At Dallas/Fort Worth Airport, the lights are controlled by sensors that measure sunlight. They dim immediately when it's sunny and brighten when a passing cloud blocks the sun.

   A wall of windows at a University of Pennsylvania engineering budding has built-in blinds (百页窗) controlled by a computer program that follows the sun's path.

   Buildings are getting smarter -- and the next generation of building materials

expected to do even more.

   Windows could catch the sun's energy to heat water. Sensors that measure the carbon

dioxide breathed out by people in a mom could determine whether the air conditioning needs to be turned up.

   Many new materials and technology have been designed in the last 15 years. They now being used in a wave of buildings designed to save as much energy as possible. They include old ideas, like "green roofs," where a belt of plants on a roof helps the building keep heat in winter and stay cool in summer, and new ideas, like special coating for windows that lets light in, but keeps heat out.

   As technologies such as sensors become cheaper, their uses spread.

   The elevators (电梯) at Seven World Trade Center, which is under construction in New York, use a system that groups people traveling to nearby floor into the same elevator, thus saving elevator stops. People who work in the building will enter it by swiping (刷) ID cards that will tell the elevators their floor; readouts will then tell them which elevator to use. The building also has windows with a coating that blocks heal while letting in light.

   More new building materials and technology are in development. A Philadelphia building farm is now working on "smart wrap" that uses tiny solar collectors to catch the

sun's energy and transmitters (传感器) the width of a human hair to move it. They are expected to change the face of the construction industry in the next ten years or so.

72. __ will be developed and used in the construction industry.

     A. "Green mops" that cool or heat buildings

     B. "Smart wrap" that catches the sun's energy

     C. Sunlight-measuring sensors that control lights

     D. Window coating that lets light in, but keeps heat out                          

73. The elevators at Seven World Trade Center are special because they can ___

     A. send people to floors with fewer stops

     B. teach people how to use their ID cards

     C. make people stay very cool in summer

     D. help people go traveling in the building                                                

74. The underlined word "it' in the last paragraph refers to _____.

     A. a human being            B. smart wrap

     C. the sun's energy                 D. a transmitter                   

75. What might be the most suitable title for the text?

     A. Buildings Are Becoming Smarter

     B. Buildings Are Getting More Sunlight

     C. Buildings Are Lacking in Much Energy

     D. Buildings Are Using Cheaper Materials              

America is a mobile society. Friendships between Americans can be close and real, yet disappear soon if situations change. Neither side feels hurt by this. Both may exchange Christmas greetings for a year or two, perhaps a few letters for a while — then no more. If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship. This can be quite difficult for us Chinese to understand, because friendships between us flower more slowly but then may become lifelong feelings, extending (延伸) sometimes deeply into both families.  Americans are ready to receive us foreigners at their homes, share their holidays, and their home life. They will enjoy welcoming us and be pleased if we accept their hospitality (好客) easily. Another difficult point for us Chinese to understand Americans is that although they include us warmly in their personal everyday lives, they don’t show their politeness to us if it requires a great deal of time. This is usually the opposite of the practice in our country where we may be generous with our time. Sometimes, we, as hosts, will appear at airports even in the middle of the night to meet a friend. We may take days off to act as guides to our foreign friends. The Americans, however, express their welcome usually at homes, but truly can not manage the time to do a great deal with a visitor outside their daily routine. They will probably expect us to get ourselves from the airport to our own hotel by bus. And they expect that we will phone them from there. Once we arrive at their homes, the welcome will be full, warm and real. We will find ourselves treated hospitably.  For the Americans, it is often considered more friendly to invite a friend to their homes than to go to restaurants, except for purely business matters. So accept their hospitality at home!
【小题1】The writer of this passage must be ______. AmericanB.a ChineseC.a professorD.a student
【小题2】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Friendships between Americans usually extend deeply into their families.
B.Friendships between Americans usually last for all their lives.
C.Americans always show their warmth even if they are very busy.
D.Americans will continue their friendships again even after a long break.
【小题3】From the last two paragraphs we can learn that when we arrive in America to visit an American friend, we will probably be ______.
A.warmly welcomed at the airport
B.offered a ride to his home
C.treated hospitably at his home
D.treated to dinner in a restaurant
【小题4】The underlined words “generous with our time” in Paragraph 3 probably mean ______.
A.strict with timeB.serious with time
C.careful with timeD.willing to spend time
【小题5】 A suitable title for this passage would probably be “______”.
A.Friendships between Chinese
B.Friendships between Americans
C.Americans’ hospitality
D.Americans’ and Chinese’s views of friendships

