
   If you are out with other people,you should keep the rules. Respect other people,please be p 1 to others. Don’t used bad 1 2 in public,for it would make others unhappy. Let an older p 3 have your seat on buses,trains and trams if there is n 4 for them to sit. Queue up quietly and don't p 5 . Put your rubbish into bins; don't 1 6 it for someone else to clean up. Have fun but don't be so loud that you attract the wrong kind of attention. Don’t m 7 fun of anyone —everyone has feelings. Don’t run in s 8 centers or where there are other people. I 9 any friends you meet to the people you are with* Say “p 10 ” and “thank you”.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.

阅读提示:本文介绍与人外出时的礼节,即尊重他人,不使用粗俗的 语言,不随地乱丟垃圾,不到处乱跑,注意文明用语等。

1. polite   2. languages   3. person   4. nowhere   5. push   6. leave   7. make   8. shopping   9. Introduce   10. please


   Recently,everything has been changed from the past including peopled behaviors and thoughts. People now do not know each other even if they are neighbors. Besides,people at present have many diseases which did not exist in the past. The air and environment surround people have several elements which have dangerous germs and chemical substances. Life in the past was the best because people and cared about each other,had good health,and had clean environment.

   In the past,people lived in small communities with a small number of populations. Everyone knew each other. In addition,if one had problems,all of his neighbors would help him. Also,if someone had a party,everyone would come,help him and celebrate together. But in these days no one cares about others even if they are their relatives or neighbors;they are busy all day,and they just think about themselves. Moreover,technology plays an important role in communicating and meeting other people,for example,when people want to talk with others,they just send a massage or call without visiting each other.

   People in the past had better health than people now. In the past people worked on farms and walked by from one place to another. Also,the kind of food they ate was natural and did not have poisonous chemicals. But,nowadays,people do anything faster and easier than in the past by using the machines to help them such as in the housework or in their jobs. As a result,this less of movement and depending on the machines affect peoples’ health. People may get terrible diseases that can't be cured.

() 1. In the past,people lived in .

   A. the countryside   B. towns

   C. small communities   D. big cities

() 2. In these days,people don't care about others because .

   A. they are busy all day

   B. they just think about themselves

   C. they don't have much time

   D. Both A and B

() 3. The writer thinks life now is than before.

   A. easier   B. worse   C. harder   D. better

() 4. In the past,people went to work .

   A. on foot   B. by bike   C. by bus   D. by car

   Britons are expecting Bank Holiday weekend will be well. The heavy rain of the last few days looks like coming to alan 1 ,leaving Britain a few much brighter days. The dry,sunny weather will be welcomed by people who were facing the 2 all the time.

   Paul Michael Waite,of Netweather was forecasting (预报) a 3 Bank Holiday. He said ,“Warmer,drier weather will start from the south-west from Friday,then north and eastwards over the weekend,and by Monday most parts of the 4 will get the effect,too. ”The temperatures will be up to 22°C for the south,along with some sunshine.

   People can 5 a dry and sunny Saturday and Sunday. But with rain forecast for tomorrow,they will still need to 6 the umbrellas. The north of the country can expect weekend 18°C and mainly 7 weather.

   Met Office spokesman Barry Gromett said ,“It seems like the Bank Holiday weekend will 8 bad weather,but goes well through the week. ”But put your umbrellas not 9 you.

  Is there a wet September and October? Other 10 say “yes”. They think it will be November before we put away our umbrellas.

() 1. A. beginning   B. end   C. rest   D. good luck

() 2. A. storm   B. snow   C. rain   D. sunshine

() 3. A. better   B. more awful   C. busier   D. more difficult

() 4. A. village   B. town   C. city   D. country

() 5. A. forget   B. prevent   C. expect   D. remember

() 6. A. sell   B. bring   C. find   D. borrow

() 7. A. wet   B. dry   C. hot   D. cold

() 8. A. look for   B. start from   C. stay at   D. wait for

() 9. A. next to   B. far from   C. across from   D. in front of

() 10. A. actors   B. fisherman   C. policemen   D. weathermen

   Volunteering gives you a good chance to change lives,including your own. If you’re feeling amazed by the news of a disaster,volunteering to help can be a great way to make you comfortable. If you’d like to support a cause but can't afford to donate (捐献) money,you can donate your time instead.

   Helping others in need is such an important part of the AmericansJ way of life that many high schools ask their students to spend time volunteering in order to graduate.

   Unlike school,with volunteering,you have to get to choose what really interests you and who (or what) is most deserving (值得) of your time. Here are some ideas to get you to start:

   Help kids learn and grow. Become a Big Brother or Big Sister,or volunteer for an after-school sports program. Special Olympic games and events are great ways to get to know special-needs kids.

   Help the environment. Join a conservation group and help out with river preservation (保护). Take part in a local park cleanup day. You could also help out in a park office or education center.

   If you have more than one thing you love,find a way to put the two together. For example,if you love kids and are great at art,visit your local children's hospital and offer (提供) art activities for young patients.


1. What do many high schools in America ask their students to do in order to graduate?

2. What can you do if you love kids and are good at art?

3. How can you feel better when you hear the news of a disaster?

4. What's the main idea of the passage?

   None of us enjoy feeling sad. But sadness is a natural healthy emotion that tells us something important about our lives and should never be ignored!

   ★ Let it out Have you ever had a good cry and felt better after? That's because crying is a physical outlet that allows us to move through emotion.

   ★If you are feeling sad right now,read this then to honor how you feel. You are feeling sad for a good reason. Sometimes we can change the situation that's making us feel sad and sometimes we can't. For example,if the last of your grown up kids is leaving home and you will miss them; you can't make them stay. But by working through these feelings rather than running away from them,you will discover them easing,leaving room for more positive emotions.

   ★ Spend some time alone with your sadness. Play sad songs or read sad poems,or look at photos that bring these feelings to the fore,and let the tears flow. Only when you touch the depth of your feelings will you start to push your way off the bottom to resurface a more rounded and wiser person,ready to smile and feel joyful again.

   ★ Spend time with friends or people who can relate to your feelings. When you are with people who you love,they will make it easy to cheer you up. You can call a friend or loved one who you can tell your sad story to,and maybe they’ll help you.

() 1. Sadness is a/an emotion.

   A. natural   B. healthy   C. unhealthy   D. natural and healthy

() 2. The underlined word “situation” means .

   A. 方式   B. 位置   C. 立场   D. 思维

() 3. The writer gives us piece(s) of advice about sadness.

   A. one   B. two   C. three   D. four

() 4. What is the main idea of the passage?

   A. Sadness is terrible.

   B. How to deal with sadness.

   C. Sadness is easy to overcome.

   D. What is sadness.

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