
 As we drove along, my spirits went up again, and I turned, with pleasure, to the thought of the new life which I was entering. But though it was not far past the middle of September, the heavy clouds and strong north-easterly wind combined to make the day extremely cold; and the journey seemed a very long one, so that it was nearly one o’clock before we reached the place of our destination. Yet when we entered the gateway, my heart failed me, and I wished it were a mile or two farther off. For the first time in my life I must stand alone: there was no retreating now. I must enter that house, and introduce myself among its strange people. But how was it to be done? True, I was near nineteen; but, thanks to the protecting care of my mother and sister, I well knew that many a girl of fifteen, or under, was gifted with a more womanly address, and greater ease and self-possession, than I was. Yet, anyway, I would do very well, after all; and the children, of course, I should soon be at ease with them.

"Be calm, be calm, whatever happens," I said within myself; and truly I was so fully occupied in steadying my nerves and keeping down the rebellious beat of my heart that when I was admitted into the hall and into the presence of Mrs. Bloomfield, I almost forgot to answer her polite greeting; and it afterwards struck me that the little I did say was spoken in the tone of one half-dead or half-asleep.

 With due politeness, however, she showed me my bedroom, and left me there to take a little refreshment for a little while and led me into the dining-room. Some beefsteaks and potatoes were set before me; and while I dined upon these, she sat opposite, watching me (as I thought) and trying to keep something like a conversation— consisting chiefly of commonplace remarks. In fact, my attention was almost wholly absorbed in my dinner: not from appetite, but from the toughness of the beefsteaks, and the numbness of my hands.

 “I have had so little time to attend to their education myself, but I think they are clever children, and very willing to learn, especially the little boy; he is, I think, the flower of the flock— a generous, noble-spirited boy, one to be led, but not driven, and remarkable for always speaking the truth.” “His sister Mary Ann will require watching,” continued she, “but she is a very good girl on the whole, though I wish her to be kept out of the nursery as much as possible, as she is now almost six years old, and might acquire bad habits from the nurses. I have ordered her bed to be placed in your room, and if you will be so kind as to look after her washing and dressing, and take charge of her clothes, she needs to have nothing further to do with the nursery maid.”

I replied I was quite willing to do so; and at that moment the children entered the room. Tom Bloomfield was a well-grown boy of seven. Mary was a tall girl, for her age of six, somewhat dark like her mother. The second sister was Fanny, a very pretty little girl, looking little younger than Mary. The remaining one was Harriet, a little broad, fat, merry, playful thing of scarcely two, whom I had more desire for than all the rest — but with her I had nothing to do.

67. Which of the following statements best describes how the writer felt when she entered Mrs. Bloomfield's home?

   A. She was nervous, dissatisfied with her manners but still confident.

   B. She was cold, hungry but eager to see all the children in the family.

   C. She was frightened, nervous and regretful about her decision.

   D. She was calm, confident and very happy with all the family.

68. What job would the writer take in Mrs Bloomfield's home?

   A. A nursery maid.     B. A house cleaner.     C. A home cook.      D. A family teacher.

69. Which of the following was TRUE according to the passage?

   A. The writer had some difficulty with her lunch because of the tough food and the cold.

   B. The delicious food took the writer's attention away from Mrs. Bloomfield’s words.

   C. All the children were well educated before the writer came to the family.

   D. All the children in the family were looked after by Mrs Bloomfield herself.

70. From the passage, we can infer that ___________.

   A. Mrs Bloomfield would treat the writer kindly and help her a lot

   B. The youngest girl Harriet would be the writer’s favorite student

   C. the writer would take on more responsibilities than she should

   D. Tom Bloomfield would be the cleverest of all the children


  A middle-aged stranger visited us late on a dark rainy night when my father was working the night shift (a job for a period during the night). The stranger asked if he could wait under the eaves of our roof for the rain to stop. Then he disappeared, and we started hearing footsteps and creaking boards in the attic(the space or room at the top of a building, under the roof, often used for storing things). Was the stranger inside our house? My whole body couldn’t help but stiffen. In my mind’s eye, I could imagine the stranger pushing through the attic door and approaching us.

    We immediately called Jerry, our neighbor, for help. He searched everywhere, but the visitor was nowhere to be found. As Jerry looked in the garage, he found the stranger lying underneath the car. Jerry exclaimed with fright, “You are not allowed to enter the house. Get off the property right now.”

    We were determined to leave the house immediately. As we drove away, we saw the man blocking our way on the road and staring at us. We had to swerve to miss him. After that, I never saw the stranger again.

The text is mainly about                 .

    A.the neighbor Jerry       B.a strange dream

    C.a strange visitor        D.footsteps in the attic

Based on the text, which of the following statements is true?

    A.The family h it the stranger with their car.

    B.The stranger pushed through the family’s door.

    C.Jerry was hurrying back from the night shift.

    D.The author’s father wasn’t at home that night.

Why did the family leave their house on a late, dark night?

    A.It was raining hard and the eaves of their roof were broken.

    B.There was a ghost wandering around the house.

    C.They did not feel safe in their house.

    D.The stranger was still somewhere inside the house.