The Carnival of Brazil is an annual festival held 46 days before Easter, especially famous for the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. Carnival celebrations are believed to have roots in the festival of Saturnalia, which, adapted to Christianity, became a farewell to bad things in a season of religious discipline to regret and prepare for Christ’s death and coming back to life.
Modern Brazilian Carnival dates back to Rio de Janeiro in 1641. It originally copied the European form of the festival, later taking in elements of Native American and African cultures.
In the late 19th century, the strings (弦乐器) were introduced in Rio de Janeiro. These were pageant (游行) groups that paraded through city avenues performing on instruments and dancing. Today they are known as blocks, consisting of a group of people who dress in costumes or special T-shirts with themes or logos. Blocks are generally connected with particular neighborhoods; they include both a music group and a lot of revelers.
Block parades have become an expressive feature of Rio’s Carnival. Today, they number more than 100 and the groups increase each year. Blocks can be formed by small or large groups of revelers with a clear title. Before the show, they gather in a square, then parade in sections of the city, often near the beach.
Carnival time in Rio is very interesting, but is also the most expensive time to visit Rio. Hotel rooms and other lodgings (住宿) can be up to four times more expensive than the regular rates. There are big crowds at some locations and life is far from ordinary in many parts of town.
【小题1】What can we infer from the first paragraph?

A.The Carnival of Brazil is often held after Easter.
B.The Carnival of Brazil comes from Easter and Saturnalia.
C.The Carnival of Brazil is a festival to regret and begin a new life.
D.The Carnival of Brazil is mainly to celebrate the birth of Christ.
【小题2】How long is the history of the people’s celebrating modern Brazilian Carnival?
A.About 100 years.B.Less than two centuries.
C.About 370 years.D.Over five centuries.
【小题3】Which of the following statements is TRUE about the blocks in Rio de Janeiro?
A.They are always wearing costumes or special T-shirts with themes or logos.
B.They always parade through countryside villages singing and dancing.
C.There are no more than 50 blocks today.
D.They don’t parade before the show.
【小题4】What is the passage mainly about?
A.The famous carnivals in the world.
B.How the carnival was introduced in Brazil.
C.The carnival in Rio de Janeiro.
D.The happy life of the people in Rio de Janeiro.

 In the eyes of dog lovers, the dog is man’s best friend. But for much wildlife, loose dogs may be a dangerous enemy, according to a study by a biologist from Utah State University in the US.

Based on much existing research and their own case studies, Julie Young of Utah State University and four other scientists conclude that loose dogs may represent a huge danger to wildlife, especially endangered species, by hunting down or worrying them and by spreading diseases. They also found that dogs, their worldwide numbers around 500 million, can cause more damage to wildlife and livestock(牲畜) than wolves and other enemies of these animals.

Young gave examples from the US state of Idaho, where research showed the presence of dogs reducing some deer populations. On the Navajo American Indians’ reservation in northeastern Arizona, packs of loose dogs are chasing livestock. They have killed populations of small animals such as rabbits and act as a disease carrier for rabies(狂犬病) among people and other animals, she said. Loose dogs also were to blame for distemper outbreak leading to a die-off of endangered black-footed ferrets in northwestern Wyoming in the 1980s.

The phenomenon is not just limited to US; it’s a global problen. Julie Young once studied three endangered species in central Asia: wild sheep, gazelles and antelope. The rate of injury and death to these animals by loose dogs was very high. In another case, Young found that dogs, not wolves, as originally suspected, were responsible for a large number of livestock killings in the mountainous Basque country between Spain and France.

