
My Teacher in the School of Life
I spent the opening day of school this year at DeMatha Catholic High School in much the same way I spent the first day of classes __1__ 30 years ago; I sat in Dr. Charles E. Offutt's British literature class, listening to him  __2__  what his seniors  would learn and getting them excited about the journey they would __3__, I'm principal(校长) of the school now, but for a few minutes I was back in 1975, __4__ what the future held. I have been learning from Dr. Offutt for 30 of the 51 years he has been teaching at DeMatha. He not only taught me to think, he __5__me, as much by example as  __6__, that it was my moral duty to do so and to serve  __7__. Neither of us could know how our __8__would develop over the years. When I first came back to DeMatha to teach English, I worked for Dr. Offutt, then department chair. After several years, I was __9__ department chair, and our relationship changed __10__. I thought that it might be __11__ chairing the department, since all of my former English teachers were still there, but Dr.  Offutt__12__ me throughout. He knew when to give me __13__   about curriculum, texts and personnel, and when to let me design my own course. In 1997, I needed his advice about leaving DeMatha to become principal at another school. If he had asked me to stay at DeMatha, I might have. __14__, he encouraged me to seize the new __15__.
Five years ago, I became __16__ of DeMatha. Once again, Dr. Offutt was there for me, letting me know that I could __17__ on him as I tried to fill such big shoes. I've learned from him that great teachers have a(n) __18__ wealth of lessons to teach. __19__ his students don't know it yet, I know how __20__ they are; I'm still one of them.

A.keep B.achieveC.chooseD.take
A.wordsB.action C.explanationD.models
A.the othersB.everyoneC.othersD.anyone
A.foolishB.surprising C.uncertainD.challenging
A.adviceB.information C.noticeD.thought
A.OnceB.Even ifC.UnlessD.Until
A.fortunateB.curious C.innocentD.satisfied


解析【小题1】B exactly“确切地,整整”。
【小题2】A 本句意思是:听他向学生们解释要完成的任务。因此用explaining。
【小题3】D 所填词与journey构成固定短语take a journey,意思是“旅行”。
【小题4】C 此处是非谓语动词作状语,根据后文的future可知此处是“想知道”之意,因此选C。
【小题5】D 本句意思是:他不但教我思考这件事,还通过……使我信服,因此此处填convinced。
【小题6】A 此处用words,意思是“言语,话语”。
【小题7】C 句子意思是:这么做和帮助别人是我道义上的责任,故用others。
【小题8】A 文章整体就是在说明“我”和老师的关系,因此此处用relationship。
【小题9】A 此处意思是:我被任命为系主任,故用appointed。
【小题10】D 由前文的“I worked for Dr. Offutt”可知我们的关系是师生,原来他是系主任,我是普通老师,现在我是系主任,他是普通老师,所以说我们的关系“再次”变化了,用again。
【小题11】D 本句意思是:我认为领导一个系很有挑战性,因此选D。
【小题12】C support“支持”。本句意思是:Dr. Offutt始终支持我。
【小题13】A 根据后文的“I needed his advice about leaving DeMatha to become principal at another  school”可知此处用advice, give sb. advice“给某人提建议”。 【小题14】D 所填词位于句首,且后面有逗号,用副词,意思应为“而不是”,因此用instead。
【小题15】B 与前文的seize搭配,用opportunity(机会,良机)。
【小题16】B 根据第一自然段中的“I‘m principal of the school now”,可知此处用principal(校长)。
【小题17】C 所填词与空后的on构成固定短语,意思是“依靠,取决于”,因此用depend。
【小题18】D 本句意思是:我从他那里学会优秀的老师应有的无尽的教学财富。故用endless(无尽的,无休止的)。
【小题19】B 此处所填词引导让步状语从句,意思是“即使,虽然”,用even if。


My earliest bee experience took place at a summer camp. One day our teacher told us to head up the hill nearby. We all began to ___1____ our destination. The girls took the concrete stairs, but the boys ran ___2___ up the grassy hill, at the top of which sat a long wooden fence. Without __3___ the boys ahead of me vaulted over the fence bravely.

   What should I do? Take the stairs and ____4___ a girl, or jump the fence and look ___5____? Then I took my chance with the fence. I placed both ____6___ on the top and jumped, feeling uneasy.

   I didn’t ___7___ it. As I tried, my foot ___8___ on the top of the fence. Down I went! I landed on my backside. I tried to ____9___ off the accident, but then I felt something ___10____ under me. Just then I saw ___11____ seemed like hundreds of bees flying toward me. I had landed on a beehive! I ___12___ up and rushed as fast as I could. But the bees flew faster. What a/an __13____ situation I was in!

   My clothes were covered with __14____ . I parked myself in the camp and I was at a loss. __15____ this, my teacher quickly took off all my clothes but underwear. Bees flew out of my clothes and ___16___ out of my mouth!

   I had gained the __17____ of all the campers, but I didn’t feel cool. I had been __18____ almost 40 bees stings(蛰) all over my body. I learned a most ___19____ lesson that day. When we are led by the ___20___ to show off, we might find ourselves sitting on a beehive.

