

Millions of years ago dinosaurs (恐龙)lived on the earth. In the days of dinosaurs the whole earth was warm and wet. There were green forests and they could find enough to eat. Later, parts of the earth became cold and dry, and the forests there died. Then dinosaurs could not find enough to eat. This must be one reason why dinosaurs died out.

  We can guess another reason. New kinds of animals came on the earth. Some had big brains and were fast and strong. They could kill dinosaurs.

  There may be other reasons that we don’t know about yet. Scientists are trying to make more discoveries about dinosaurs.

  Dinosaurs were of many sizes and shapes(形状)Some were as small as chickens, while some were about 90 feet long.

  There were also terrible fights between dinosaurs. They might have happened more than 100 million years ago. Though there was no man to see any of the fights, we can be told by the animal’s footprints(足迹)that fight did take place.

1According to the passage, dinosaurs did exist (存在) only     on the earth.

A. for millions of years

B. millions of years ago

C. more than 100 million years ago

D. when it was warm and wet somewhere

2One reason why dinosaurs died out is that     .

A. there were too many dinosaurs

B. parts of the earth became cold and dry

C. the dead forests there could not supply them with enough food

D. they couldn’t find enough to eat

3One more reason may be that     .

A. new kinds of animals came on the earth

B. some fast and strong animals with big brains could kill them

C. some dinosaurs were as small as chickens

D. some big dinosaurs died in the fights

4We can see from this passage     .

A. scientists are trying to make some dinosaurs

B. dinosaurs are dangerous enough

C. dinosaurs are worth studying

D. scientists know nothing about dinosaurs

5That terrible fights can be explained by     .

A. footprints of the animals

B. imagination (想象)

C. rocks and forests

D. dinosaur’s eggs



1Millions of years ago dinosaurs (恐龙)lived on the earth.根据这句可知,本题选B

2、该题为语篇理解题。通过理解Later, parts of the earth became cold and dry and the forests there died. Then dinosaurs could not find enough to eat. This must be one reason why dinosaurs died out.可看出没有足够的东西可吃是恐龙绝种的原因。


4、该题为推理判断题。从文中There may be other reasons that we don’t know about yet. Scientists are trying to make more discoveries about dinosaurs来分析推理,恐龙还有待于进一步研究而且也值得研究。

5、该题为句义理解题。从Though there was no man to see any of the fights, we can be told by the animal’s footprints that fight did take place.可看出该题答案。






What makes a house a home? A home is a place of companionship with people in it who love each other, who are harmonious (和谐的) and closer with one another than with those in the workplace or with classmates at school. A home is a place that’s so magnetic(有吸引力的) that it’s difficult to leave. In a home there is love, sharing and appreciation, and the members help one another.

I have seen families on the street. But if they live, sleep, talk, and eat together, they are a family, even if they are poorly off. You don’t need a roof to make a home. The truly homeless are some of the rich people who build multi-million-dollar houses and are too busy to really live in them. The truly homeless are those who have turned their home into a hotel lobby. The parents work and the children misbehave. They don’t talk and eat together every day. They rarely see each other. The truly homeless people are those with babysitters, caretakers, gardeners and maids. However, people are unaware of this, as they are too busy making money outside the home that they don’t live in. This is another way of looking at the rich and the homeless. Who is to be pitied?

Control of the computer and the Internet is also important to make a house into a home. If the computer is on all the time, the house turns into an office, even if everyone is at home. Many homes these days are just offices. Human communication has stopped. The computer eats up all the time that one should be giving to others within the home. Using the computer moderately gives us time for play and communication, not with a screen, but with other people.

56. Which of the following may serve as the best title for this passage?

A. How to make a house a home?

B. What makes a house a home?

C. Who are truly homeless?

D. What is a home for?

57. The purpose of the first paragraph is to _________.

A. tell us that where there is home there is love

B. tell us what people think a home is

C. tell us the author’s concept(理解)of home

D. tell us how to have a happy home

58. The underlined word “those” refers to ________.

A. people who build multi-million-dollar houses

B. people who have lost their family members

C. people who don’t spend time with the family

D. homeless families living on the street in America

59. Which of the following is FALSE according to the passage?

A. A home is a place where you are willing to stay.

B. Even the poorest people can have a happy home.

C. Computers and the Internet are important for a happy home.

D. Sometimes it’s the rich that should be pitied.





Sarah Williams went to a boarding school. Here is one of the letters she wrote to her parents from the school:

Wentworth Girls’ school


July 20th

Dearest Mom and Dad,

I’ m afraid I have some very bad news for you. I have been very naughty and the school principal is very angry with me. She is going to write to you. You must come and take me away from here. She does not want me in the school any longer.

