
     Talk about a real-life hero! Ten-year-old Larry Champagne from St. Louis, Missouri,   1   the brake on a
runaway (失控的) school bus. He saved himself and 20 other kids on board from disaster.
     It all happened in one terrible   2  . On the way to school, the bus driver, Ernestine Blackman, suddenly fell
asleep. Seeing the bus was running away, the other kids started to   3  , but Larry ran to the   4   and stopped
the bus.
     "At first I thought, 'We're going to die'," says Larry, "but after I hit the brake, I felt   5  ."
     Larry's quick action made news all over the country. He appeared on TV shows as a   6  . The bus company
gave Larry a big   7  . And his school gave him a medal of honor.
     "My grandmother   8   tells me to do what's right," says Larry.   9   did he know how to stop the bus? Larry
is something of a mechanic (机械师). He  10  his grandfather to work on his old truck. "He gets his hands dirty,"
says his grandfather. One thing is for certain: Larry knows where to find the brakes.
(     )1. A. hit  
(     )2. A. play 
(     )3. A. shout
(     )4. A. left 
(     )5. A. sick 
(     )6. A. hero 
(     )7. A. book 
(     )8. A. seldom                
(     )9. A. What 
(     )10. A. asks            
B. beat       
B. movie    
B. leave     
B. right      
B. safe      
B. boy      
B. photo                 
B. never    
B. When               
B. helps 
C. attacked                
C. accident      
C. sleep            
C. front                
C. terrible         
C. student       
C. smile              
C. always           
C. Where                  
C. advises   
D. knocked                   
D. story             
D. run             
D. back                    
D. dangerous                      
D. teacher       
D. gift               
D. almost             
D. How                        
D. orders    
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. B
     Most people who travel from China to the US find that, despite having studied English for years, they
have to "re-learn" it   1   arriving.
     Words that we learned in English classes are not   2   the same way here. To truly be part of the "melting
pot",   3   in English is not enough. You need an accent to stand out.
     When I first came to the US for graduate school, I was a   4   foreigner. I felt so out of place that I wanted
to hide everything about me that was "  5  ". To talk like an American became one of my goals.
     During my first term as a teaching assistant (TA), my students   6   they could not understand me. I learned
later from a study that this complaint was   7   among US students with an international TA. It is called the "Oh,
no!" syndrome (综合征):"Oh, no! Not another international TA, and not that   8   again!"
     So I imitated (模仿) the way   9   speakers talk and, over time, I made  10  good progress that American
friends started to  11  my English as having "almost no accent". I took this as a sign of my success. Ever since,
people have often  12  me for someone from many  13 : the Midwest, the West Coast, China, Japan, South Korea.
Most frequently, people think I am from California.
     But then suddenly, conformity (一致) was  14  a praise: If I talk like an American, am I still Chinese? If I lose
my Chinese accent, do I also lose my cultural identity? Am I denying my past by being  15  into a new culture?
     Now I  16  that a person's accent is a permanent record of their past cultural experience and it is a 17  of one's
exposure to diverse cultures.
     As a fourth-year student in the US, I am no longer a nervous foreigner. My nervousness has been  18  by a
desire to hold on to my cultural  19 . Now I consciously add some Chinese "accent" when I speak. I do not wish
to speak " 20 " English because I am proud of who I am.
(     )1. A. before     
(     )2. A. put        
(     )3. A. fluency    
(     )4. A. nervous    
(     )5. A. valuable   
(     )6. A. complained 
(     )7. A. interesting
(     )8. A. accent     
(     )9. A. other      
(     )10. A. so        
(     )11. A. praise    
(     )12. A. regarded  
(     )13. A. countries 
(     )14. A. more than   
(     )15. A. melted    
(     )16. A. doubt     
(     )17. A. mark      
(     )18. A. changed   
(     )19. A. origins   
(     )20. A. poor      
B. if          
B. pronounced  
B. sense       
B. stupid      
B. different   
B. whispered   
B. rare        
B. trouble     
B. native      
B. such        
B. encourage   
B. mistaken    
B. cities      
B. no longer       
B. joined      
B. regret      
B. way         
B. dropped     
B. beliefs     
B. Chinese     
C. from          
C. used          
C. quality       
C. strange       
C. dangerous     
C. told          
C. common        
C. Chinese     
C. popular       
C. much          
C. criticize     
C. treated       
C. states        
C. nothing but   
C. absorbed    
C. notice        
C. fact          
C. replaced      
C. knowledge   
C. perfect     
D. upon                  
D. understood            
D. interest              
D. curious               
D. foolish               
D. informed              
D. special               
D. English               
D. famous                
D. many                  
D. teach               
D. thought               
D. places                
D. not as important as            
D. connected             
D. realize               
D. matter                
D. taken                 
D. understanding         
D. British             
     For 52 years my father got up every morning at 5: 30 a. m., except Sunday, and went to work.I__1__
saw my father home from work ill.He had no hobbies, __2__taking care of his family.