The text was written in order of             .

    A.time B.space    C.importance   D.age of the family

    They say there are three ways to experience the Grand Canyon; on foot, on mules(骡子) or by air. We chose the first. Up early; my husband and I and our three children couldn’t wait to get started. We decided to walk along a lovely path named Bright Angel Trail.

As we set out, I was shocked at how narrow the path was. And I couldn’t help noticing that the other tourists weren’t like us. They had heavy backpacks, water bottles, and hats. But as usual we were dressed, As the sun rose higher, Arizona’s famous heat seemed to roast(烘烤) us. There was no shade and our legs were aching. We decided to go back, with the girl on my back and the boys far behind. By the time we finally got back, our legs were like jelly.

The next day, after we’d had a long rest and a good breakfast, we were ready for another view of the Canyon – by air. After our last walk, this would be the easiest thing in the world.

We called to each other excitedly as the plane took off and circled around the Canyon. But the smiles on our faces disappeared as the pilot tossed(翻转) the plane around, pretending he was going to hit the ground. I shouted, “STOP, TAKE US BACK!” When we finally arrived back on land, once again our legs were like jelly. We hardly spoke as we drove back.

As I said, there are three ways to view the Grand Canyon. We never tried the mules, but personally I’d suggest a fourth: buy yourself a good magazine like National Geographic. That way, you can see the Canyon, without fear or tiredness.

Which of the following is true according to the second paragraph?

A. They made a careful preparation before the trip

B. They children were more joyful than their parents.

C. Bright Angel Trail was not as lovely as they expected.

D. The summer heat prevented them from enjoying the view.

The underlined expression “Our legs were like jelly” probably means            .

A. we were weak                   B. we were unhappy   

C. we were dissatisfied              D. we were disappointed

Which of the following best describes their Canyon trip by air?

A. It proved to be frightening.         B. It was more comfortable

C. It turned out to be exciting          D. It made each of them tired.

We can infer from the passage that          .

A. experiencing the Canyon on mules would be the best way

B. one needs to dress less when visiting the Grand Canyon.

C. the writer was not serious when she made the suggestion.

D. the whole family narrowly escaped from the air accident.

If it’s possible to see red(get angry) about not seeing red, that is what I was doing. We had  26    the timing of our autumn trip to see the changing   27   in the Great Lakes States, and I was really   28   . No matter how I strained my eyes I couldn’t spot red anywhere. Not   29   a bit of golden yellow broke through the dull greenery.

   This vacation was a complete   30   . I sat alone in the backseat of our rented car and got   31  as we drove north through the dull, dark green. In the   32   seat my brother and my father chatted merrily, obviously   33   .

   Then a motto came to mind: “Happiness is a decision.” It must have been something my mother said. She was always passing on words of   34   . When I was a child, she gave me a black book with   35   pages. On the flyleaf she had written, “Look for a beautiful thing and you’ll find it.” I was supposed to   36   a record of the most beautiful thing I saw each day.

   I remembered spending hours discussing what I’d   37   . A baby’s smile? A stone shining with fool’s gold? Pictures in the clouds, or tulips tipping their heads? I found so many beautiful things that it was   38   to pick just one.

   Now, on the road, I played Mother’s game again. I took in the all-green   39   . Thick forests lined both sides of the highway. The long hill pines and spruce were seen   40   . Maple leaves danced in the gentle wind. I felt like a little girl again—   41   by beautiful things.

   Later in the   42   , after we crossed the Upper Peninsula and drove into Canada, I found the bright   43   plants I had been looking for. But by then I’d already seen a million shades of __44   , the infinite variety and beauty that only our heavenly Father can   45   . And that we can always find—if we look closely enough.

26. A. kept    B. missed   C. misjudged    D. seized

27. A. situation    B. weather  C. plants   D. leaves

28. A. upset    B. excited  C. happy    D. sorry

29. A. yet  B. even C. still    D. ever

30. A. success  B. time C. waste    D. pleasure

31. A. sleepy   B. mad  C. patient  D. angry

32. A. front    B. back C. right    D. left

33.A. unconcerned   B. disappointed C. worried  D. surprised

34. A. order    B. advice   C. apology  D. help

35. A. nice B. common   C. missing  D. empty

36. A. set  B. break    C. keep D. put

37. A. brought in   B. written down C. got through  D. referred to

38. A. impossible   B. valuable C. necessary    D. strange

39. A. forests  B. leaves   C. hills    D. scenery

40. A. nowhere  B. anywhere C. everywhere   D. somewhere

41. A. wondered B. surrounded   C. waken    D. treated

42. A. trip B. autumn   C. course   D. game

43. A. leaf B. hill C. highway  D. fall

44. A. red  B. trees    C. green    D. plants

45. A. observe  B. produce  C. find D. provide

It was already late when we set out for the next town, ? ? ? according to the map was about fifteen miles away on the other side of the ? ?

There we felt? ? that we would find a bed ? the night. Darkness fell soon after we left the village, but luckily we met ? ? as we drove fast along the narrow winding road that ? ? ? the hills. As we climbed ? ? , it became colder and rain began to fall, ? ? it difficult at times to see the road. I asked John, my companion, to drive more ? ? .

