
I go to visit my grandparents ________.

  1. A.
    from then on
  2. B.
    just now
  3. C.
    every now and then
  4. D.
    right now
from then on“从那时起”,前面的动词是一个表示延续动作的词:just now“刚才”,与前面的时态搭配错误;every now and then“偶尔,时不时地”;right now“立刻”。根据句意选择C项。


第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.What i s Jack' s occupation now?

A.A secretary.

B.A noveli st.

C.A new spaperman.

2.Where doe s thi s conver sation mo st likely take place?

A.In a lab.

B.In a clinic.

C.In a dining hall.

3.How old i s Jane?




4.How often doe s the man go to vi sit hi s teacher?

A.At lea st once a year.

B.Once every two year s.

C.Twice a month.

5.How did the woman feel about the Engli sh program?

A.It' s intere sting.

B.It' s difficult.

C.It' s important.




6.How doe s the man seem to feel after thi s job interview?

A.Anxiou s.


C.De sperate.

7.How many interviewee s were able to go to the second interview?





8.How much will the man pay?

A.15 yuan.

B.55 yuan.

C.50 yuan.

9.How long doe s the Cheaper way take?

A.At lea st two week s.

B.At lea st ten day s.

C.It' s lea st ten week s.


10.Why doe s the man refu se the fir st flat?

A.It' s too smal1.

B.It' s too expen sive.

C.It' s not on the top floor.

11.Why doe s the woman let the man look at the second flat fir st?

A.He i s clean and quiet.

B.He i s kind and polite.

C.He i s poor and hone st.

12.How much will the man pay before moving in?





13.What i s Tom doing?

A.Li stening to Engli sh song s.

B.Surfing the Internet.

C.Preparing for a te st.

14.How doe s the woman find studying Engli sh?

A.Intere sting.



15.What doe s the woman sugge st the man do?

A.Play more game s online.

B.Talk with friend s online more often.

C.Learn We stern culture online.

16.What will the woman do next?

A.Go to school.

B.Take an exam.

C.Review le s son s.


17.Who i s the speaker talking to?

A.People showing intere st in the theater.

B.People working in the building.

C.People vi siting the univer sity.

18.What i s the video showing today?

A.The teacher s of the univer sity.

B.The hi story of the theater.

C.The building s in the city.

19.How soon will people meet again?

A.In an hour and a half.

B.In half an hour.

C.In an hour.

20.What i s the purpo se of the speaker' s talk?

A.To tell people the rule s they should follow.

B.To give people a brief introduction.

C.To show people the direction.

The run-up to the launch of China's first lunar orbiter at the end of this month has caught the country's imagination, with more than two thirds of the nation hoping to see the launch live on TV, according to a survey.                              

According to the survey by China Youth Daily and www.qq.com, almost the entire nation hopes to catch images of the event at some point, with 99 percent of the 10358 respondents saying they expected to witness the satellite launch and 68.9 percent said they were certain to watch the live broadcast of the launch. On www.qq.com and www.sina.com, two popular web portals in the country, internet users have contributed some 2,000 poems and 5000 drawings on the theme of Chang'e I.

"The satellite launch means much more than just saying 'hello' to the moon. Maybe in the future we could also send some people to accompany sister 'Chang'e'," said a college student in the survey.

Remarkably, many people expect to visit the moon one day, with 93.4 percent of respondents saying they expected to do so.

Chang'e I is named after Chang'e, a famous character from Chinese mythology. She ascended from earth to live on the moon as a celestial being after drinking an elixir.

There is also another connection between the moon and China. In the 1970s, a crater on the moon was named after a Chinese stargazer, Wan Hu, who is said to be the first astronaut in human history.

Legend says about 600 years ago, around the middle of the Ming Dynasty, Wan Hu, a local government official, tried to fly into space with the help of a chair, two big kites and 47 self-made gunpowder-filled rockets. According to the legend after the rockets were lit there was a huge bang and lots of smoke. When the smoke cleared Wan was nowhere to be found.

China's first astronaut flew into space in 2003 with the launch of the Chinese-made spaceship Shenzhou V. China became the third country, after the Soviet Union and the United States, to carry out manned space missions.

Which is true according to the passage?

 A. According to a survey, two thirds of the nation are hoping to see the launch live on TV,

 B. The internet users have drawn some 5000 pictures of ‘Chang’e’.

C. Wan Hu, a Chinese stargazer(n. 看星星的人,占星师,天文学家) , was dead after the huge bang and a lot of smoke.

 D. China’s first astronaut flew into space in 2003 in the spaceship Shenzhou VI.

What’s the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph 5?

A. a kind of medicine for long life. B. a kind of medicine to make you light enough to fly in the air.

C. a kind of wine               D. a kind of alcohol.

Why was Wan Hu said to be the first astronaut in human history?

