
In today's fast paced, high stress world people are working longer hours than ever, and often exhaust themselves at.day's end in front, of the television to relax enough to begin again in the morning.However, television watching, for most people, does not really lower stress.Studies show that TV viewing more than an hour or so actually creates stress and, especially in women, may lead to the blues.Most individuals are unaware that doing some exercise after work makes them more energetic since it increases energy levels.
Wise use of free time does not mean getting an advanced degree, although the mental encouragement gained through education is unbeatable in keeping your mind active.Learning new things nearly always adds a spark to your daily life, especially if it is a favorite topic, such as sport, fashion, or art.Also, look through your bookstore or library to find books on your interests.Try to replace a half hour TV watching with reading.
Itis reported that in the United States recently, many individuals have as few as two good friends.Long work hours and car commute act to separate people from each other.This separation is deadly.Find ways to meet people at the end of the day and on weekends.Often this can be best done by combining activities, such as by joining a walking group to get both exercise and companionship.Taking a class will lift your spirits and allow you to meet others with similar interests.Hobbies are great for reducing stress and provide another opportunity for social interaction.
Using your free time to aid your health may include these elements and many more, such as going to concerts and spending time with family.Overall, the key is to spend less free time being passive.The best ways to use free time are to be mentally and physically active, spend some time outdoors, and interact with other people on a regular basis.
60.What can we learn from the passage?
A.Watching television may cause women to feel depressed.
B.Finding interests and hobbies in common means taking a class.
C.Going to concerts is the best way to make you mentally active.
D.Getting an advanced degree in education always lights up your life.
61.What does the underlined word "commute" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.The arrangement to work every day.   B.The journey to work every day
C.The communication between people.   D.The separation between people
62.Which would be the best title for the passage?
A.Live a Happy and Healthy Life    B.Relax Yourself in Various Ways
C.Spend Your Free Time Wisely       D.Interact With Others Outdoors

60.A   61.B    62.C  



  The purpose of a letter of application is to help you to “sell” yourself. It should state  36  the job you want, and should tell what your abilities are and what you have  37  . It should be simple, human, personal and brief without  38  out any necessary fact.

  In writing a letter of application, keep in  39  that the things a possible employer is most 

 40  to want to know about are your qualifications(条件), your achievements and your aims.The opening paragraph is perhaps the most important part. 41  the first few sentences fail to  42  the reader’s attention, the rest of the letter may not be  43  at all. Try to key your opening remarks to the needs or interests of the employer not  44  your own need or desires. For example, instead of beginning with “I saw your  45  in today's paper. ”you might say“I have made a careful  46  of your advertising during the past six months” or “I have made a survey in my neighbourhood to find out how many housewives  47  your product and why they like it.”

  Try to  48  generalities. Be clear about the kind of job for which you are now  49 . College graduates looking for their first positions often ask“ What can I  50  in a letter? Employers want experience, which, naturally, no  51  has. ”The answer is that everything you have ever done is  52 .

  It is important to write a good strong closing for your letter. 53  a specific request for an interview or give the possible employer something definite to do or expect. An excellent 54  is to enclose(内附)a stamped, self - addressed envelope with your letter. That makes it  55  for a possible employer to get in touch with you.

  36.A. clearly B. carefully C. obviously D. easily

  37.A. found B. done C. known D. heard

  38.A. sending B. taking C. leaving D. picking

  39.A. brain B. sight C. order D. mind

  40.A. probable B. possible C. likely D. able

  41.A. While B. Although C. As D. If

  42.A. pay B. win C. show D. fix

  43.A. kept B. continued C. written D. read

  44.A. to B. for C. into D. from

  45.A. advertisement B. report

    C. article  D. introduciton 

  46.A. watch B. search C. study D. discussion

  47.A. change B. make C. sell D. use.

  48.A. avoid B. remember C. protect D. gain

  49.A. losing B. applying C. preparing D. fitting

  50.A. offer B. supply C. mean D. provide

  51.A. worker B. beginner C. owner D. manager

  52.A. success B. development C. practice D. experience

  53.A. Make B. Ask C. State D. Get

  54.A. result B. decision C. promise D. idea

  55.A. happier B. easier C. cheaper D. safer

Looking back on the first twenty years of my life, I feel grateful to have been so healthy and happy. I’m happy due to many key factors(因素). They include my physical health,healthy finances and my family’s happiness.

   Health comes first for me, because without health everything else is meaningless. Imagine starting a career without good health. Imagine achieving anything without good health.   1. 

Good health is not enough to be happy.   2.   Money obviously pays for the basic necessities of life----food, housing, clothing, etc. ---but it is also necessary for other reasons. Money guarantees we always get good medical treatment when we fall ill.   3.    

Family is another important factor in having a happy life because it provides the love ,joy, and support that everyone needs. I love my family with all my heart. I get pleasure from their pleasure. I suffer when they suffer.  4.   They give me advice when I have misunderstandings with my friends. More importantly, they are always there to share everything with me.

   5.    As long as I stay healthy, work hard to earn enough money and share both good times and bad times with my family, I will always be the happiest girl in the world.

A. We still need money in today’s society.

B. These three factors are all I need in this world.

C. Besides, we can use money to improve our life.

D. My family help me get through pressures and difficulties.

E. Sometimes the amount of money we have is determined by out happiness.

F. Clearly, good health is much more important than any other aspect of one’s life.

G. Having good health and healthy finances, we can turn our attention to the happiness of our family.



       In today's fast paced, high stress world people are working longer hours than ever, and often exhaust themselves at.day's end in front, of the television to relax enough to begin again in the morning.However, television watching, for most people, does not really lower stress.Studies show that TV viewing more than an hour or so actually creates stress and, especially in women, may lead to the blues.Most individuals are unaware that doing some exercise after work makes them more energetic since it increases energy levels.

       Wise use of free time does not mean getting an advanced degree, although the mental encouragement gained through education is unbeatable in keeping your mind active.Learning new things nearly always adds a spark to your daily life, especially if it is a favorite topic, such as sport, fashion, or art.Also, look through your bookstore or library to find books on your interests.Try to replace a half hour TV watching with reading.

       Itis reported that in the United States recently, many individuals have as few as two good friends.Long work hours and car commute act to separate people from each other.This separation is deadly.Find ways to meet people at the end of the day and on weekends.Often this can be best done by combining activities, such as by joining a walking group to get both exercise and companionship.Taking a class will lift your spirits and allow you to meet others with similar interests.Hobbies are great for reducing stress and provide another opportunity for social interaction.

       Using your free time to aid your health may include these elements and many more, such as going to concerts and spending time with family.Overall, the key is to spend less free time being passive.The best ways to use free time are to be mentally and physically active, spend some time outdoors, and interact with other people on a regular basis.

60.What can we learn from the passage?

       A.Watching television may cause women to feel depressed.

       B.Finding interests and hobbies in common means taking a class.

       C.Going to concerts is the best way to make you mentally active.

       D.Getting an advanced degree in education always lights up your life.

61.What does the underlined word "commute" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

       A.The arrangement to work every day.   B.The journey to work every day

       C.The communication between people.   D.The separation between people

62.Which would be the best title for the passage?

       A.Live a Happy and Healthy Life     B.Relax Yourself in Various Ways

       C.Spend Your Free Time Wisely       D.Interact With Others Outdoors

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