     For 22 years, __3__I left home for college, my father__4__me every Sunday at 9?00 a. m..He was
always interested in my__5__, or how my family was doing, and I never once heard him__6__about his
lot (生活状况) in life.The calls even came when he and my mother were in other states.
     Nine years ago when I__7__my first house, my father,67 years old, spent three days__8__my house.
He would not__9__me to pay someone to have it done.All he __10__was a cup of tea, a paint brush and
to talk to him.But I was too__11__.I had a law practice to run, and I could not take__12__to hold the
brush, or talk to my father.__13__things happened several times later.
     The morning on Sunday.January 16,1996, my father telephoned me__14__, this time from my sister's
home in Florida.But the__15__came again at 4?40 p. m.that day.My father was in the__16__in Florida
with an aneurysm (动脉瘤). I got on an airplane__17__, and on the way, I__18__of all the times I had
not ta ken the time to talk to my father.I determined that when I arrived, I would__19__for the lost time,
and have a nice long talk with him.
     I arrived in Florida at 11?30 p. m., my father had__20__at 9?12 p. m..This time it was he who did
not have time to talk, or to wait for me.
(    )1. A. ever
(    )2. A. other than
(    )3. A. because
(    )4. A. visited
(    )5. A. work
(    )6. A. worry
(    )7. A. built
(    )8. A. repairing
(    )9. A. teach
(    )10. A. asked
(    )11. A. smart
(    )12. A. practice
(    )13. A. Different
(    )14. A. as usual
(    )15. A. call
(    )16. A. church
(    ) 17. A. immediately
(    )18. A. heard
(    )19. A. take up
(   )20. A. started out
B. never
B. rather than
B. before
B. praised
B. life
B. care
B. found
B. painting
B. advise
B. kept
B. upset
B. task
B. Similar
B. in pain
B. moment
B. school
B. happily
B. spoke
B. make up
B. given in
C. always
C. more than
C. although
C. telephoned
C. study
C. talk
C. purchased
C. cleaning
C. force
C. ordered
C. busy
C. tea
C. Funny
C. casually
C. situation
C. home
C. gradually
C. thought
C. turn up
C. passed away
D. often
D. or rather
D. since
D. met
D. plan
D. look
D. sold
D. decorating
D. allow
D. served
D. tired
D. time
D. Strange
D. finally
D. scene
D. hospital
D. carefully
D. demanded
D. put up
D. come back
     It was five minutes before midnight.
     "They should be home any time," Cindy thought as she finished the last touches on the chocolate cake
she was   1  . The cake didn't taste   2   because she had run out of sugar.
     The kitchen was in a mess (杂乱). Imagine a huge blender filled with all the things for making a chocolate
cake. Now the blender is turned   3  . High speed. Without the lid. Do you get the idea?
     But Cindy wasn't thinking about the kitchen. She was   4   for her parents to return so that she could
present her gift. She turned off the   5   and waited excitedly in the dark. At last she saw the car headlights
flashing and heard the key going into the front   6  .
     Her parents tried to come in   7  . Cindy suddenly turned on the light and laughed loud, "Ta-daaa!" She   8   
to the kitchen table, where the poor chocolate cake stood.
     But her mother's eyes never made it all the way to the table. "Just look at this mess!"
     "But Mom, I was only …"
     "Clean the   9   first thing in the morning!"
     "Honey," Cindy's father said gently, "take a look at the table."
     "I know-it's a mess," his wife said  10 . "The whole kitchen is a  11 ." She stormed up the stairs.
     For a few moments Cindy and her father stood silently,  12  knowing what to say. Finally she looked up at
him, her eyes red. "She never saw the cake," she said. From time to time we all allow ourselves to be  13  to
subjects of long-term importance by something that seems awfully important right now-but isn't. Muddy shoes,
lost lunch money and untidy kitchens are troublesome but what's a little mud compared to a child's  14 ? There
are times when we really need to see the mess in the kitchen, and times when we only need to see the  15 .
(     )1. A. getting
(     )2. A. good
(     )3. A. down
(     )4. A. anxious
(     )5. A. water
(     )6. A. window
(     )7. A. quietly
(     )8. A. fell
(     )9. A. bedroom
(     )10. A. nervously
(     )11. A. game
(     )12. A. none
(     )13. A. blinded
(     )14. A. self-awareness
(     )15. A. blender
B. ordering
B. strange
B. on
B. shocked
B. light
B. garden
B. hurriedly 
B. led
B. kitchen
B. confusedly
B. disaster
B. all
B. limited
B. self-control   
B. sugar
C. making
C. fresh
C. over
C. sorry
C. door
C. calmly
C. referred
C. bathroom
C. carefully
C. loss
C. neither
C. connected
C. self-defense   
C. cake
D. eating
D. salty
D. back
D. moved
D. radio
D. garage
D. sharply
D. pointed                    
D. study
D. coldly
D. surprise
D. either
D. introduced
D. self-respect
D. table

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