Authors of the new study said the problem is likely to worsen as communities expand. Then how to deal with it?

Indeed, in many countries, leash(拴狗的皮带) laws permit punishment of dog owners whose pets chase wildlife. But lawbreakers are rarely punished because the police lack both people and money.

Young has low-cost solutions to the problem for dog lovers, though. They include public dog-training programs and vaccinating (预防接种) dogs against rabies and other illnesses.

1.. What is the main point of Julie Young’s study?

A.Many species are endangered because they are killed by loose dogs.

B.Wild dogs are immune to many diseases.

C.Wolves are still the greatest enemy of livestock.

D.Loose dogs pose a great danger to wildlife.

2.. Which of the following statements about loose dogs is TRUE according to the research?

A.There are around 500 million loose dogs around the world.

B.The black-footed ferrets in northwestern Wyoming were once the main food source of local loose dogs.

C.The problem caused by loose dogs is the most serious in the US.

D.People used to think that wolves, rather than loose dogs killed livestock in the Basque country.

3.. Which of the following is among Julie Young’s solutions to the trouble caused by loose dogs?

A.More strict leash laws

B.Public dog-training programs.

C.Vaccinating people against rabies and other illnesses.

D.More support from the police.

4.. What is the main point of the article?

A.A global disaster caused by loose dogs.

B.What makes the dog man’s greatest friend.

C.The problem of loose dogs and the possible solutions.

D.The danger of the increasing numbers of dogs.


      Music has often been used in movies to create mood and add dimension to the images which the audience sees on the screen. One man who is famous for his ability to write powerful and highly effective music for movies is John Williams. Mr. Williams has been writing music for movies since 1960, but he is perhaps best known for his award-winning scores for movies such as Jaws, Star Wars, and Schindler's List. Before he began writing music for the movies, Mr. Williams dreamed of being a concert pianist. He studied at both the University of California, Los Angeles and Juilliard School. During the 1950s, Mr. Williams was into jazz and he worked in New York City with many jazz artists. Later, he moved back to Los Angeles where he continued to play the piano for jazz musicians. He also got a job writing music for television shows. It was this television job that led him into movies.

Throughout the 1960s, Mr. Williams wrote the music that can be heard in more than 20 movies. Most of these movies were light comedies. Then, in 1975, the director of the movie Jaws, Steven Spielberg, hired Mr. Williams. The director thought that Mr. William's music added so much to the scary (引起恐慌的)scenes of the movie that he insisted on working with Mr. Williams in all of his future movies. Other directors and Hollywood film studios also demanded to work with Mr. Williams, and his career as a composer of movie soundtracks took off. Many of these movies have soundtracks that are still available in music stores today. They include The Deer Hunter, Raiders of the Lost Ark, ET, and Jurassic Park.

In 1980, Mr. Williams had another chance to expand his musical experience. He was chosen to be the new conductor for the Boston Pops Orchestra when Arthur Fiedler retired. Mr. Williams gladly accepted the position because it only required that he conduct the orchestra during the summer. This left him free to continue writing music for the movies during the rest of the year. Mr. Williams conducted the Boston Pops for more than 12 years before he decided to retire and write music full-time. Along with the many movie music scores he has written, Mr. Williams has also written two symphonies, a flute concerto, and a violin concerto. Up to now, Mr. Williams has written music for more than 60 movies. It is no wonder that he is today's most famous Hollywood composer.

69. What is John Williams most famous for?

A. Conducting.                 B. Making movies.

C. Playing jazz.                 D. Writing music for movies.

70. What happened to Mr. Williams in 1975?

A. He began writing music for movies.      B. He moved to Hollywood.

C. He worked with Steven Spielberg.        D. He worked for the Boston Pops.

71. Which of the following things has Mr. Williams not done?

A. Conducted an orchestra.              B. Directed a movie.

C. Played jazz piano.                   D. Writing classical music.


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