at the chance to help.

“I just feel like people should see that there’re still good people out there,” Figueroa said. “It was just a happy moment.”

1.Why did Alex Ruiz help the man eat his lunch?

A. The man was rich.

B. The man had no hands.

C. They knew each other.

D. He is Alex Ruiz’s father.

2.How many people posted the photo on the Internet?

A. Two.B. One.C. No one.D. Many.

3.What’s the relationship between Alex and Figueroa?

A. They are friends.

B. They are family.

C. Figueroa is Alex’s boss.

D. They are workmates.

4.What kind of person is Alex?

A. He hopes people to find something good in life.

B. He likes working on Sundays.

C. He is ready to help others.

D. He likes to post photos onto Facebook.

China is known as a state of manners and ceremony (礼节). Many proverbs have been passed down from generation to generation eg. “Polite behavior costs nothing” or “Showing respect demands reciprocity (相互)” and so on. For instance, there is an interesting short story. Once upon a time, a man went on a long tour to visit his friend with a swan as a gift. But it escaped from the cage on the way. Though he tried hard, he got hold of nothing but a feather (羽毛). Instead of returning home, he continued his journey with the swan feather. When his friend received this unexpected gift, he was deeply moved. And the saying “The gift is nothing much, but it’s the thought that counts” was spread far and wide.

Chinese used to cup one hand in the other before the chest as a greeting. This tradition has a history of more than 2, 000 years and nowadays it is seldom used except in the Spring Festival. And shaking hands is more popular on some formal occasions. Bowing, as to show respect to the higher level, is often used by the lower like subordinates (下级), students, and attendants. But at present Chinese youngsters prefer to simply nod as a greeting. To some degree this development shows the ever-increasing paces of modern life.

It is common social practice to introduce the junior to the senior, or the familiar to the unfamiliar. When you start a talk with a stranger, the topics such as weather, food, or hobbies may be good choices to break the ice. For a man, a chat about current affairs, sports, stock market or his job can usually go on smoothly. Similar to Western customs, you should be careful to ask a woman private questions. However, relaxing talks about her job or family life will never put you into danger. She is usually glad to offer you some advice on how to cook Chinese food or get used to local life. Things will be quite different when you’ve gotten to know them. Though Chinese are said to be implicit (含蓄的), they are actually humorous enough to be pleased about the jokes of Americans.

1.The author tells the story in the first paragraph in order to ______.

A. make fun of the stupid person

B. explain the meaning of a Chinese saying

C. show Chinese like valuable gifts very much

D. show Chinese value polite behavior greatly

2. In Paragraph 2, the author mainly wants to introduce ______.

A. the Chinese body language

B. the traditional Chinese manners

C. the development of Chinese manners

D. the way the lower show respect to the higher

3. Which of the following picture shows the gesture mentioned at the beginning of Paragraph 2?

4. The passage is mainly about ________.

A. Chinese proverbs

B. Chinese humour

C. Chinese manners

D. Chinese body languages

Dr. Michael Prager, a leading Botox expert, said that a growing number of women are developging something called “computer face”. He also said that professionals who worked long hours in front of a screen were ending up with saggy jowls(颚骨),“turkey neck” and deep-set wrinkles on their forehead and around their eyes.

The Botox expert said that, of all his clients, office workers were most likely to show premature (过早的) signs(迹象) of aging. “If you are one of the unfortunate people who frown(皱眉)while you are concentrating on the screen then, over time, you will end up with frown lines.” Dr. Prager said. “What is perhaps more surprising is the number of women with saggy jowls because they are sitting in one position for so long. If you spend most of the time looking down then the neck muscles shorten and go saggy, eventually giving you a second neck.”

Dr. Prager, who has a practice near Harley Street in London, said he encourages his clients to put a mirror next to their computer so they can see if they are frowning at the screen. “When people are stressed or thinking hard about something, then they will often put on a ‘grumpy face’ without even knowing what they are doing. When my clients put a mirror next to their desk, they are often surprised by the angry, frowning face which stares back at them.”

He said, “The women I am seeing at the moment have only been using computers at work for the last decade or so. But women in their 20s have grown up with them and use them for every single task. I think the problem is going to become much, much worse. In another ten years, they could be looking quite awful.”

Dr. Prager said there were several simple steps which could avoid “computer face” such as regular screen breaks and stretching the neck muscles. And, of course, there was always Botox. He said that, after a couple of sessions of Botox, the habit of “grumpy face” could be broken.

1.According to the passage, what makes women develop a “computer face”?

A. Frowning every now and then.

B. Concentrating on computers frequently.

C. Working too long in front of a screen.

D. Sitting in the same place for a long time.

2.According to the passage, which of the following are signs of aging?

