

To most people, noise pollution is a jet flying over their head. For one Spanish woman, it is a neighbor playing the piano.The woman has taken her neighbor to court.Now she wants to send her neighbor to prison for over seven years on the charges of psychological damage and noise pollution.

In a country known for its noisiness, the case has raised eyebrows.Neighbors often complain about street noise in Spain, but people seeking prison time for someone practicing the piano is unheard of.At the trial, Sonia Bosom says she has been suffering noise pollution up to now due to the practice sessions of Laia Martin, who lives below her.Martin, 27, didn’t admit that she played at home that often, saying she took regular classes in other towns and mostly practiced at home on the weekends.

On the first day of the trial, the newspaper reported that Bosom told the court she now hated pianos so much that she couldn’t even stand seeing them in a film.

Bosom says years of hearing constant playing has caused her “psychological injury”.Medical reports show she has suffered from a variety of problems, including insomnia (失眠), anxiety, and panic attacks.

She says tests by local authorities have found that the sound levels made by the piano are up to 10 decibels (分贝) higher than the limit.City authorities have asked the family several times to either stop the piano playing or soundproof (隔音) the room.The family told the court they carried out soundproofing work twice but the complaints continued.

The court hasn’t made a final decision.A spokeswoman says the trial will end before May.

1.Bosom wants to send Martin to prison because _______.

A. Martin’s playing the piano damaged her health

B. Bosom suffered from heart attack

C. Martin refused to take regular classes in other towns

D. Martin flew a jet over her head

2.How did Laia Martin respond to the complaints?

A. She stopped playing the piano.

B. She soundproofed the room.

C. She didn’t admit she played at home.

D. She took her neighbor to court.

3.Which of the following may probably be the best title for the passage?

A. A 7-year Sentence Caused by the Piano

B. Pianist Charged with Noise Pollution

C. Health Problems of a Spanish Woman

D. Actions Against Noise by Local Authority




If you’ve ever been to a foreign country,you will know that fitting in isn’t easy. Chances are they will have a ________language and way of life. Here’s how to get a basic understanding on things________ going to a different country.

________ about the country. Get a base of knowledge. Where is the country located?What are their ________ foods?If you know someone who has been to the country,________ them to tell you a bit about the country.

Try basic phrases. If you do not know how to ________ their language,it will be hard to master the ________ language in a short time. Remember you will not have time to learn the whole language,so ________things like:asking for directions and ordering in restaurants. Learn these ________ along with the basic please,thank you,hello,and goodbye.

Try to meet someone who knows about or has been to the country. ________ it is a less known country,you may be out of ________ .In this case,search the Internet and the library.

Have a basic understanding of customs(习俗).If you do end up in a trouble ________your lack of customs,calmly explain you are ________ .Basic English customs are not the same around the world, ________as you get into Asia and Africa,but will ________a base for most European countries.

Handle your money well. Money can be ________ ,but cover all your bases. Understand the name of the monetary(货币的) ________ (i.e.dollars) and know the names of the coins or bills________the unit. Do this in your own country before ________ .Exchange your bills a couple of weeks before you go and practice ________ them. Know the basic conversion(兑换)(i.e.one pound is about two dollars).Recognize fair prices and know how to make basic money transactions(交易).

1.A.difficult B.native C.different D.terrible

2.A.until B.after C.before D.since

3.A.Tell B.Wonder C.Realize D.Learn

4.A.cultural B.wonderful C.strange D.traditional

5.A.argue B.ask C.discuss D.send

6.A.ignore B.practice C.accept D.speak

7.A.entire B.normal C.average D.general

8.A.focus on B.based on C.calm down D.settle down

9.A. stories B.names C.books D.phrases

10.A.If B.Though C.As D.When

11.A.practice B.mind C.sight D.luck

12.A.because of B.thanks to C.as for D.instead of

13.A.wrong B.accent C.foreign D.local

14.A.rarely B.especially C.usually D.hardly

15.A.provide B.inspire C.support D.refuse

16.A.shocking B.amazing C.confusing D.surprising

17.A.unit B.number C.amount D.power

18.A.above B.within C.behind D.below

19.A.setting off B.putting off C.cutting off D.turning off

20.A.paying B.recognizing C.answering D.charging


A. Drop-Bar Road Bikes

Generally lighter in weight than the typical mountain or comfort bike,road bikes are good for multiple pavement uses including fitness riding,commuting,long-distance/event rides,touring and racing.

