



1.What will the woman probably do?

A.Take a long walk.

B.Go to the country.

C.Take a good rest.

2.What book has the woman bought?

A..A history book

B.An English book.

C.A music book

3.What is the man going to do?

A.Give the ticket to someone.

B.Take another flight.

C.Catch the plane at 6∶00.

4.What does the man want?

A.He wants to play the typewriter.

B.He likes the typewriter.

C.He wants to replace the typewriter.

5.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.The study plan.

B.The school plan.

C.The vacation plan.




6.Why did the woman stop her car suddenly?

A.The man’s car hit her car.

B.A small child ran in front of her car.

C.The traffic lights turned red.

7.What would happen if the man got another ticket?

A.He would pay a lot of money for the damage.

B.He would lose his driver’s license.

C.He would lose his job.


8.When did the woman get to Canada?

A.Several days ago.

B.Last September.

C.Last month.

9.What’s the meaning of moonlighting?

A.A kind of toy.

B.A second job.

C.A kind of lamp.

10.How much does it cost the woman to get to the Pacific Hotel?





11.What do we know about the man’s neighbor?

A.He’s sleeping now.

B.He will have to get up early tomorrow.

C.He’s making noise.

12.What were the man and his friends doing?

A.They were having a rest.

B.They were having a birthday party.

C.They were having a celebration.

13.What were the man and his friends about to do?

A.Leave where they were.

B.End their activity.

C.Apologize to their neighbor.

14.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a hotel.

B.At home.

C.In the manager’s office.


15.How does the man feel about David’s way of sleeping?

A.It’s harmful.

B.It’s the best.

C.It’s strange.

16.How many hours does David sleep a day?




17.What does the man mean at the end of the conversation?

A.People should develop a habit like David’s.

B.People need longer hours of sleep.

C.People have different sleeping habits.


18.What were the professors doing?

A.They were sleeping.

B.They were reading.

C.They were talking.

19.Why did the other two professors come to the railway station?

A.To catch the train.

B.To say goodbye to Professor Egghead.

C.To meet Professor Egghead.

20.What do we learn about these professors?

A.They are absent-minded.

B.They are helpful.

C.They are serious.






1.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.Inside a fruit shop.

B.In an outdoor market.

C.In a restaurant.

2.What did the woman buy?

A.Apples, grapes and bananas.

B.Apples, peaches and watermelon.

C.Apples, grapes and watermelon.

3.How much did the woman pay for her fruit?





4.What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Travel guide and customer.

B.Driver and passenger.

C.Teacher and student.

5.Where are they going?

A.To an art gallery.

B.To the zoo.

C.To an art school.

6.What can be concluded from the conversation?

A.Miss James doesn’t like being compared to a camel.

B.Miss James doesn’t like animals such as camels.

C.Miss James can often be very stubborn.


7.What is the talk mainly about?

A.Sports in Australian high schools.

B.The interests of an Australian boy.

C.A small seaside city in Australia.

8.What can we learn about Bill?

A.He is good at chemistry.

B.He lives far away from the beach.

C.He enjoys watching films.

9.What can be concluded from the talk?

A.Sydney is about 100 km south of Wollongong.

B.Most students in Wollongong have part-time jobs.

C.Bill’s parents want him to study P.E at university.


10.Which section is worth the most marks?

A.Section 1.

B.Section 2.

C.Section 3.

11.At what time will the exam finish?

A.9∶30 am.

B.10∶30 am.

C.11∶30 am.

12.From whom can a student get help during the exam?

A.Ms King.

B.Miss Wall.

C.Mr smith.


13.Where are the books the man is interested in?

A.In Row C.

B.In Row J.

C.In Row G.

14.What is on the front cover of the book the man chooses?

A.A statue.

B.A soldier.

C.A stadium.

15.Why does the man choose the shortest book?

A.Because he doesn’t have much time to read.