1.A. get         B. walk        C. set         D. race

2.A. already      B . happily     C. straight      D. fast

3.A. fear         B. fun         C. help        D. luck

4.A. feel like     B. look like     C. care about   D. wait for

5.A. excited      B. worried      C .strong      D. cool

6.A. hands       B. feet         C. arms        D. legs

7.A. do          B. climb        C. make       D. succeed

8.A. arrived      B. got           C. caught      D. stepped

9.A. fall         B. laugh         C. put          D. take

10.A. beating     B. putting        C. flowing      D. moving

11.A. that        B. what          C. which        D. if

12.A. sat         B. stood         C. picked        D. jumped

13.A. difficult     B. hopeless      C. embarrassing   D. pleasing

14.A. bees        B. grass         C. dust          D. tears

15.A. At         B. For           C. In           D. With

16.A. almost      B. again         C. even         D. still

17.A. attention    B. experience     C. knowledge     D. respect

18.A. got        B. given          C. found         D. put

19.A. successful  B. deepest         C. difficult       D. valuable

20.A. courage    B. desire          C. goal          D. teacher


No matter how many boos (嘘声) or abuses you get, they shouldn’t stop you from being the champion you are.

When I was in primary school, I was 36 asked by my teachers to sit at the 37 of the class because I was not clever. I was the butt (对象) of class jokes. I was all alone, friendless and 38. I hated school, but my dad would have none of it. He 39 telling me that I was a champion, if I 40 it.

A turnaround 41 one day when I remembered the spelling of the word “cognoscenti”, a word all the other “42” students had forgotten how to spell because they spent their free time 43 me. I raised my hand 44 I wasn’t asked to spell. I stood up and went to the front of the class, with 23 pairs of eyes 45 on me. My teacher grabbed her cane (藤条), ready to beat me if I’d 46. I spelt the word and became a(n) 47 champion. I represented and won for my school, five Spelling Bee championships.

Secondary school had its own share of 48. I was tall but wasn’t good at any 49. I loved basketball and lawn tennis. The first day I held a racket, I was disgraced (使丢脸) by my opponent (对手). He 50 six straight sets without sweat and there I was sweating 51 as if I’d run a marathon, while I hadn’t even made a single point.

My dad’s 52 kept playing in my ears, “Stanley, you’re a champion if you believe it.” I did. Finally, I was not only 53 at lawn tennis and basketball. I was an all-round athlete and 54 won both athletic and academic scholarships to college.

Now, staring at this old racket of defeat that once brought me 55, I can’t help but say to it, “You made me a champion when I believed.”

A. seldom   B. never        C. once        D. always

A. back     B. front        C. outside      D. middle

A. shocked B. satisfied     C. depressed   D. surprised

A. avoided B. preferred   C. forgot       D. kept

A. started    B. imagined   C. liked     D. believed

A. came      B. followed    C. worked      D. paid

A. poor       B. bright        C. dull        D. active

A. picking out    B. getting along with     C. looking after     D. making fun of

A. only if    B. just as     C. as if       D. even though

A. fixed    B. closed       C. held       D. called

A. delay    B. fail        C. fight     D. offend

A. permanent B. frequent        C. instant       D. temporary

A. aims      B. targets     C. reasons      D. challenges

A. sport     B. subject      C. action        D. field

A. moved B. won       C. missed       D. found

A. slightly        B. weakly      C. heavily      D. openly

A. songs    B. voices     C. whispers    D. words

A. good     B. angry      C. strict     D. serious

A. still      B. even       C. yet         D. thus

A. pride    B. joy         C. shame       D. happiness

A study suggests that although most students at UK universities are happy with their courses, dissatisfaction has grown as fees riseThe study highlights a big variation in teaching time, and lists different ideas about the value of getting university degrees

Katharine Collins, a second-year college student

The course has been very interesting, but I was expecting a little more one-to-one time with my teacher

We do about four assignments (作业) each term, each of which is about 3,000 wordsHowever, sometimes they are not that helpfulWe hope to be given the right to write feedback (反馈) after every assignment, but we had no feedback at all throughout the first yearWe are given grades about three weeks after we hand the assignments inThere is no feedback on where we have gone wrong or how we might improve

????????????? Lee Millington, a creative-writing student

I choose the courses because of its reputationThere is a lack of one-to-one teachingI would like personalized feedback from an expert in my field of writingSome of the lectures have been quite helpful but they try to use too many different styles of writingFor example, if you want to be a poet, you might find that the lectures focus too much on novels

I think there is too much attention paid to sharing our work in workshops and giving each other feedbackI think there should be more time given to actual teaching, rather than to feedback from people who are at a similar level to me

????????????? Reporters from Hounsdown Secondary School, Ella, 16

When I work independently, I feel I have more freedom to develop my ideas and come up with more original viewpointsThe price of university will still be worth it to get the qualifications (资格证书) necessary for better jobs

Tyier, 16

????????????? Although the cost of university is very high now, I think university is required for gaining a good and well-paid job

1.We can learn from the beginning of the article that ????????? .

A. Most of the university students at UK are dissatisfied with their courses.

B. The higher and higher pay for their courses accounts for the rise of the UK students dissatisfaction.

C. All the students at UK universities hold a similar attitude towards the value of getting university degrees.

D. The students purpose is to highlight the importance of gaining a university diploma.

2.According to Katharine Collins in Paragraph 2, we can infer that ????????? .

A. She is content with the assignments given in each term.

B. She has never been given one-to-one time with her teacher before.

C. She didnt think highly of the value of the assignments at the university.

D. She benefits from the assignments a lot because they are helpful.

3.Why does Lee Millington choose the course-- writing?

A. Because he wants to be a great writer in the future.

B. Because he is interested in it from his heart.

CBecause he hope to make a better living before long

DBecause the course has a high reputation in society

4.Who will most tend to be a professional novelist among the students mentioned in the passage?

AElla????????????? BTyler????????????? CLee????????????? DKatharine

5.What does the author mainly tell us at UK in this passage?

AThe value for university degrees?????????????

BThe higher pay for courses at university

CThe terrible assignments at university?????????????

DThe puzzle of the students at university


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