Drop-bar handlebars are lightweight and aerodynamic and are a better choice if you want to go faster or are more concerned with efficiently transferring your energy into making the bike move forward. They also allow for a greater number of riding and hand positions than flat-bars.Their more aerodynamic riding position (bent over at the waist) may put more strain on your back if you are less flexible.

B. Flat-Bar Road Bikes

Flat-bar handlebars combine the efficiency of drop-bar road bikes with a slightly more upright riding position.This allows you to sit up in a higher and more relaxed position so you can better see the road and potential risks.An upright position also reduces strain on your hands,wrists and shoulders.This increased versatility comes with the tradeoff of being slightly less efficient (from an aerodynamic standpoint) than the typical drop-bar road bike.

C. Hardtail Mountain Bikes

Mountain Bikes are best for dirt or rocky trails and gravel roads; they are OK for pavement too (with tire change).

Hardtail bikes feature a front suspension fork and a rigid back with no rear suspension shocks.This type of mountain bike is much less expensive and lighter in weight than a typical full-suspension mountain bike.A hardtail is the more versatile choice if you plan to use it for both paved and unpaved surfaces.The tradeoffs from a full-suspension mountain bike? A hardtail is less able to safely handle more technical singletrack trails,provides less overall shock absorption and,in some situations,delivers less rear wheel traction.

D. Full-Suspension Mountain Bikes

Full-suspension mountain bikes have both front and rear suspension shocks making them ideal for backcountry trails or technical (steep,bumpy,twisty) singletrack.They also stand up to more aggressive riding including jumps or drops of up to 5 feet.As mentioned above,full-suspension bikes are more expensive and generally heavier than hardtail bikes.

E.Folding bikes

These bikes can be folded up and placed in a carrying bag,which makes them handy for commuters with limited storage space at home or the office.They are lightweight yet strong and can be folded up quickly and easily.Folding bikes are also a good choice for those who want to travel with their bike.

F.Electric-assist bikes

These bikes feature a battery-powered motor that can help you climb hills easily or make your commute less strenuous.Built-in sensors can monitor how much pressure you're putting on the pedals and then apply battery power accordingly.


1.Tom is a bike lover.He wants to buy a road bike that can go fast on the road. Speed is important but it is more important for him to see the road and stay safe,since the road on which he rides is often full of traffic.

2.Jack is an office worker.Every day he goes to work by subway.There is still a long way from where he lives to the subway station,so he decides to buy a bike,which can be easily put at home,on the subway train and his office.

3.Peter loves making long-distance journey by bike.When travelling,he has to climb hills or ride on rocky trails,which makes him too tired to go.He wants to continue his journey even when he is tired,but he doesn’t want to travel by car or ride his motorbike.

4.Mark is a bike enthusiast who often rides in the mountainous areas.Unfortunately,his bike was damaged when he was riding on the mountain.Now he is going to buy a new mountain bike.Being a rich man,Mark doesn’t care about the price of the bike,but it must be tough and flexible enough to jump and drop on the mountain road.

5.Jim needs a new mountain bike that can be ridden on both paved and unpaved surfaces.It doesn’t need to be too expensive.He hopes to buy a bike that is lighter in weight than a typical full-suspension mountain bike

What’s on Your Pet’s Mind?In 1977, Irene Pepperberg of Harvard University began studying what was on another creature’s mind by talking to it.Her first experiments began with Alex.Alex was a one-year-old African grey parrot and Irene taught him to produce the sounds of the English language.“I thought if he learned to communicate, I could ask him questions about how he sees the world.”

At the time, most scientists didn’t believe animals had any thoughts.They thought animals were more like robots but didn’t have the ability to think or feel.Of course, if you own a pet you probably disagree.But it is the job of a scientist to prove this and nowadays more scientists accept that animals can think for themselves.

“That’s why I started my studies with Alex,” Irene said, “Some people actually called me crazy for trying this.”