B.Because he doesn’t enjoy reading.

C.Because the book has won many awards.




第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.On the airplane.

B.In the bookstore.

C.At the post office.

2.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Waitress and customer.

B.Husband and wife.


3.Where is Mary's husband now?

A.At the working place.

B.Outside having lunch.

C.At home.

4.When can the woman attend the conference?

A.Wednesday & Thursday.

B.Wednesday & Friday.

C.Thursday & Friday.

5.What does the man ean?

A.He doesn't like shopping.

B.He doesn't want to talk about his job.

C.He doesn't enjoy talking with the woman.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.What' the woman going to do on Saturday?

A.Go shopping.

B.Stay at home.

C.Walk along the street.

7.What does the man like?

A.Playing football.

B.Shoppin garound.

C.Watching basketball games.


8.Why did the man come to visit the woman?

A.To show her a beautiful plant.

B.To invite her to have some coffee.

C.To thank her for looking after his house.

9.What is the woman like?





10.Where does the man live now?

A.4E.229 88th Street.

B.5E.229 18th Street.

C.5E.229 88th Street.

11.What does the man want to do?

A.Make a research.

B.Rent the apartment.

C.Chat with the woman.


12.Which places does the woman want to visit?

A.Art galleries; Buckingham Palacel Hyde Park.

B.Museums; Hyde Park; Buckingham Palace.

C.Theaters; museums; art galleries.

13.Will the woman go shopping?

A.Yes, as she's interested in it.

B.No, as time is limited.

C.It depends.

14.What does the man probably do?

A.A guide.

B.A traveler.

C.A policeman.


15.What did the man do during the vacation?

A.He had to stay at home.

B.He visited the woman in New York.

C.He went to the beach with his family.

16.How was the weather like there?

A.It was wonderful.

B.It was always raining.

C.It was cloudy every day.

17.What can we know from the conversation?

A.The couple looked after the children every day.

B.The children got to know some new friends.

C.The parents are tired of going back to work.


18.When did theearthquake happen?

A.Between 4∶10 and 4∶12 in the morning.

B.Before 4∶00 in the morning.

C.At 4∶15 in the morning.

19.Why did John put some glass tubes into the case?

A.For experimenting.

B.For safekeeping.

C.For drinking.

20.What can we know from the speaker?

A.John had some trouble sleeping.

B.John put a key on the floor.

C.John is a scientist.




1.How did the man get there?

A.By air.

B.By bus.

C.By train.

2.What kind of insurance does the woman want to get?

A.Labor insurance.

B.Medical insurance.

C.Property insurance.

3.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Boss and employee.

B.Waiter and customer.

C.Teacher and student.

4.How many members are there in the man's family?




5.What do we know about the man?

A.He wants to visit Dr.Molloy.

B.He will take the place of Dr.Molloy.

C.He wants to ask for leave.



6.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a supermarket.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a hotel.

7.Where are the fruits and vegetables?

A.In the second row.

B.Near the entrance.

C.In front of the exit.

8.What does the woman choose?

A.A trolley.

B.A basket.

C.A bag.

9.What does the man think is a pity?

A.There was no TV before.

B.People believing the TV.

C.Everything is related to TV.

10.What pleases the man?

A.The number of Pay TV channels.

B.The programs on Pay TV.

C.The programs on Free TV.

11.What would the man spend most of time doing if there were 50 channels?

A.Surfing the Internet.

B.Spending all time checking the channels.

C.Watching advertisements.

12.What are the speakers discussing?




13.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Join a club.

B.Chat online.

C.Study French.

14.What is the relationship between the speakers?



C.Husband and wife.

15.What are the speakers talking about?

A.A job.

B.A job interviewee.

C.An employee.

16.What does the woman think of Candy?

A.She was unconfident.

B.She was impressive.

C.She was nervous.

17.What worried the man most about Candy?

A.Her dress.

B.Her speech.

