
请以“ The Biggest Challenge I’ve Ever Met” 为题写一篇120词左右的短文,记述自己遭遇过的最大的挑战。内容包括:

1. 简要记述事情经过;

2. 你的感受或从中获得的启示。


2. 文中不能出现考生真实姓名及任何透露考生身份信息的内容。

The Biggest Challenge I’ve Ever Met

In our daily life, we unavoidably come across various challenges now and then.





China’s Jade Rabbit moon rover (月球车)has “ woken up” since it entered the lunar night two weeks ago. The moon rover, known as Yutu in Mandarin Chinese, and the Chang’e-3 lander were restarted by the Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC), China’s Xinhua news agency said.

It had been set to sleep for two weeks to ride out extreme climatic conditions and will finally undertake its scientific mission. The Jade Rabbit was “ put to sleep” on 26 December at the onset of the first lunar night of the mission. One night on the moon lasts for around two weeks on Earth and during this time, temperatures fall to -180℃ ---conditions too cold for the equipment to function in. There is also no sunlight to power the Jade Rabbit’s solar panels.

Zhou Jianliang, chief engineer with the BACC, explained: “ During the lunar night, the lander and the rover were in a power-off condition and the communication with Earth was cut off.

“ When the night ends, they will be started up with the power provided by sunlight and resume operation and communication according to preset programmes. He added that the Jade Rabbit surviving the lunar night showed Chinese technology had proved successful.

The Jade Rabbit and the lander compose Chang’e-3 landed on the moon on 14 December. With the landing, China became one of only three nations to soft-land on the moon, and the first to do so in more than three decades.

Scientists said the mission was designed to test new technologies and build the country’s expertise of space exploration. The Jade Rabbit will gather scientific data and capture images from the Moon. China was planning further missions planned to collect lunar soil samples and it is thought officials are looking to conduct manned lunar landings if they prove successful.

1.Jade Rabbit fell into sleep because ________.

A. there was something wrong in the machine

B. the Chang’e-3 lander struck it by accident

C. it was designed to avoid the bad weather

D. it had completed the scientific mission

2.According to Zhou Jianliang we can know that ________.

A. on the moon the rover can’t communicate with the lander

B. sunlight is the necessary power for the rover and the lander

C. Chinese technology has been regarded the most successful

D. the lunar night can destroy the equipment on the moon

3.It can inferred from the passage that ________.

A. China had made great achievements in 10 years

B. no country can be equal to China in exploring space

C. scientists can get more proof to research the moon

D. the soil from the moon has been taken to China

4.What does the author intend to tell in the passage?

A. Jade Rabbit wakes up to begin moon mission.

B. Jade Rabbit was put to sleep on the moon.

C. Jade Rabbit lost contact with the earth.

D. Jade Rabbit is to undertake new mission.

The Gold Coast Wax(蜡)Museum is one of the Gold Coast’s longest running attractions. It’s a collection of famous figures. It’s Australia’s largest museum of its kind, featuring more than 110 life-size copies of wax figures of British and Australian History.

The Wax Museum is visited by many thousands of the people each year who are amazed at the amazing realism of the life-size figures in real costumes. This is your invitation to wander through at your leisure and meet many important and famous people’s figures on Queensland’s Gold Coast.

Come face to face with such famous people as Michael Jackson, President Barack Obama,Past President John F. Kennedy, King Hussein’s Royal Family members, and many others whose lives have all left an unforgettable mark on our world. Information cards are located alongside each figure, helping visitors know them well.

The old Coast Wax Museum contains figures which have been crafted by leading local and overseas sculptors to international standards’ equal in quality to the world’s best, as seen in Europe, the United Kingdom, and USA. The detail in the figures is amazing and includes hair applied one strand(线)at a time, requiring many working hours for one hand and the eyes so real that they seem to follow the viewer around.


Child (1~3 yrs): free

Child (3-~12 yrs): $22.00

Adult: $29.00

Open hours

Open 7 days a week, 10 am to 10 pm

Closed Christmas Day (25 Dec.) and Anzac Day (25 Apr.)


Ferny Ave, Surfers Paradise (Gold Coast) QLD

How to get there

You can choose any of the Gold Coast airport transfers, car rentals, shuttles and private transfers to/from your hotel.

Notice to visitors

●All carried items including food and drinks will be inspected upon entry.

●Coats, umbrellas, etc. should be left in the checkrooms (行李寄存处) (max size 40×40×50 cm and max weight 8 kg).

●The checkroom is to the left of the Main entrance (£1.50 per item).

●When maximum checkrooms capacity is reached the Museum cannot accept any more items.

●Bring your sense of adventure and your camera with you and see something exciting and quite unique.

For further information, please click here to see more about gold coast wax-museum/contact Us Page.

1. According to the passage, visitors can______ .

A. visit the Gold Coast Wax Museum anytime

B. enjoy some world-class vivid wax works in the Gold Coast Wax Museum

C. see many members of the Royal Family in person in the Gold Coast Wax Museum

D. meet many leading local and international sculptors in the Gold Coast Wax Museum

2.If a couple and their 10-year-old son want to visit the Gold Coast Wax Museum, they may pay_______.

A. $58 B. $68 C. $80 D. $87

3. When people come to visit this exhibition, they________.

A. should have all their carried items checked at the entrance

B. can leave their carried items in the checkrooms free of charge

C. can take all their carried items with them without inspection

D. should leave all their carried items in the checkrooms upon entry

Mary is digging in the ground for a photo, when along comes John. Seeing that there is no one in sight, John starts to scream. John’s angry mother rushes over and drives Mary away. Once his mum has gone, John helps himself to Mary’s potato.