Nowadays, we have more and more evidence that animals have all sorts of mental abilities.Sheep can recognize faces.Chimpanzees (黑猩猩) use a variety of tools and even use weapons to hunt.And Alex the parrot became a very good talker.

Thirty years after the Alex studies began.Irene was still giving him English lessons up until his recent death.For example, if Alex was hungry he could say “want grape”.Alex could count to six and was learning the sounds for seven and eight.“He has to hear the words over and over before he can correctly say them.” Irene said, after pronouncing “seven” for Alex a few times in a row.Alex could also tell the difference between colors, shapes, sizes, and materials (e.g.wood and metal).Before he finally died, Alex managed to say “seven”.

Another famous pet that proved some animals have greater mental skills was a dog called Rico.He appeared on a German TV game show in 2011.Rico knew the names of 200 different toys and easily learned the names of new ones.When Rico became famous, many other dog owners wanted to show how clever their pets were.Another dog called Betsy could understand 300 words.

One theory for dogs’ ability to learn a language is that they have ben close companions to humans for many centuries and so their ability to understand us is constantly evolving (进化).While animals can’t do what humans do yet, some scientists believe that examples like Alex and Rico prove that evolution develops intelligence, as well as physical appearance.

1.Irene wanted to find out __________.

A. what a parrot thinks

B. why a parrot can speak

C. how parrots make sounds

D. if parrots speak English

2.Alex learnt new words by __________.

A. singing them

B. reading them

C. writing them

D. rehearing them

3.The two dogs mentioned in the article could _______.

A. understand some words

B. recognize strange voices

C. copy human gestures

D. tell different colors

4.The article concludes that ___________.

A. our pets understand what we say

B. dogs may speak to humans one day

C. humans are related to chimpanzees

D. mental ability can evolve in animals

Our plan was to drive into Cambridge, catch the 7:34 train to Liverpool Street Station, then to separate and meet again for lunch.We should have arrived at Liverpool at 9:19, but due to a typical London fog, the train had to move along so slowly that it was not until 10:30 that it got there.In spite of our late arrival, Joan, my wife’s sister, decided that she would go to see the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London while we went shopping.It was only after her sister had disappeared into the fog that my wife realized that we hadn’t decided where we should meet for lunch.Since I had our three tickets for the concert in my pocket, this was indeed a problem.There seemed to be nothing we could do except taking a taxi to the Tower of London, and try to find her there.Needless to say, we didn’t find her.

It was now one o’clock, and the concert began at 2:30.“Perhaps she will think of waiting outside the concert hall,” suggested my wife hopefully.By this time the fog was so thick that road traffic had to stop, and the only way to get there was by underground railway.Hand in hand we felt our way along the road to where we thought the nearest station should be.An hour later we were still trying to find it.Just as I was about to lose my temper completely when we met a blind man tapping his way confidently through the fog.With his help we found Tower Hill tube station just fifty yards down the road.

By now it was far too late even to try to get to the concert hall before the performance began at 2:30, so we decided to return to Cambridge.It took seven long hours instead of the usual two to make that journey.Nor were we able to get any food and drink on the train.Tired and hungry we finally reached home at ten, opening the door to the sound of the telephone bell.It was Joan; she had seen the Crown Jewels, had managed to get another ticket for concert, and had had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant near the hotel where she decided to stay for the night.Now she was ringing to discover whether we had had an equally successful day.

1.Why was Joan separated from her sister and her brother-in-law?

A. they could not see each other because of the fog.

B. Joan had not seen Crown Jewels.

C. They planned to do different things until lunch time.

D. The writer didn’t want to go to the concert.

2.What did the writer plan to do in the afternoon?

A. Go to the concert.

B. See the Crown Jewels.

C. Return to Cambridge.

D. Go shopping.

3.The reason why they didn’t all meet for lunch was that _______.

A. They lost their way in the fog

B. they forgot to make necessary arrangement

C. they waited at different places and didn’t meet each other

D. the couple couldn’t find the underground station

4.It’s quite clear that for Joan the trip to London had been ________.

A. spilt by the fog

B. quite tiring

C. rather disappointing

D. very enjoyable

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