76. ×òÌ죬ÎÒ¿´¼ûËûºÍÁíÒ»¸öÄк¢±ËµÃ˵»°£¬ÎÒÈ̲»×¡ÏëËûÊDz»ÊÇÏëÈñ˵ÃÈ¡´úÎÒ×öËû×îºÃµÄÅóÓÑ¡£
Yesterday, I saw him talking to another boy, Peter, and I cannot _______ _______ if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me.
77. ÎÒÎʹýÖÜΧµÄÈË£¬·¢ÏÖÐí¶àÈ˶¼Ô¸ÒâÖ§¸¶ÉÔ¸ßһЩµÄ¼ÛÇ®À´¹ºÂò»·±£²úÆ·¡£
_______ _______, I find many people willing to pay a little higher price for the things that are friendly to the environment.
78. ¸Ã×éÖ¯»¹¼àÊÓ³¤½£¬×èÖ¹·Ç·¨²¶ÀÌ¡£·Ç·¨²¶ÀÌÒѾÍþвµ½Ò°Éú¶¯ÎïµÄÊýÁ¿¡£
It also watches the river and stops the illegal hunting of animals, which has put the wild animal population _______ _______.
79. ÈËÀàÈç¹ûÈç´ËϷŪ×ÔÈ»£¬¿ÉÄܽ«ÖÆÔì³öÒ»¸öÏÖʵÉú»îÖеĸ¥À¼¿Ï˹̹¹ÖÎï¡£
If mankind _______ _______ nature in this way, we may be on our way to producing a real-life Frankenstein¡¯s monster.
80. ÄѵÀÎÒÃÇΪÁ˱£»¤×ÔÈ»¾ÍÓ¦¸ÃÍ£Ö¹¾¼Ã·¢Õ¹Âð£¿
Would anyone say that development should be stopped _______ _______ of nature?
76. help wondering 77. Asking around 78. in danger 79. toys with 80. in favo(u)r