After we had traveled for about twenty miles, there was still no sign of the town which was? ? on the map. We were beginning to get? ? ? . Then without warning the car stopped. A quick? ? showed that we had run out of petrol. Although we had little food with us, we decided to ? the night in the car.

Our meal was soon over. I tried to go to sleep at once, ? ? John, who was a? ? sleeper, got out of the car after a few minutes and went for a walk ? ? ? the hills. Soon he came back. From the top of the hill he had seen, in the valley below, the ? ? of the town we were looking for. We at once unloaded all our luggage and with a great effort, ? ? to push the car to the top of the hill. Then we went back to the luggage, loaded the car again and set off down the hill. ? less than a quarter of an hour we were in the town, where we found a ???? ? quite easily.

1.A. which???????? ????????????? B. it?????? ????????????? ????????????? ??? C. where??????????? D. that

2.A. rivers??? ????????????? ????????????? B. villages??????? ????????????? C. towns??????? ????????????? ????????????? D. hills

3.A. surprised?????? ????????????? B. sure?????? ????????????? ??? C. pleased???????? ????????????? D. afraid

4.A. at???????????? ????????????? B. in????????????? ????????????? C. through???????? ????????????? D. for

5.A. everybody????? ????????????? B. somebody????? ????????????? C. nobody?????? ????????????? ??? D. anybody

6.A. got to????????? ????????????? B. arrived??????????? C. led to???????? ????????????? ??? D. belonged to

7.A. taller????????? ????????????? B. faster???? ????????????? ??????? C. lower??????????? ????????????? D. higher

8.A. getting???????? ????????????? B. thinking???? ????????????? ????????????? C. causing?????? ????????????? ??? D. making

9.A. certainly??????? ????????????? B. slowly????? ????????????? ????????????? C. carefully????? ????????????? ??? D. surely

10.A. set?????? ????????????? ??? B. marked????????? ????????????? C. built????????? ????????????? D. drawn

11.A. worried?????? ????????????? B. excited??? ????????????? ????????????? C. cold???????? ????????????? ????????????? D. warm

12.A. attention?????? ????????????? B. operation??? ????????????? ????????????? C. examination??? ????????????? D. information

13.A. live?????????? ????????????? B. spend??????? ????????????? ????????????? C. spare?????????? ????????????? D. stay

14.A. since????????? ????????????? B. though?????? ????????????? ????????????? C. so?????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. but

15.A. poor????????????? ??????? B. fast??????????? ????????????? C. quick????? ????????????? ?? ????????????? D. heavy

16.A. across???????? ????????????? B. through????? ????????????? ????????????? C. down???????? ????????????? ??? D. up

17.A. map??????? ????????????? B. lights?????????? ????????????? C. bus????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. situation

18.A. ought???????? ????????????? B. tried??? ???? ????????????? ????????????? C. managed??? ????????????? ????????????? D. succeeded

19.A. For?????????? ????????????? B. In?????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. Since???????? ????????????? ??? D. At

20.A. hotel??? ????????????? ??? B. friend?????? ????????????? ????????????? C. policeman??????? ????????????? D. cinema?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Dear Daughter,

     As we drove off from Columbia, I wanted to write to tell you all that is on my mind.

First, I want to tell you how proud we are. Getting into Columbia is a real testament(证明) of what a great well-rounded student you are. You should be as proud of yourself as we are.

Your college years will be the most important of your life. It is in college that you will discover what learning is about. This will be the period when you go from teacher taught to master inspired, after which you must become a self-learner. So do take each subject seriously, and even if what you learn is of no practical use in real life, the learning skills you get will be something you will value forever.

   Follow your passion in college. Take courses you think you will enjoy. Don’t be bothered by what others think or say, but make up your own mind. Most importantly, make true friends and be happy. Don’t worry abut their hobbies, grades, looks, or even personalities.

    Start planning early what you’d like to do. Where would you like to live? What would you like to learn? I think your plan to study fashion is good, and you should decide where you want to be, and get onto the right courses. I will always be there for you, but the time has come for you to be in the driver’s seat--this is your life, and you need to be in control. Being in control feels great. Try it, and you’ll love it!

   So please treasure your college years--make the best use of your free time, become an independent thinker in control of your destiny, and learn through your successes and challenges.

   May your years at Columbia be the happiest of your life, and may you grow into just what you dream to be.                                               


                                                              Dad & Mom

1.We can read between the lines that________.

A. Dad is very strict with his daughter

B. Dad has a strong love for his daughter

C. Dad always worries about his daughter

D. Dad is much concerned about his daughter's health

2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Plan things before you do them.

B. Self-learning is very important in college.

C. Follow your passion and what other people say.

D. Leading a life is just like driving a car.

3.The underlined word “destiny” in the passage is the closest in meaning to____________.

A. weight        B. Time       C. position       D. life

4.The purpose of the author in writing the letter is to tell his daughter to____________.

A. make the most of her college      B. fight till she succeeds

C. be confident and happy         D. smile to her trouble in 1ife


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