The trouble started last night when I was smoking in bed. This breaks the rules, of course. We are not supposed to smoke at all.

As I was smoking, I heard footsteps coming towards the room. I did not want a teacher to catch me smoking, so I threw the cigarette away.

Unfortunately, the cigarette fell into the waste-paper basket, which caught fire.

There was a curtain near the waste-paper basket which caught fire, too. Soon the whole room was burning.

The principal phoned for the fire department. The school is a long way from the town and by the time the fire department arrived, the whole school was in flames. Many of the girls are in the hospital.

The principal says that the fire was all my fault and you must pay for the damage. She will send you a bill for about a million dollars.

I’m very sorry about this.

Much love,


P. S.  None of the above is true, but I have failed my exams. I just want you to know how bad the things could have been!

56.Sarah wrote home to        .

         A.tell her parents about the fire               B.ask for a lot of money

         C.tell her parents she had failed her exams               D.tell her parents she had to leave school

57.Why did Sarah tell her parents the story about the fire?

         A.She wanted to worry them.

         B.She wanted to make them laugh.

         C.She wanted to make them less angry at the real news.

         D.She wanted to warn them about what the principal was going to do.

58.The letter before the P. S. was ________.

         A.mostly true                B.partly true                           C.all true               D.completely untrue

59.Sarah said the principal was angry because ________.

         A.she had failed her exams                               B.it was her fault that had caused the fire

         C.she had not made the phone call in time           D.she had been caught smoking in bed


第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题,第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题1分;满分45分)


Bollworms are a traditional threat to cotton crops.Young ones feed on the boll,the part of the cotton plant that contains the seeds.

A bacterium known as Bt is able to kill bollworms and some other pests.Bt is the short form for Bacillus thuringiensis.It was discovered in the early twentieth century.Farmers began using Bt as a natural pesticide(杀虫剂).

Then,in the 1990s,researchers found a way to grow cotton plants that contain a Bt gene.The genetically improved cotton plant produces liquid that kills bollworms.Farmers around the world are now growing an estimated fourteen million hectares of Bt cotton.

Cotton bollworms also attack other crops.But scientists in China recently reported that Bt cotton may help prevent bollworm in other crops growing nearby.

The study involved crops grown in six provinces of northern China between 1992 and 2008.The study area contained three million hectares of cotton and twenty-two million hectares of corn,peanuts,soybeans and vegetables.

The researchers say the study suggested that Bt cotton not only controls bollworm on the transgenic cotton,but also may reduce its existence on other crops.And that reduction,they say,may decrease the need for insecticide use in general.

But the researchers also pointed out concerns.They say bollworms could develop resistance to the cotton plants designed to resist them.And they noted that insects called mirids have become “key pests” of cotton in China.They said this is because of a decrease in pesticide use made possible by Bt cotton.

The researchers say they do not believe that Bt cotton alone can solve all insect problems.Instead,they say farmers in China should consider it just one part of pest management systems.

1.What is Bt in this passage?

A.It's a kind of hi-tech invention.                   B.It's a natural bacterium.

C.It's a kind of pest.                        D.It's a man-made pesticide.

2.Bt cotton has all the advantages EXCEPT that ________.

A.it resists bollworms

B.it does good to other crops growing around

C.it reduces the use of insecticide

D.it helps to develop new insects

3.The underlined word “ones” in the first paragraph refers to ________.

A.bollworms          B.cotton crops         C.cotton seeds        D.pests

4.From the passage,we can infer ________.

A.farmers around the world are now growing a large area of Bt cotton

B.researchers are probably now searching for new ways to solve other cotton problems C.bollworms could not exist in Bt cotton any longer

D.Chinese scientists found the way to grow Bt cotton


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