 A. Because a crater on the moon was named after his name.

 B. Because he was the first to go to the moon in his own “spaceship”.

 C. Because of his courage for scientific experiment to the moon.

 D. Because he made the first rocket in human history. 

Britain’s 101-year-old Queen Mother , who died on March 30 , was famous for never giving interviews . However , her few publicized comments showed humor , a strong will and love for life .
In the 1920s , many men wanted to marry lady Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon . She only agreed to marry the future King George Ⅵ when he got down on bended knee for a third time to ask her . But she never forgave her brother Edward Ⅷ for stepping down from the throne(王位)in 1936 to marry divorced(离婚)woman Wallis Simpson . This meant that her shy husband became king. “Those last few days were like sitting on the edge of a volcano,” she said of the crisis.
The Queen Mother’s most famous role in British life was to try to boost(提高)Londoners’ morale(士气)during the World War II bombing(轰炸), especially in the hardest-hit East End of London. When Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫)was hit by a bomb in 1940 , she said , “ I am glad we have been bombed . It makes me feel I can look the East End(people)in the face . ”
Famously , she refused suggestions that she and her children,the princesses Elizabeth and Margaret , should seek refuge(寻求避难)in Canada until the end of the war . “ The children won’t go without me , I won’t leave the king and the king will never go . ” she declared . “ I should die if I had to leave . ”
After better times returned,her love of expensive parties and high life continued,well into her old age . Her bank overdraft(透支)reached 4 million pounds .
She enjoyed fishing until well into her 80s but once choked(噎住)on a fishbone . After doctors removed the bone , she joked , “ After all these years of fishing , the fish are having their revenge(报复). ”
In the end, she outlived the 20th century with energy and enthusiasm. “I love life, that’s my secret,” she told a friend when she was in her 80s . In a television interview last week, her grandson Prince Charles said, “She saw the funny side of life and we laughed until we cried.”
Hundreds of people have signed books of condolence(哀悼)across the country , including former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher .
“She loved her country and in return her country loved her.” said Prime Minister Tony Blair.
72. The Queen Mother refused to seek refuge in Canada with her children because       .
A. she didn’t think it safe to stay in Canada
B. she wasn’t willing to go without her husband
C. she hoped to boost Londoners’ morale
D. she wanted to earn good fame through the war
73. When Queen Mother went into her old age, she______.
A. was tired of peaceful life
B. began to show interest in fishing
C. was very luxury(奢侈)
D. looked down upon many things people had done
74. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. George VI became king of Britain when his wife was in her late thirties.
B. Queen Mother hadn’t expected her husband to become a king.
C. Buckingham Palace was burned to the ground during the World War II . 
D. Queen Mother showed bravery in face of the World War II.
75. From the passage we know that Queen Mother was______.
A. humorous and brave     B. talkative and humorous
C. talkative but shy               D. brave but shy


Britain’s 101-year-old Queen Mother , who died on March 30 , was famous for never giving interviews . However , her few publicized comments showed humor , a strong will and love for life .

In the 1920s , many men wanted to marry lady Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon . She only agreed to marry the future King George Ⅵ when he got down on bended knee for a third time to ask her . But she never forgave her brother Edward Ⅷ for stepping down from the throne(王位)in 1936 to marry divorced(离婚)woman Wallis Simpson . This meant that her shy husband became king. “Those last few days were like sitting on the edge of a volcano,” she said of the crisis.

The Queen Mother’s most famous role in British life was to try to boost(提高)Londoners’ morale(士气)during the World War II bombing(轰炸), especially in the hardest-hit East End of London. When Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫)was hit by a bomb in 1940 , she said , “ I am glad we have been bombed . It makes me feel I can look the East End(people)in the face . ”

Famously , she refused suggestions that she and her children,the princesses Elizabeth and Margaret , should seek refuge(寻求避难)in Canada until the end of the war . “ The children won’t go without me , I won’t leave the king and the king will never go . ” she declared . “ I should die if I had to leave . ”

After better times returned,her love of expensive parties and high life continued,well into her old age . Her bank overdraft(透支)reached 4 million pounds .

She enjoyed fishing until well into her 80s but once choked(噎住)on a fishbone . After doctors removed the bone , she joked , “ After all these years of fishing , the fish are having their revenge(报复). ”

In the end, she outlived the 20th century with energy and enthusiasm. “I love life, that’s my secret,” she told a friend when she was in her 80s . In a television interview last week, her grandson Prince Charles said, “She saw the funny side of life and we laughed until we cried.”

Hundreds of people have signed books of condolence(哀悼)across the country , including former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher .

“She loved her country and in return her country loved her.” said Prime Minister Tony Blair.

72. The Queen Mother refused to seek refuge in Canada with her children because       .

A. she didn’t think it safe to stay in Canada

B. she wasn’t willing to go without her husband

C. she hoped to boost Londoners’ morale

D. she wanted to earn good fame through the war

73. When Queen Mother went into her old age, she______.

A. was tired of peaceful life

B. began to show interest in fishing

C. was very luxury(奢侈)

D. looked down upon many things people had done

74. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. George VI became king of Britain when his wife was in her late thirties.

B. Queen Mother hadn’t expected her husband to become a king.

C. Buckingham Palace was burned to the ground during the World War II . 

D. Queen Mother showed bravery in face of the World War II.

75. From the passage we know that Queen Mother was______.

A. humorous and brave     B. talkative and humorous

C. talkative but shy               D. brave but shy


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