We’ve all experienced similar annoying tricks when we were young—the brother who stole your ball and then got you into trouble by telling your parents you had hit him. But Mary and John are not humans. They’re African baboons(狒狒). __1._

John’s scream and his mother’s attack on Mary could have been a matter of chance, but John was later seen playing the same tricks on others. ___2.___

Studying behavior like this is complicated but scientists discovered apes(猿) clearly showed that they intended to cheat and knew when they themselves had been cheated. ___3.___ An ape was annoying him, so he tricked her into going away by pretending he had seen something interesting. When she found nothing, she “walked back, hit me over the head with her hand and ignored me for the rest of the day.”

Another way to decide whether an animal’s behavior is deliberate is to look for actions that are not normal for that animal. A zoo worker describes how an ape dealt with an enemy. “He slowly stole up behind the other ape, walking on tiptoe. When he got close to his enemy, he pushed him violently in the back, then ran indoors.” Wild apes do not normally walk on tiptoe. ___4.__ But looking at the many cases of deliberate trickery in apes, it is impossible to explain them all as simple copying.

It seems that trickery does play an important part in ape societies. ____5.__ Studying the intelligence of our closest relative could be the way to understand the development of human intelligence.

A. In most cases the animal probably doesn’t know it is cheating.

B. An amusing example of this comes from a psychologist working in Tanzania.

C. And playing tricks is as much a part of monkey behavior as it is of human behavior.

D. So the psychologists asked his colleagues if they had noticed this kind of trickery.

E. The ability of animals to cheat may be a better measure of their intelligence than their use of tools

F. This use of a third individual to achieve a goal is only one of the many tricks commonly used by baboons.

G. Of course it’s possible that it could have learnt from humans that such behavior works, without understanding why.

People without homes have always been present in America. In the past,they were called hobos,bums,or drifters. It was not until the early 1980s that these people received a new name,when activists named them the homeless.

The types of people who were homeless also changed in the 1980s. No longer were they primarily older men. They were younger,with an average age of 35. Their numbers consisted of women,children,adolescents and entire families. They were of many races and cultures. No longer were they only in the inner city. They lived in rural areas and in large and small cities. No longer were they invisible to the people with homes and jobs. The homeless of the 1980s lived in packing crates (装货箱) and doorways. They slept on sidewalks and in public parks. They begged money from passersby.

Counting the numbers of homeless people is difficult. However,in 1984 the Department of Housing and Urban Development estimated the homeless population at between 250,000 and 350,000. In 1990 the Census Bureau counted about 459,000 people in shelters,in cheap hotels,and on the streets. In 1995 the National Alliance to End Homelessness estimated that there were 750,000 homeless Americans.

The homeless of the 1980s also began to speak out for themselves. Some spoke to Congress and to government committees controlling funding for social programs. Street newspapers,such as Chicago’s Streetwise and Boston’s Spare Change,had stories,poems,and essays that expressed the homeless viewpoint. The visible and vocal presence of the homeless prompted help from volunteers and government agencies. But what is still needed is a solution to the plight of America’s homeless population.

1.This passage is mainly about________.

A.one homeless person’s story

B.the history of the homeless

C.the changes of the homeless in the late 20th century

D.a way to provide homes for the homeless

2.How did the homeless speak out about their problems?

A.By writing books.

B.By moving to rural areas.

C.By being elected to the government committees.

D.By expressing their viewpoints in street newspapers.

3.Who is responsible to get the number of the homeless population according to the passage?

A.Government agencies.

B.Street newspapers.

C.The homeless themselves.

D.The volunteers.

4. The underlined word “plight” in the last paragraph means “______”.

A. income B. flight

C. difficulty D. employment

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The homeless all lived in urban cities in America.

B.The name “the homeless” was given in the early 1980.

C.Not only the disabled belong to the homeless family.

D.There were about 800,000 homeless people in western countries.

There are some strange driving laws in different countries.




If you’re in Vietnam without a Vietnamese driver’s license, you risk a prison sentence of up to three years.


In Moscow, if your car is dirty enough to draw dust art, you will be fined about 2,000 rubles (about US $55). Worse yet, it’s illegal to wash your car by hand in public places — forcing you to take it to one of the few car wash facilities.


Drivers —male or female — can’t drive shirtless, whether it’s a car, a bus, or a tuk-tuk cab.


France requires its drivers to carry a portable breathalyzer(酒精测量仪) at all times when driving a car. The one-time breathalyzer cost around US$5, and if you don’t have one, you will be fined US$15.


Raising your hands in the car can get you fined of US$35. The law states a driver can be fined if the person “is in an irregular position inside the car or raises his hand from the steering wheel unnecessarily.


Politeness isn’t just the culture in Japan; it’s part of driving laws. Splashing a person by driving through a puddle(水坑) with your car will cost you over US$60. The country is also strict with its DUI(酒驾) laws — riding with or lending your car to a driver who gets caught drinking and driving can lead to a fine costing thousands of dollars.

1.Where should you go to wash your car when you are in Moscow?

A. The car wash facilities.

B. Any public place

C. Your home

D. The forest

2.What can get you fined for in Cyprus?

A. Forgetting to carry a portable breathalyzer.

B. Not having a Cyprus driver’s license.

C. Putting your hands above your head when you are driving.

D. Driving without a shirt.

3.If you are fined thousands of dollars in Japan, you may have been ____.

A. in an irregular position in your car

B. sitting in a car with a drunk driver

C. splashing a person with mud

D. impolite to other drivers

4.This text can most likely be found in _______.

A. a law document

B. a fashion magazine

C. an international newspaper

D. a column on interesting cultures

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