

Should struggling students be banned from clubs and sports?

Getting a bad grade in Rockingham, Vt. could get you kicked off the team! School officials there are considering new guidelines that would prevent students with bad grades from participating in extracurricular activities, such as sports and clubs. The proposal would affect students in eighth grade and below.

School board member Mike says the policy would motivate students to work harder in school. He drafted a letter to coaches, parents, and after-school program leaders to encourage them to allow only kids who are meeting certain academic standards into their program.

Not everyone gives such policy an A+. Some people argue that no student should be excluded from after-school activities. They say taking part in extracurricular activities can help kids do better in class by improving their participation and concentration skills. They say a 2009 study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that time spent in extracurricular physical activities does not take away from students’ ability to do well in the classroom . In fact, it may even help boost girls’ academic performance.

Students themselves have different opinions.


Why not require good grades to participate in those activities?

Kids need to understand that grades are important. School comes first, period. Getting good grades help you with life, help you go to college, get a job, and so on. Banning underachieving students from extracurricular activities not only gives them motivation to get their grades up, but allows more time to study or get help from a tutor.


Every student should be able to participate in extracurricular activities, no matter what his or her grades are. Extracurricular activities can help kids concentrate more on doing homework. They can help kids develop mentally and physically.

A school policy that tells kids with bad grades that they can’t be in sports or the school play is like judging a book by its cover. Every student is unique. A kid may have a learning disability, an attention issue, or a difficult time studying in his or her home environment. His or her teachers should find why the student is struggling. Together they should find out a solution that will keep the student in the activity.

72. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word “excluded”?

A. protected       B. approved       C. blamed       D. banned

73. What’s the author’s attitude to the policy that prevents students with bad grades from participating in extracurricular activities?

A. supportive        B. critical        C . neutral       D. indifferent

74. In the second paragraph “a 2009 study…”is used by the critics to_______ .

A. To indicate the author is against the policy.

B. To emphasize there is no need to ban the students with bad grades to take part in extracurricular activities.

C. To suggest girls can benefit from extracurricular activities.

D. To prove grades have nothing to do with extracurricular activities.

75. Some don’t think the policy is reasonable for the following reasons EXCEPT______.

A. Every kid is unique.

B. Extracurricular activities will benefit students mentally and physically.

C. Grades will help students get a job.

D. One can learn more that can’t be learned in class.

72--75   DCBC  


When Andrea Peterson landed her first teaching job, she faced the daunting task of creating a music program with almost no money for equipment or supplies in a climate where standards-based learning was the focus and music just provided a break for students and teachers.

For her drive and creativity in overcoming those challenges, she’s been named national teacher of  the year.

Principal Waynes Kettler said he’s worked with many outstanding teachers in his 22 years as an educator, but Peterson is “just that one step above anybody I’ve ever worked with before.”

Kettler and others at Monte Cristo Elementary School talk about the ways she has introduced the learning from other classrooms into her music program and her creativity in working around things such as the lack of money for new music.

When students were reading S.E. Hinton’s novel The Outsiders in their regular classroom, Peterson helped them write a 30-minute play with scenes from the book. Then they chose three Broadway tunes that focused no race, equality and social justice, the themes of the book. Peterson composed two other songs herself after classroom discussions about the play and the book.

The honor means a lot to residents of Granite Foils. It’s inspiring to know that people from small towns own even win national honors.

As national teacher of the year, Peterson will spend the more year outside the classroom, as a national and international spokeswoman for education.

Not surpassingly. She is a big believe in the white of acts education. She said it’s essential for schools to offer classes such as act or music and physical education because for some kids one of those subjects is the only thing that motivates them to come back to school day after day.

The underlined word “daunting” in Paragraph 1 most probably means __________.

A.discouraging   B.interesting   C.creative    D.unbearable

When Peterson began her teaching career, ____________.

A.music was a focus of learning in most schools

B.theenvironment was favorable to music teaching

C.the school backed teaching facilities for music

D.immemorial support for music programs was unavailable

What is the most important reason that Peterson won the award?

A.She concerned herself with current social problems.

B.She motivated students to learn music with her creativity.

C.She has aught music at the elementary school for 22 years.

D.She make great efforts to amuse students’ interest in literature.

Which of the following is an example of Peterson’s way of teaching music?

A.She wrote plays on themes of race, equality and social justice.

B.She made use of the contents of other classes in her teaching.

C.She organized classroom discussions of Broadway tunes.

D.She helped students compose songs by themselves.

In Peterson’s opinion, ____________.

A.art music and PE classes are all important

B.more subjects should be offered to students

C.students should be nativated to attend art classes

D.arts education is more important than other subjects

It can be inferred from the text that ________.

A.Peterson’s honor was a surprise for the local people

B.Peterson’s art classes attracted students back to school

C.Peterson aroused the local residents’ passion for music

D.Peterson will change her profession next year

When Andrea Peterson landed her first teaching job, she faced the daunting task of creating a music program with almost no money for equipment or supplies in a climate where standards-based learning was the focus and music just provided a break for students and teachers.

For her drive and creativity in overcoming those challenges, she’s been named national teacher of  the year.

Principal Waynes Kettler said he’s worked with many outstanding teachers in his 22 years as an educator, but Peterson is “just that one step above anybody I’ve ever worked with before.”

Kettler and others at Monte Cristo Elementary School talk about the ways she has introduced the learning from other classrooms into her music program and her creativity in working around things such as the lack of money for new music.

When students were reading S.E. Hinton’s novel The Outsiders in their regular classroom, Peterson helped them write a 30-minute play with scenes from the book. Then they chose three Broadway tunes that focused no race, equality and social justice, the themes of the book. Peterson composed two other songs herself after classroom discussions about the play and the book.