A. Saggy jowls and short necks.

B. Turkey neck and frown lines.

C. Deep-set wrinkles and angry faces.

D. Second neck and stressed muscles.

3.The underlined word “grumpy” in Paragraph 3 probably means?

A. happyB. surprisedC. angryD. relaxed

4.From the last 2 paragraphs, we can know that ________.

A. “computer face” is avoidable

B. we should give up using computers

C. we should break the habit of “grumpy face”

D. the younger generation is worse at computers


Once, a professor held a test on his students. The professor started with the following question, “Now, you are going to cut trees on a hill. One of the trees has a big while the other’s small. Which will you cut?” The question got a quick , “Of course the big one! No need to .”

The professor , “The big tree is a poplar(白杨) seen everywhere, while the small one is a Korean pine. Consider again?” A second brought students more sense: a Korean pine is much more than the poplar, so they changed their decision. “ we’ll cut the pine. The poplar isn’t worth our .” Smile still on the professor’s face. “But the pine’s trunk is less than the poplar.” Rather puzzled, they became , then said, “While, we’ll cut the poplar.” The professor gave more detail. “ the poplar is straight, the trunk became empty within. Then what’s your choice?”

Finally one of the students lost his and said, “Professor, you have asked a series of questions leading us to change our answers . What do you want to after all?”

The professor’s smile . He said, “Why none of you ask me for what purpose to cut the tree? Though my questions all the way, they are decided by one thing: your to take the action. If it aims at making handicraft articles you may cut the pine; if you just want to have some firewood, you’d better cut the poplar.”

1.A. decide B. believe C. suppose D. communicate

2.A. trunk B. leaves C. root D. branch

3.A. show B. reply C. choice D. notice

4.A. intend B. worry C. mind D. consider

5.A. smiled B. upset C. ignored D. asked

6. A. especially B. commonly C. hardly D. completely

7.A. benefit B. design C. thought D. time

8.A. valuable B. enjoyable C. suitable D. reasonable

9. A. frequently B. particularly C. extremely D. Naturally

10.A. performance B. effort C. concern D. advantage

11. A. received B. arranged C. informed D. remained

12.A. straight B. twisted C. smart D. energetic

13.A. excited B. terrified C. hesitated D. disappointed

14.A. Whether B. Though C. Because D. However

15. A. memory B. temper C. patience D. way

16.A. frequently B. generally C. slowly D. suddenly

17.A. search B. refuse C. test D. accept

18. A. offered B. disappeared C. broke D. recognized

19.A. promise B. share C. declare D. vary

20.A. reflection B. explanation C. contribution D. motivation

Back in 2003 an 86-year-old man drove his Buick through a crowded farmers’ market. Nine people were killed. More than fifty-four people were hurt, fourteen with serious injuries. When he finally stopped, the 86-year-old man got out his car and screamed at people to get out of the way. No alcohol or drugs were found in his system. Apparently, he was just old and confused.

This is a frightening accident, and it is not a rare one. There are many examples of elderly drivers driving into swimming pools, houses, storefronts, or worse.

In our teenage years, we all heard “driving is not a right; it’s a privilege.” That is still true, and there comes an age when driving is no longer a privilege that can be allowed. After a certain age, eyesight and dementia(痴呆) are very serious concerns. Undoubtedly, these age-related problems affect some older adults’ driving ability. By the time a person is between eighty-five and ninety years old, his or her driving privilege should be examined.

Licensing laws vary greatly from state to state, and it’s time for a national law on the maximum age limit for driving. The motivation for this law is safety. Another option is to start with laws that ban anyone over the age of eighty-five from driving after sundown, because driving conditions are not as safe as daylight hours. Still another option that may allow elderly drivers to continue driving could be new technology like a voice warning system that cautions drivers on busy streets or at traffic lights. Finally, since there are laws against driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, shouldn’t some prescription drugs also be included? The average age of 85-year-old is undoubtedly taking at least one prescription drug daily.

The thought of an 86-year-old driver with failing eyesight running down the road in a two-ton piece of metal is unsettling to us all. Driving at an advanced age is not only challenging for the elderly drivers, but also it’s dangerous for the rest of us.

1.The first paragraph is written in order to show_________.

A. the harm of driving at an old age

B. the importance of traffic safety

C. traffic accidents are on the rise

D. many elderly drivers are careless

2.The author suggests that there should be new laws against driving __________.

A. over eighty-five

B. between sunset and dawn

C. with the help of voice warning systems

D. under the influence of prescription drugs

3.The underlined word “unsettling” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to “________”.

A. disappointing B. worrying

C. touching D. interesting

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A. How to keep old people safe on the road?

B. Are drivers well protected by licensing laws?

C. Should there be an age limit for elderly drivers?

D. Is driving a right or a privilege for an old person?

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