C.Her behavior.

18.How many parties did the speaker have to celebrate?




19.Why didn't the speaker's parents come to her wedding?

A.They were old.

B.They were busy.

C.They couldn't afford the flight.

20.Where did the speaker plan to spend their honeymoon?

A.To Africa.

B.To Europe.

C.To America.




1.What does the woman imply?

A.The ticket was expensive.

B.She didn't buy the ticket.

C.There are still a few tickets left.

2.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.How to chop carrots.

B.How to make dinner.

C.How the woman's hand got hurt.

3.What has the man always wanted to do?

A.Start a newspaper.

B.Work for a newspaper.

C.Keep on writing journals.

4.Where does the woman want to go?

A.To a park.

B.To her home.

C.To the tailor's.

5.How will the man solve the woman's problem?

A.He will send the book to her himself.

B.He will cancel her order.

C.He will ask someone to send the book to her.




6.What part of the man's body hurts?

A.His arm.

B.His chest.

C.His heart.

7.What does the woman ask the man to do?

A.Take an examination.

B.Ask for a few hours off.

C.Telephone her later today.


8.Why did the man fail his exam?

A.He didn't prepare for it.

B.He hadn't worked hard before.

C.The questions were too difficult.

9.What will the woman do if she fails her exam in her country?

A.Pay money.

B.Re-take the exam.

C.Re-take the whole course.


10.What does the boy's grandmother like?




11.What do we know about the boy?

A.His train was late for an hour.

B.He cried when he saw his grandmother.

C.He stayed with his grandmother for a week.

12.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At home.

B.At a railway station.

C.At the woman's mother's.


13.What day is it today?




14.How long will the activity last?

A.For 3 hours.

B.For 6 hours.

C.For 9 hours.

15.Where is the speaker?

A.In a classroom.

B.In a bookstore.

C.In a Recycling Centre.






1.How many streets are there in the city?




2.What day is it today?




3.What does the woman mean?

A.Mary is with John now.

B.John is Mary's friends.

C.John knows where Mary is.

4.When will Linda arrive here?

A.Next week.



5.Why is the man here?

A.To visit the woman.

B.To see who lives the 4th floor.

C.To look for an empty apartment.




6.What did the young man try to do?

A.Get the old man' bag.

B.Help the old man up.

C.Collect his money.

7.Who is the woman speaking to?

A.The bank manager.

B.At customer.

C.A policeman.

8.Where does the conversation take place?

A.Outside the bank.

B.At the police station.

C.In the hospital.


9.What can we know about the man?

A.He has got a bit of cold.

B.He will go shopping to buy many things.

C.He is meeting Bob's girl friend and her parents tonight.

10.What does the man want to borrow from the woman?

A.Some drink.

B.Some glasses.

C.Some sugar.

11.How soon will the man come to the woman's?

A.In a quarter.

B.In half an hour

C.In an hour.


12.How many ways of seeing the Statue of Liberty does the woman mention?




13.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man only wants to pass by the Statue of Liberty.

B.There is a big museum on Ellis Island.

C.The man doesn't like the places the woman mentions.

14.What does the man decide to do first?

A.Have a look at the map.

B.Have a busy day.

C.Make a plan.


15.When did the man start saying his first word?

A.When he was about 24 months old.

B.When he was about 21months old.

C.When he was about 18months old.

16.What did the father do when the baby screamed that word at the airport?

A.He corrected the baby.

B.He tried to stop the baby.

C.He hid himself somewhere.

17.Why did the mother pretend not to know the baby?

A.She felt uneasy about the noisy baby.

B.She was frightened by the noise.

C.She got angry with the father.


18.According to the speaker, what should a person do?

A.Have his own way.

B.Make his decisions.

C.Consider the interests of others.

19.How many examples are mentioned in the talk?




20.Who should be responsible for the accident?

A.The car driver.

B.The motorist.

C.A walker.

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