The honor means a lot to residents of Granite Foils. It’s inspiring to know that people from small towns own even win national honors.

As national teacher of the year, Peterson will spend the more year outside the classroom, as a national and international spokeswoman for education.

Not surpassingly. She is a big believe in the white of acts education. She said it’s essential for schools to offer classes such as act or music and physical education because for some kids one of those subjects is the only thing that motivates them to come back to school day after day.

65.The underlined word “daunting” in Paragraph 1 most probably means __________.

A.discouraging   B.interesting   C.creative    D.unbearable

66.When Peterson began her teaching career, ____________.

A.music was a focus of learning in most schools

B.theenvironment was favorable to music teaching

C.the school backed teaching facilities for music

D.immemorial support for music programs was unavailable

67.What is the most important reason that Peterson won the award?

A.She concerned herself with current social problems.

B.She motivated students to learn music with her creativity.

C.She has aught music at the elementary school for 22 years.

D.She make great efforts to amuse students’ interest in literature.

68.Which of the following is an example of Peterson’s way of teaching music?

A.She wrote plays on themes of race, equality and social justice.

B.She made use of the contents of other classes in her teaching.

C.She organized classroom discussions of Broadway tunes.

D.She helped students compose songs by themselves.

69.In Peterson’s opinion, ____________.

A.art music and PE classes are all important

B.more subjects should be offered to students

C.students should be nativated to attend art classes

D.arts education is more important than other subjects

70.It can be inferred from the text that ________.

A.Peterson’s honor was a surprise for the local people

B.Peterson’s art classes attracted students back to school

C.Peterson aroused the local residents’ passion for music

D.Peterson will change her profession next year




For teens, life is not a playground. Rather, it’s a jungle. And, doing the parent of a teenager isn’t a walk in the park, either.
How will they deal with peer (同龄人) pressure? Motivation? Success or lack of confidence?   【小题1】  As a parent, you should help them learn the principles that will help them to reach their goals and live a successful life.
  【小题2】 Hopefully they will be a compass to help you deal with the problems they meet daily.
Be proactive (积极主动的)
Being proactive is the key to unlocking the other habits.   【小题3】  Proactive people understand that they are responsible for their own happiness and unhappiness. They don’t blame others for their own actions or feelings.
Teens can learn to develop the belief that it is possible to create an atmosphere of win-win in every relationship. This habit helps your teen learn to celebrate the success of others instead of feeling threatened by them.
Put first things first
This habit helps teens prioritize (区分优先次序) and manage their time so that they focus on and complete the most important things in their lives. Putting first things first also means learning to overcome fears and being strong during difficult times.   【小题5】 

A.Think win-win
B.Begin with the end in mind
C.Help your teen create a personal goal.
D.The life of a teenager is full of difficulties.
E. It’s living life according to what matters most.
F. Help your teen take control and responsibility for his life.
G. Here are three important habits for helping your teen understand and apply them.


For teens, life is not a playground. Rather, it’s a jungle. And, doing the parent of a teenager isn’t a walk in the park, either.

How will they deal with peer (同龄人) pressure? Motivation? Success or lack of confidence?   1   As a parent, you should help them learn the principles that will help them to reach their goals and live a successful life.

  2  Hopefully they will be a compass to help you deal with the problems they meet daily.

Be proactive (积极主动的)

Being proactive is the key to unlocking the other habits.   3  Proactive people understand that they are responsible for their own happiness and unhappiness. They don’t blame others for their own actions or feelings.


Teens can learn to develop the belief that it is possible to create an atmosphere of win-win in every relationship. This habit helps your teen learn to celebrate the success of others instead of feeling threatened by them.

Put first things first

This habit helps teens prioritize (区分优先次序) and manage their time so that they focus on and complete the most important things in their lives. Putting first things first also means learning to overcome fears and being strong during difficult times.   5 

A.Think win-win

B.Begin with the end in mind

C.Help your teen create a personal goal.

D.The life of a teenager is full of difficulties.

E. It’s living life according to what matters most.

F. Help your teen take control and responsibility for his life.

G. Here are three important habits for helping your teen understand and apply them.




    It’s not that hard to be a better writer. Seriously, it’s especially true if you’re starting as a non-writer who’s just trying to be competent for day-to-day tasks.

    1.Have a Structure.   1    Your body should consist of paragraphs that are grouped according, to topic, each one dealing with a single element of your subject.

    2.  2   When you say a car runs "fast" , don't leave it at that.Show me how fast it is by ; detailing the vehicle' s top speed and acceleration, along with listing other cars it leaves in the dust.Do the same with every other significant modifier(修饰语) you use.

    3.Don't pad words.  3   Most of the time, this ends up turning what' s essentially nice; writing into unreadable nonsense.You' 11 see this with heavy use of unnecessary adjectives and adverbs, along with useless phrases that can easily be cut off without losing meaning.

    4.Choose good words.Sometimes, the way your text reads comes down to word choice.Don't say " converse" when you can say " speak" ; don' t write " adjudicate" when you say "decide".  4 

    5.Use a writing software.Notice that we didn't give any advice on grammar.That's because using a quality proofreading software can help you on that end.  5 

    A.Try not to use adjectives and adverbs without providing an explanation.

    B.Don't let anything keep you from it!

    C.Many inexperienced writers tend to pad words to meet word count goals.

    D.Regardless of what you do, your writing should have an introduction and a conclusion.

    E.Basically, put your words to good use and find words that will make the experience easier for your readers.

    F.Some ideas can be quite correct.

    G.Sure, a few mistakes might slip in now and then, but a good tool will take care of most of them.



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